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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I've got the cash, but I'm just wondering If I'm going to see any difference in upgrading to a newer 8 megapixel camera vs my current 7.2. Looks like Sony came out with the dsc-p200 which is basically the dsc-p150 which I have with a few changes to the lcd so the p150 is still a pretty good camera.
  2. You will all have free wireless internet access, can share files and printers. Theres lots of disadvantages as far as security goes to just setup a free unsecured wifi network. If I were going to do this I would want to make some $$$ http://wifitastic.com/.
  3. http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/productDetail.do?oid=138969&catOid=-13062&com.broadvision.session.new=Yes&BV_UseBVCookie=No This is one of the cameras I've concidered, is it worth it to upgrade from my current camera?
  4. Earthlink receives discounts from the cable companies and is therefore able to sell it at a cheaper rate then if you just want internet and no tv service. http://www.earthlink.net/highspeed/pricing/
  5. How is it connected, svideo? You may want to look into vga-hdmi that will give you just about the best picture possible.
  6. How much are you paying for internet now? Earthlink, which resells comcast and rr has the 6meg service for 45.95 a month. So with that and vonage is about 70 bucks, what are you paying now in total?
  7. I'm looking to upgrade my digital camera to something with a few more megapixels as a friend offered me some money for my current camera. Right now I have a dsc-p150 7.2megapixel sony camera which has served me well and I really like. I would like to stick with the compact digital camera like the p150 as I'm not ready to haul around an slr, I want something I can slip in my pocket. I know theres more to digital cameras then just megapixels which is why I want to hear your personal experience or thoughts. Thanks
  8. I can't even imagine having that many computers wow!
  9. Any way you can encrypt your calls if you have a internet voip provider? A regular phone line is pretty easy to tap, so if vonage and others get encryption it could end up more secure than pots.
  10. Have you tried changing any settings in your router? Virus and Spyware free?
  11. Is this a home connection? How many do you need blunted?
  12. Theres parts readily available on most water cooling sites but I haven't really seen many all-in-one kits, maybe because its a more extreme type of cooling and they figure people would for the most part build their own.
  13. I know my phone company offers a package for like 10 dollars a month which I was considering getting along with their dsl and then vonage, but cable and vonage turned out to be cheaper.
  14. For any dsl service you will need a phone number that is an active line with a dial tone. Some companies offer dsl with no phone line needed but it usually costs extra because that company rents the line from a local telco. See what the cheapest phone package bellsouth offers and add it with the dsl and voip charge and see if you would still save any money.
  15. One I remember is that i2dscruffy or something, he had like 5 usernames.
  16. Yea looks good, the 3700 is a great cpu, good for overclocking. (If your overclocking check ebay and see if you can find an opteron 148 with good stepping. I've got a pretty poor 148 stepping and overclocked to 2.9 stable.)
  17. Ok, cause I was just gonna say you could save a lot of money if you went with a non sli board.
  18. Why the sli mobo? Do you plan to upgrade to dual 7900's?
  19. 33rd place for me.
  20. 40ish?
  21. Looks pretty good, I've always had google as my homepage but might try out yahoo for awhile.
  22. Because its being reencoded to dvd format which takes more space. With some programs you can set the limit to 3 gigs of how much you want the video file to take up or the whole 4.7.
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