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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. 3700+ is supposed to run at 2.2ghz - ...2nd thing i would be worried about is 1.55volts - geez.....the stock voltage for a 3700+ is supposed to be 1.36, i have the same processor
  2. are you using aol's browser to test or something like internet explorer
  3. yeah...go into your bios, make sure you multiplier is set to 11 and that your fsb is a standard of 200 - also, you can turn of cool and quiet - nothing bad will happen...cool and quiet lowers your processor voltage and speed when you are not doing anything heavy - and it should switch back to full speed when it sees the need....i would just turn it off
  4. or 2 .... lolz
  5. my 120mm fan when running max speed is i think 28db and i find it unacceptable....thats why i got myself a fan controller
  6. 49.5 is pretty damn loud for a fan
  7. any fan will do - id watch for those high cfm fans...125cfm will move a lot of air but will be incredibly loud.... i highly recommend these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16835129030 Air Flow 79CFM Noise Level 29.8dBA
  8. i think that it depends where you buy it - if its a local store, i think they would replace your monitor no matter what - if its an internet based store you bought the monitor at - they might be a bit stricter
  9. but im sure you can damage it as well
  10. ive brought back to life few dead pixels that way personally.....
  11. sometimes you can get a dead pixel to start working by firmly pressing your thumb (or whatever you want) gently on that spot - massage it it might work...im not kidding you
  12. i love this monitor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824116375 19inch, great specs, and a 2ms response time its gooooooooooooood
  13. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mac/2005/11/18/video-ipod.html they set it up using a simple a/v cable
  14. wierd way of cooling a computer lol
  15. i dont have that prob...my gf likes pr0n as much as i do hehehehheh
  16. you can just right click and disable it ..... im sure you can delete it permanently out of that folder if you wanted
  17. ive had different experience....to say that switching from paste that came with the heatsink and the arctic silver 5 i use now didnt change the temperature i would be lying....for me it lowered both the idle and the load temperature by about 5-6c
  18. peltier cooling = ive used 2-3 setups before, and honestly....its by far the most inconvinient method of cooling a processor here is a very good piece of reading material on this - and explains everything: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38367 .....too acquire good cooling with a tec, you will need a good peltier plate - there is a formula in that reading material that will give you an approximate temperature that you should have after the entire setup - you will be surprised how ugly it can get .... with that 72watt peltier i would excpect the temperature to skyrocket - honestly.... good reading right there in that link ....my recommendation for cooling is to simply invest money in a good heatsink and a good case edit: also..when i say you will need a good peltier plate, i mean something with a much larger watt rating - but that also backfires...the larger watt rated pelt plate you get, the more temperature you have to take out with another way of cooling it
  19. that fan is so loud man ... geez
  20. fandora = fedora ? right lol alinux = too much like windows xp .... i dont like it much
  21. never tried debian before.....is it good ?
  22. im personally leaning towards gentoo - or i might even do gentoo and something else
  23. i will make the guide work along with free/easy to use software - i personally use partition magic, but not a lot of people have access to it - so I will most likely use rescue disc or something similar
  24. i guess i might as well just do it
  25. .....I will soon be, again, installing linux on my computer and I am wondering whether there are people on this forum who are interested to do the same but they might have 2nd thoughts because it might seem complex i am willing to do a detailed writeup on this if there is a good number of people interested - also, if you are interested, please state which distribution of linux you are interested in
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