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Everything posted by Voltageman

  1. Normally you uprgrade firmware through the router itself...There should be a section in the router to update it...It will ask you to locate the file(same as doing an attachment here), then it will load the new firmware.(some have option to search for new firmware also). Log into the router. Its under one of the menus..(mine is under tools/firmware for example)
  2. Yeah I know I'm pure evil!
  3. so true...I've read articles where they tested pcs(on high speed connections), by basically installing windows, enabling the network connection, and not updating it or enabling firewall or antivirus, and within like 5-10 minutes they were infected...
  4. Overheating can cause those problems..Clean it out good..Get the dust off the fan blades, leave the case open, and run it.....see if it still reboots.. Is it near a radiator/baseboard by chance?
  5. A friend of mine had same problem with his ATI card, and had to roll back to an OLD driver, and it fixed the problem...If he updates the driver, he crashes...Not sure if he's found a reason/fix yet...
  6. You broke it!
  7. I've read some posts doubting whether or not Cablenut can really help with their speeds...So I decided to do a little experiment.. I got rid of the cablenut tweaks and any other tweaks I had, rebooted, and tested...Then applied to appropriate settings, rebooted, and retested...I think the results speak for themselves... -----With cablenut tweaks removed----- The fastest test I got... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 13219 Kbps about 13.2 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 1614 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.bafserv.com Test Time::
  8. Then its NOT PCI-E, and could very well be PCI...But could be agp..
  9. As long as your board has just PCI, and not PCI-E...(if it has an agp slot, your better off with that instead of pci, unless its pci-e)
  10. You have your normal PCI slots for your ethernet cards, etc... For graphics you could have AGP, PCI-E, or PCI(highly unlikely unless its really old..and you say its only about 2 years or so old). http://www.pcpitstop.com/ --- You could run a test here, and it will tell you what slot you have...
  11. Try releasing your ip within the router, and then renew...Or run the setup wizard again...(if it has one.. )
  12. Well that depends on what the pc is for...If you don't play alot of games, you can probably get one for $40-$75...It really depends on what you need it for..Look after christmas, Best Buy and Curcuit City usually have some really good sales... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Category/category_tlc.asp?CatId=28
  13. No problem..Hopefully its a simple problem, with a simple solution..
  14. And make sure the video card is seated properly in its slot....
  15. Search google for "error openfire.wad" ...there are tons of postings...See if anything is relevant.. Its probably a problem with your maps/game files and not your vid drivers(updating vid drivers normally wont hurt though) openfire.wad
  16. Just wondering? Have you updated your video drivers recently? Check your version, and see if there are any updated drivers...
  17. That will do it, but usually console will say "kicked for high ping" or something similiar....Some servers have low ping limits...
  18. The way I see it, if it's to the point where you've tried everything(with no success), and you're going to throw it out, it can't hurt....
  19. Where do the taxes go?
  20. LMAO..Did you use it that time?
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