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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Yea its not like they were priceless digital photos or something, just some porn lol.
  2. He wants an invite to torrentleech.org.
  3. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
  4. Do you have acrobat installed?
  5. You'll need the forward the port that your trying to connect to with vnc. I'm not sure if verizon blocks 80 or not.
  6. Thanks, I'm very pleased.
  7. Did you forward the port at home if you have a router?
  8. I see, I just bought a 6200 for my media center pc so I could hook it up to a tv and was upset to find it had a fan on itl
  9. Yea, just look for a cheap g router and adapter.
  10. Doesn't the 6200 come with a fan?
  11. He only needs one wireless card if one pc will be next to the modem and router cause he could just use an ethernet cable.
  12. It's good to know the server can go that fast .
  13. So you need to get a router and just one wireless card if the one pc will be directly connected to the router.
  14. If you just have it installed on one computer its pointless as you have nowhere to connect to...
  15. You'll need to buy a wireless router and then wireless adapters for both computers. You could save some money by shopping online like at newegg but if you need it now bestbuy, circuitcity, or some other local store will have what you need.
  16. I think there were some defectors. Also this from wikipedia : Those who tried to hide were tracked down and killed by Jones's armed guards but some survivors did manage to escape into the jungle. Jones's only natural son, Stephan Jones, who happened to be away during the suicide, asserted in an interview that people were probably not coerced but wanted to remain loyal to the group and its ideals and did not want to be seen as traitors.
  17. Don't worry, it was really directed more to indestructable.
  18. Those are good speeds, where are you testing from?
  19. Theres things like b, g super g, pre n etc which are different wireless standards. How far will you need the wireless to reach? Will the router be in one room and the pcs in just the room other? Explain the layout, this will help us determine what kind or router will suite you.
  20. When it comes to energy drinks, I'm addicted to rip it's. There is a local distributor near where I live so I can get a case of 24 at wholesale price.
  21. Do you chew the peanuts and swallow the coke at the same time, or is it just for flavoring?
  22. If you have a 2meg connection in uk thats pretty good to new york
  23. Honestly, you could probably find a cheap online store for cables, but it might be more cost efficient to make your own. If you don't know how maybe someone at testmy.net could tell you how, or make some for you and give you a super deal .
  24. Welcome to the forum tacheon . Is your computer clean? No virues, spyware etc? Do you run a firewall, antivirus, are you connected wirelessly? More info would be helpful.
  25. Maybe she thinks you're acting like a 3 year old. 3 yo (year old)
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