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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. Its set to full, is that bad?
  2. Yes screen is totally fine and where would i find the hardware acceleration option in wmp 11? Edit: heres my settings under performance
  3. Well recently ive been having problems playing .avi files in windows media player. I was using wmp10 so i decided to go to 11 and figured it would help, but it didnt. It often is discolored and sometimes i see big transparent color bars going through the screen, i removed and reinstalled my codecs once to see if that would help, but no luck. Any suggestions?
  4. Idk dude, its really REALLY stretching it.
  5. I didnt take it wrong at all.
  6. No im affraid it will ruin my life. Im known to get addicted to things easily. Such as games, and stupid things. I will never do it. Nor will i do any drug. I want to live a long, healthy and good life.
  7. pfffft your so wrong -.-... 897
  8. I think its the other way around, most people dont want family's doing work for them a. because they know the person will give a discount and would feel bad taking the right amount of money. and b. if something goes wrong, its gonna be akward and can lead to fights in the family which sucks lemme tell u.
  9. Ryan314


    Look at it this way, would you want stars carved out of gold, or out of orange skins?
  10. you wanna marijuanize the schools? "hey mommy how do they get money to make our schools nice?" mother- "Well they sell marijuana honey" :2funny:
  11. Shug found a good article, MMkay? everyone should read this. MMkay? i still will never try marijuana
  12. Under the feedback on the cheaper one you posted there, a few people have reported it dying within a year of getting it so watch out.
  13. Ryan314


    Ive had an orange star since sophist member came out i think u did too
  14. Ryan314


    hehehe, its like the food chain.
  15. Ryan314


    ^^ yes Sr. I'm sorry Mr. news anchor
  16. Ryan314


    Well there are different ranks, most ranks go by the amount of posts you have but there are some special ranks such as admin, moderator, global moderator, vice admin, sophist member, and news reporter i believe. So unless you have a special rank as listed above you will have a certain amount of stars going by your post count. Im a sophist member so i get an orange star. The more you post the higher the rank. Sorry if its not clear, im tired.
  17. No it was definately free for one year. And im thinking the year is about up. I used to call my friends with it cuz the voice changer worked very good, one time i called my friend and i was a chicken. Oh my god i never laughed so hard in my life
  18. They have had it for free for the last year, i guess they decided to make u pay now?
  19. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Good idea, wish i woulda done that Ive gone through 5 of the ps2 headsets.. and im using them for my comp not the ps2. I guess they are made crappy, but extremely comfy lol.
  21. ya i know that its the right link, but idk what ww2 is
  22. This is off topic but what is "www2." ???
  23. Its a good card. I have a 6600 its very outdated and i run most games very well, 7600 is a very good choice imo. You would probably want to go with more ram as the others said as well. What kind of socket do you have in your PC you should definately get a core 2 duo, They are very good processors.
  24. Well i believe most Laptops come with built in wireless cards, if yours doesnt you will need a laptop wireless card. Thats about it.
  25. Well you would need a wireless card for the laptop. Do you already have a network (I.E router modem etc.) And if you want the desktop to be wireless you need a wireless card for that or if you dont want it wireless and the router is close to the desktop you can just use an ethernet cable to connect them. Main question is do you already have a modem and a router, And internet service.
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