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Everything posted by fikester

  1. looks good already dropping on Horizons 1270MHz :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 724 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 88 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Tue Jan 17 17:42:02 EST 2006 Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB download in 11.64 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 79.65 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-AEV6FJQPK
  2. thats the same sat Im pointed at....did you have TX code 10 sunday afternoon? How long since you been using Horizons1 ? Normally have good speeds until the evening hours then it slows way down
  3. Well Sunday came and gone (supposed to have a repoint that day) .... big surprise? a no show, he did call with the excuse of NOC problems. When I called the installers main office he said the repoint was cancelled due to being a Sunday ( why the heck would it have been schedluled for Sunday then )......This is the biggest joke multi billion dollar company ever to keep on running! They keep the funnies coming at our expense, funny thing is people just keep signing on..... its just hard to buy no installer is closer than 3hours away and booked for a week in advance on installs. How long would a repoint take if you do it all the time....15-25 mins tops? Most of Today was TX code 10 for me......direcway indicates failing transmitter as well
  4. How many test have you done on here testmy.net site during 7-9pm EST ?....your stats (with details) are not showing any info. Cant imagine if the router is set up correctly why would not properly at 2am? https://testmy.net/stats/7-tucson 1960
  5. IS that a Direcway dish I see beside the Swamp mans home (pic #2)?
  6. Call them everyday if possible to complain.....us sat users pay premium price, repairs in a case as this may go on for sometime! Get things moving with links below if they wont get you up to speed. Depending which plan your on Home account should be 700/125 .....pro account should be 1000/200 some slow down during peak hours, not 200/9 or 1000/9. They do a decent job of advertising, its the providing where the problem begins. http://complaint.bbb.org/ http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/complaints.html
  7. tonight is only the second evening since Dec 1...have tested all but 2-3 evenings during this time period. Dec 31 and Jan 13.....speeds dropped but were still 500+ down, rest of those evenings it drops to below 200 down. My re-point is Sunday 1/15, thats where they want me IA8, but don't know it will work because of tree line....unless they are paying premium plus price for timber don't think its going to happen, my compass could be off? Just don't think the re-point is the correct answer, unless everybody on Horizons 1270 is getting moved?
  8. My speeds are 900-1100 down and 175-214up all day long except between 4pm-midnight then I get 150-500down 38-190 up Its a joke....not an upgrade! Not sure what all sats are having problems.
  9. What sat are you pointed at? Seems many are having problems with the latest money maker Dway has released. You could mount a 4m dish don't think its the fix...save your money. If the speeds are good in the morning obviously the .74m is fine, problem is on the Dway end.
  10. file claim right here http://complaint.bbb.org/
  11. Another issue that is consistent with the DW7000, normal light rain will put the failed transmission errors easily above 40%. Having used a 6000 for almost a year on the same sat this was never an issue only with a downpour or severe thunderstorm. ITs not a signal or cross-pol problem on my end? So now basically any rain at all above a drizzle, renders uploads to impossible .....still able to browse with large pause between pages. Dway has got much work to do, maybe they should consider a recall on the 7000's !
  12. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 * * * Request timed out. 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 663 ms 718 ms 739 ms dpc6682026194.direcpc.com [] 4 732 ms 658 ms 718 ms dpc6682017025.direcpc.com [] 5 674 ms 689 ms 699 ms dpc6682016098.direcpc.com [] 6 716 ms 687 ms 718 ms dpc6682016090.direcpc.com [] 7 713 ms 648 ms 678 ms dpc6682016073.direcpc.com [] 8 693 ms 650 ms 668 ms so-5-1.hsa1.Washington1.Level3.net [ 29] 9 654 ms 728 ms 718 ms ae-1-53.bbr1.Washington1.Level3.net [ ] 10 723 ms 769 ms 708 ms as-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 11 723 ms 698 ms 748 ms ae-13-53.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 12 753 ms 738 ms 718 ms 13 774 ms 739 ms 708 ms vl31.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 14 723 ms 728 ms 688 ms vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 15 760 ms 728 ms 718 ms gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 5] 16 719 ms 738 ms 748 ms 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [ ] Trace complete.
  13. Testing about the same for me here, mydirecway, fileburst.com January 9th, 08:32PM - 173/96 kbps January 9th, 08:28PM - 212/148 kbps January 9th, 08:25PM - 177/143 kbps January 9th, 08:22PM - 184/146 kbps
  14. I am on the pro plan as well.....just wait until your sat slows down, your idea will change when you shell out cash for excuses, while they have "no idea now when or if it will get fixed"? Wrong!
  15. on phone with Dway right now....on hold of course. I now call in daily for "joke of the day ". I pay $69 a month for the personal joke service, the tech did not laugh
  16. Minutes ago mine was 1000.....its already in the 400's, will not get back to 1000 until 11-12pm another daily joke for 69 monthly. Games will not end soon enough, if all the problems accounts would file claims at BBB or call to cancel service this would get fixed.
  17. Nothing cosistent but the results......they SUCK! Pinging yahoo.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=3532ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=918ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=896ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=794ms TTL=51 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 794ms, Maximum = 3532ms, Average = 1535ms [glow=orange,2,300]record dway ping for me 3532ms [/glow] ! Lets try for a connection of 100kbps down with 4000ms pings and increase the install price to 1000 dollars!
  18. Almost a year ago when mine was first installed thats what happened the installer called to force it through. A few weeks later found the coax was junk and run too far. I fixed that mess myself. Cross- pol will change throughout the year as well as with the weather it seems. On a clear day at your home, and NOC with no approaching storms I would not settle with a 61 cross-pol. Early morning testing results in less Que times. Its still is not going to fix the speed problem that we are dealing with. Somebody recently posted a 99 cros-pol with speed issues.
  19. My cros-pol is always 80-89.....still having problems. Usual signal is 79-81 Did not have this problem with the 6000 every evening only with the upload speed. IF you cant pass cros-pol your dish needs adjusted.
  20. I have read about other IP's having restrictions of some type....maybe not as low as Dways or enforced if it all? Neither of the company's would have any service speeds at all to speak of without the FAP, too many hogs. Dway cant seem to provide service with a very low enforced FAP in place. Wild blue has at least acknowledged they are full on certain beams....no more installs in certain areas. Dway would just keep em coming. WB is on the right path, they will soon dominate the sat business...first with the home users then soon to follow cooperate accounts. Dway has now picked them up on radar, no mistake about that....
  21. Very wide spread issue....hopefully they will soon fix, but don't hold your breath. When you call get a case # and then be persitant that you talk to next level support. Also you can file a claim with BBB on-line. The more of us who do something just maybe they will spend some money to accommodate the load. They boat about the number of subscribers, but problem is the systems can handle the load of people simultaneously. Bad thing is nw customers are being pointed every day usinf even more....so as time passes the speeds will continue to drop even slower.
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