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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Can't remember the longest I've ever ran it, but it's on 24/7. Every couple months I gotta restart though.
  2. How old are you?
  3. I belive those are poweriso files. Basically daa is a iso like file.
  4. I definitely like Epson's ink and will pay a bit more for cartridges if I have to. It's saved me twice when I spilled coffee on document I had printed out, somehow epsons ink is water resistant or something so that when it comes in contact with liquid it doesn't smudge and run.
  5. Try disabling norton firewall.
  6. Backup your important files and format.
  7. It's just about identical to chase's real site.
  8. This reminds me of that silly idea of not buying gas for one day .
  9. Why would I not spend money tommorw? (sorry guess I'm not exactly sure what's supposed to happen tommorw)
  10. That looks exactly like linspire. http://www.osnews.com/img/1.png
  11. Folding of course.
  12. Mines a constant 100%.
  13. Yes...
  14. What's everybody thinking about the draft? I was kinda surprised Mario Williams went number 1 overall... Anyways being a Packer fan, I'm glad they got AJ Hawk and a few WR's.
  15. When you first get it you may want to partition it if it isn't allready.
  16. Whatever files you copy to the external hardrive will be available to any computer you connect it to, wether that computers internal hardrive (the one with windows installed) had just been formatted or not. You could also share the external drive over your network to make it accessable to other computers.
  17. If you have a router a software firewall isn't necessary, but a good idea anyway. I use avast and sygate and am very happy with both.
  18. Just climbed up another, 23 now .
  19. When you get it, I would just partition it and then copy all your files on to it. Then reinstall windows and you should be fine.
  20. Yikes, don't tell osama about those.
  21. Really? Will the newer versions even recognize my sataII drives?
  22. I saw this awhile ago, pretty cool with all the screens he's got.
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