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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Vista was on torrents a long time ago, back when it was still longhorn even.
  2. My athlon xp 2400 poons all y'all, overclocked to 8.5Ghz .
  3. Try uninstalling the drivers completely, restarting and trying to install again. Heres a site with drivers that should work http://list.driverguide.com/list/company619/index.html.
  4. You can change the fsb and multiplier, if you've never overclocked before I would suggest you learn a bit, maybe read a guide or something. Do you have stock cooling on it?
  5. I too would've suggested Partition Magic, maybe a few years ago before being bought by symantec. I now use Partition Manager.
  6. Can you take the card out and look at it? Maybe you could go into your ebay buying history and see what the listing was called so you can find out what model it is.
  7. Nope, hubs and switches don't give out ips. A router and modem can though because most have and use dchp.
  8. Are you going to overclock it? Fx's have unlocked multipliers.
  9. Lol sounds like 24.
  10. Socket 939's are amazing for overclocking. I overclocked my 148 700MHz and its 100% stable .
  11. I'm thinking the modem maybe gave out another ip or something . Hopefully it works and you don't get charged extra for a second ip.
  12. I want to say you can use windows internet connection sharing and get it to work. I've always had a router so I don't have much experience with ics, somebody else should be more knowledgable on this.
  13. If possible return the hub and pickup a router. A router will fix your 1 ip problem because it gives out local ip's generally 192.168 something. You could probably find a wired router for cheaper than that hub. What do you need 16 ports for, and isn't that hub only 10meg lan?
  14. What package are you on? Thats amazing, I think unless it's cached.
  15. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q318027 That might resolve the issue.
  16. asu.edu Looks to me like arizona state university.
  17. Are you interested in trying?
  18. Are the speeds that bad wired?
  19. AHHHH!! (throws cellphone and radio out the window)
  20. I hope this doesn't get as bad as those ie vs firefox threads. Anyway I'm an Amd person all the way until intel comes out with something to dethrone the Amd 64 as king of gaming and overclocking.
  21. The product key should be on your xp install disc, sometimes on purchased computers they put like a sticker on it with the key. Is yours custom, or bought?
  22. Symantec corporate is great for businesses but norton is just plain terrible.
  23. So after submitting that they just contacted you and told you how to get vista and test it?
  24. http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/001184.php Homestead Toilet Lid Sink A Sink in the Top of your Toilet You already know why it's good! -- Jeff Hoover [After you flush the toilet, incoming water cycles up through the sink before going down to refill the toilet tank. Water is used twice: Once for hand washing, and a second time for the next flush. -- CP] Toilet Lid Sink $89 Available from Real Goods Manufacturer not listed. Seems like it would be a good thing for airplanes, to save space or something.
  25. Nobody is sure yet what the upgrade nationwide will be, but some places in Florida have been upgraded to 7/512 I think for the basic package.
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