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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Or there might be issues with drm. Are all the songs ones that he's personally ripped from his cds?
  2. Welcome to the forum DeedeeT. Could you clarify if these emails are going outside you network to recipients that are not on your network (people who don't work at your small company). If this is the case then yes uploading 2meg emails to 10 people is going to put a lot of strain on a 1mb line. While these emails are being sent it is using all available upstream bandwidth and leaving none for the other people who may just be surfing, but at that time it is very sluggish. You may want to consider limiting each computers bandwidth to a certain speed, this way when the send a large email they aren't able to saturate the whole line, just the portion of bandwidth that you allow to be their max speed.
  3. hey.mpaa.and.apb.bite.my.shiny.metal.ass.thepiratebay.org, pirate bay rocks.
  4. Welcome to the forum davca In ideal circumstances you can expect to get 90% of your advertised speeds, so for you about 900kbps. Could you please give a little more information about your setup: Do you have a router, wired or wireless, do you have antivirus protection, is it free of spyware? Please post a speed test and traceroute. (click start, run, type cmd, ok, type in tracert testmy.net enter and copy that and paste)
  5. The attic is a possibility. I might just have to spend a little more and a get one of these http://www.hyperlinktech.com/web/nema_enclosures.php to put everything in on.
  6. Lol no, but I still wanted them to win. First time that they didn't qualify since 1958.
  7. Ok, I wasn't sure. So I'd prolly be better off running ethernet and actually putting the router on the roof. Cat5 is like 300 feet right?
  8. Anybody have a ballpark figure for me? So I know about how long I can run it?
  9. Russia!!
  10. Wow, about two minutes just listening to that I wanted to wring that customer service guy's neck.
  11. I need to get an antenna on my roof for my wireless network. Right now I've determined it would be cheaper to just run the cable for the antenna to the roof rather than put the whole router and everything in a weather proof box. Question is how far can I run the cable for the antenna? I understand that it looses some amount of signal the further it is run, but how much? If it matters it will be rp-sma.
  12. I don't know, but damn that blue lady is funny.
  13. Just plain old cable internet, they are increasing the speeds to compete with fiber providers.
  14. Yea if you could get an antenna up on that roof, or some tower to get a clear los over that building you should be set.
  15. Show me a cell-phone provider that has broadband for 4.94.
  16. I've got that exact same thing on my 6600gt, keeps it nice and cool.
  17. Ok, but I'm looking for an omnidirectional antenna 12dbi would be nice.
  18. Those are both nice bikes, but I would get the Buell.
  19. Any recommendations? I'm looking for an omni-directional for my whr-g54s(rp-sma). Also what do you guys think about upgrading the antenna on a router? Is it worth it? I think I read that the standard antenna on a router is about 2dbi, but I've seen ones for sale that would work that are 9dbi and reasonably priced. Will going from 2 to 9 improve my signal and coverage?
  20. Yea, even though 802.11g is 54mbps you'll prolly never see more than 30.
  21. Nice. Does it stay much cooler? Just a hint, but be careful of dust now that your computer is indeed naked.
  22. Yea I get the same thing, looks like it's working.
  23. Xp pro. Should I look on hp's website? Or should I look for a generic driver?
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