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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. This guide will help you learn how to use torrents http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=890.0
  2. Oops just remembered those are shutdown. Try http://thepiratebay.org/ or http://www.mininova.org/
  3. "There are many sites devoted to BT, start with these http://www.torrentsearch.us/ http://www.suprnova.org/" Thats from the article posted
  4. You can bash bittorrent all you want and say its gay but I think its the best because it performs better than bearshare or anything else I've used.
  5. Hmm idk what the problem is cause I just updated last week to the newest version.
  6. Yep lw pro gives you more speed.
  7. Thats weird, but were you downloading anything when you checked?
  8. http://www.sda-asia.com/sda/news/psecom,id,5483,nodeid,4,_language,Singapore.html Sygate will be no longer releasing updates, but of coures you can use the old versions still.
  9. Yea. IMO 108 megs of memory is a bit of hog unless its a game...but azureus is definitely worth it.
  10. If you use bittorrent correctly you will see nice results, I included a shot of how fast I'm downloading right now, would be a lot faster If my brother wasn't on xbox live right now.
  11. If you have a decent computer I'd recommend azureus, its a bit of a resource hog but it well worth it if you use all the options it has. If not then abc should work just fine.
  12. Your welcome
  13. Just the article I was looking for.
  14. Bitlord and bitcomet are known to report ratios incorrectly (ul:dl) so some people don't upload to bitcom/lord users which could explain your slow speeds.
  15. Check your pm's REV0LUTI0NIZED.
  16. Then its possible you were downloading from a poorly seeded torrent, maybe a bad tracker, or you limited your upload to nothing and people were choking you.
  17. Its a torrent file so you need a bittorrent client to open it.
  18. By firewall I meant router, you need to forward a port for bittorrent.
  19. Used correctly bittorrent is definately the fastest and most efficient file sharing program/technology.
  20. agreed
  21. I've always been a fan of opera.
  22. Yea the free version installs a bit more than just bearshare itself, at least when I tried it last. Now I'm stickily limewire and bittorrent.
  23. What is your definition of safe, not getting caught by the riaa, not getting viruses? If its not getting caught as long as you don't upload you will be pretty safe with both limewire and bearshare. As far as viruses if you have a decent antiviruse it should catch any if you happen to download something infected.
  24. Nice upload, what package do you have and where are you located?
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