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Everything posted by Voltageman

  1. http://gameadvisor.futuremark.com/gameadvisor/service/my_system.jsp?sysInfoId=2590839 What a difference a new vid card makes...And its still only an agp card..
  2. You should see the all the wires in my thermaltake case...LOL.. I think it has 2 fans on the side, 1 in back, 1 in front, and 1 on top...And a crap load of wires and temp sensor wires.. But I must say, it did lower the temp alot on my pc... Is this an old case, or newer model?...Maybe the speaker is for an alarm(look for a switch in back where side door slides on)...My case has an intrusion alarm that wont allow pc to boot if its opened, but no speaker...Unless its just an old case, that has the speaker for the old style boards.. I also have to take front off to get the my front fan/filter. But thankfully no screws have to be removed..Just a key if I choose to lock it..
  3. I thought you weren't supposed to go by a microwave if you have a pacemaker... So what happens when they scan someone, and they drop dead because their pacemaker stopped working? The "Patriot Act", is another example of government going too far...To be a free society, you assume the risks of being a free society...If not, move to N. Korea and starve... While I agree changes needed to be made after 9/11, I think Bush took it too far, and to try and make the "Patriot Act" permanent, is the first step in taking away our freedom... I guess we are all now guilty until proven innocent...
  4. If you open your device manager, and look under Ports, you should see the com 1 port..I'm assuming whatever you have attached to that port is stopping you...You can right click and choose update driver(thats assuming whatever is attached is showing up under ports, and not somewhere else) What is plugged into that com1 port?
  5. 40,124K with 2 windows open..
  6. I think windows update has something available now..
  7. I think I ran across this a week or so ago...I hit a website, and it immediately brought up my ms paint program, when the page opened, and the image was downloaded..My a/v picked up an exploit and removed the virus/trojan, and I've rescanned(using several a/v scans, spyware, and some online scans) and have not found anything(lets hope its gone).... As soon as you hit a site that has the corrupt image, you will notice your ms paint(or whatever program is being used as default to edit image files) will open...At least that is what I ran into... I installed the unofficial patch, and so far, no problems...
  8. He must be related to the guy who "invented" the Pet Rock
  9. Video BoardDescription Your Results Brand/Model NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700LE Resolution 1280x960 pixels Colors 16 million DirectX version 5.03.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) OpenGL version 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) Acceleration options Enabled Performance 143.21 MP/s (No similar CPU/MHz/video) I cranked the voltage up to the card and got 40+ increase Not bad for a crappy agp card...Lets see how long it takes to melt..
  10. Happy New Year to all 20,000 + Members!
  11. Vanburens got you... You'll be all good soon..
  12. If your speeds are around 4733/635 try the one I posted above and see how that one works...
  13. Cable will have an MTU of 1500, while DSL/PPPoE will have an MTU of 1492. Fiberoptic just means the signal is carried via light(Fios for example is fiberoptic) Since you are on DSL, you will need cablenut settings that are based on an MTU of 1492. I attached a file that you can try out...Let us know what works for you...You may need to try a few to find the one that works best for you...Remember you need to reboot each time for settings to take effect..
  14. If you are not using the sata raid, you can disable the raid controller in bios.. You most likely have 2 controllers(via/promise)... Is the one you are seeing the Promise controller? If so, there is a place in bios to disable the promise controller if you are not using it.. Next time i reboot, I'll see where it is in mine(I have an asus board also)
  15. If you're connecting through 2 routers, make sure the first router(the d-link supplied by verizon), is set to, and the other router is set to ..(make sure both routers are not or both Log into the linksys router and set the address to and set mtu to 1492.(assuming your PPPoE) Make sure the d-link address is Cycle power on routers, and reboot pcs... Not sure if this helps you, but I sometimes set up a second router when friends come over with their towers, and I had connection problems that was caused by my cisco router(2nd) being set to same address as the d-link(1st).
  16. They're solid drives...I've never used the hitachi drives, but I can say for a fact the maxtor drives are cheap(and they show it in time)... You will be very happy with the speed increase with the sata raid 0 or 5... Especially when you install windows for the first time..Zooom! I just use my old ata 133 drives as storage..I leave one plugged in, and the other 2 just sit in the case unplugged and store data I rarely need, but don't want to lose...
  17. If you can call it that...
  18. I think Raid 4 uses one drive sort of as its main, and stripes data across them, but raid 5 stripes equally amongst all of them. Same as Raid 0 but more drives... Raid 5 should give you faster speeds than 0 if you have 4 drives as opposed to 2..Like more cylinders in a car.. I could explain it better, but i've been drinking some left over christmas wine.. Been edited cause I definitely had too much wine
  19. I love my western digital drives...I've owned a bunch of them, and not one has failed... Now maxtor drives are another story...have had a few of them require a large magnet... My seagate drive was a durable beast too...I even broke a pin off @ the hard drive where the ide cable goes in..Thankfully I managed to yank a pin off(from where master/slave/cable select/limit drive jumper is), and soldered it in(after a loooong time trying to get pin through the hole, and then seated on the board properly)..Worked even after pc shop told me it was not repairable... Raid 0 is the way to go, just have to make sure you do constant backups...If one goes.. Bye Bye Data on both...(or you can do raid 0+1)
  20. http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=3&l2=15&l3=0&model=744&modelmenu=1 Thats the board I'm building new setup with...Should be sweet with the Corsair XMS-3500LL PRO Memory..
  21. Unfortunately not, I'm getting a new mobo soon, and I'm looking into those hd's you posted...And use my current drives for storage.. I think your logic is correct...But I would get confirmation on that..I assume the disk speed is "up to", and is limited by what the motherboard can handle. Good thinking ahead though..
  22. I have 2 Western Digital Sata Drives running in RAID 0... @ PC Pitstop I read around 110 or so on disk speed(but has read faster)...compared to around 40 with ata 133 drive. RAID 1 will not give you any speed increases over a single Sata Drive.(just will give you constant back up drive if one was to fail) I've been using raid for a while, PM me, and I can help you out.. Check this out too... http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=10525.0 The drive you show above is pretty much the same drive as mine are..just 50gig larger... They work great...I noticed that my via raid controller is alot faster than my promise controller...Which controller do you have on your board?
  23. Very true...If you buy a cheap motherboard, you will have cheap support, and if you are not familiar to building/repairing this can be a nightmare, and cost you more to get the pc running in the end... I built this pc with an asus board, and have had no problems(knock on wood), and they constanly have bios upgrades, and driver updates...When I had thought I had a problem, a quick call to customer support, and some chat with a human being, found the problem to be with my memory and not the board... Try to leave room for upgrades too...Buy a motherboard that can be upgraded in the future...(ie: room for more memory/faster processor/sata capable etc).
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