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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I've raised the transmit power as well as overclocked the router's cpu.
  2. Mine definately got faster as far as network speeds once I overclocked my router. (yes you can overclock your router)
  3. I just upgraded my buffalo from v23 to v23 sp1 rc4 and must say I like some of the new features.
  4. Hmm were's testmy.net? Guess we need to keep working to get it to top 50.
  5. Ok thats what I was thinking, like when I had my old p4 with ht. You could assign certain processes to certain cpus, but it was really only theoretically 2 cpu's, ht just made it switch back and forth between the two threads I guess you could call them.
  6. I'm sooooo eager to go out a grab one of them 805's, but I've told myself I need to wait and see what next gen cpu's will be coming from intel and amd, maybe quad core .
  7. I found the story but can't find a link that works for it.
  8. If I were to get a dual core processor, prolly opteron 165, and I ran folding on one core, would the other core be free to run whatever I'm doing, games, word etc? Or when I'm not doing anything, have to foldings running, one on each core.
  9. Party on indeed, just jumped up to 20 .
  10. Nope, never heard of them. Do you have them currently, or are you planning on getting it?
  11. Did your old nvidia perform much better?
  12. 1and1 is the best. I've got their 500gig transfer package and its great. If you want to see what kind of speeds you get from 1and1 you can test from my mirror, also maybe a traceroute to 1and1.
  13. Hopefully they don't have a contract with vonage .
  14. This is a good site for hard to find drivers: http://www.driverscollection.com/?file_id=32466
  15. I would pay for that, a trunk monkey is better than onstar anyday.
  16. 60C is very hot for a processor. Get some fans in there right away.
  17. Thats interesting, 750 gigs is a big drive.
  18. This is gonna make some great competition between intel and amd.
  19. Haha, didn't check his age. or maybe he's a super senior.
  20. Hmm, whats perpendicular recording? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16822148134
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