I'm not sure, but I remember when I downloaded a zip with thousands of fonts my whole computer slowed down especially programs like word that had to load all of those fonts. Why don't you just choose the ones you like and delete the rest?
He basically recommended burning dvd's at slower speeds as it generally gets better quality. If you plan to burn a dvd at 4x to preserve quality, why would you buy a possibly more expensive 16x?
I assume the test changes every year with the release of new operating systems, hardware etc. If I were to take the test today, would it be based off of xp, or like 98? As for the pdf's what year are they for, or does that not even matter?
I'm looking to become A+ certified. Basically I want to find something to study from for the A+ test like a website, book, or software. Does anyone have experience with any A+ books, online courses? Has anybody recently gotten A+ certified?
It might be able to only go so fast because its going from one wireless computer to another wireless computer. In my case it was one wireless to router, to wired computer. From one wifi to another wifi could place more strain on the router's cpu and it might not be able to handle high speeds, just a guess.
What channel do you have your network set to?
Do a site survey and see what other networks are using around you? Then choose a channel that is the furthest away from all the channels in use. (If that made any sense)
Wifi loses a lot of speed compared to a wired computer. I seem to only be able to get like 25Mbps when transferring from my wired computer to wifi computer. Generally with 54g if you can get close to 30 thats good as its near impossible to get the full 54. What tweak file do you have on now? Maybe try a faster one and see if that does anything? I have the 100/100 css on the wireless computer when I was testing speeds and just left it on there because I was pretty satisfied with it.
Ooops, I just assumed this was on a lan network, is that the case?
I feel sorry for old folks, or just people with poor credit who get sucked into that shit. They would've been better off just saving up a little bit and then buying a computer, not paying bluehippo for 52 months.
What type of file?
That works for jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp, mp3, txt, avi, wmv, mpg, mpeg, doc, zip, rar, wmv, wma as large as 150 megs.
I'm looking to add a water mark to some photos I have scanned. Does anyone know of a program that would allow me to do this to all of them at once, just set the water mark and it will add it to all the photos I select? I know I can do this in by adding text and just turning the brightness up, but I'd like a program that would do all the pictures at once instead of doing it individually.
Thats why they've been charging so much, because when their use of pirated software was found out they knew they would need a S#!t load of money for legal fees.