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Everything posted by Voltageman

  1. Have you checked your signal levels? What kind of modem do you have? You should be able to do a google search for "signal level check", for your specific type of modem, and find the address. Perhaps your signal is out of range... I believe there is a grounding block outside as well...Maybe the cable isn't grounded properly.. Like reso said, call them up...Any problem that is easily replicated, is normally easily fixed as well.
  2. Voltageman

    Windows Vista

    Just installed the 64bit version, but no nic drivers yet Runs sweet though...
  3. But won't it slow down the fsb, therefore in turn slowing down cpu clock? I supposed if you could increase the multiplier, you could go back up to ~866, but I'm not sure if the memory will handle it.
  4. Libraries have reverse phone books(and I believe you can find them online), and you can also just type the number, including area code, into google. You would be surprised how many phone numbers give up an address. Type your own number in...See if your address comes up...It's surprising how many people don't know that their phone number can sometimes easily give up their address.
  5. Yeah, I'd call them up. I've had fios for almost a year now, and I have yet to have one single outage or slowdown. Could be your router shutting down also. Call them and see if there is a firmware upgrade(if you got router from verizon). If you did not get the router from verizon, that may be your problem right there. A lot of routers cannot handle the fios. They will work, but will crash and/or slow you down.
  6. Tell him to go out and buy a dvd/cd rom cleaner...I have found if I don't clean the drive(being in a basement with concrete dust), it tends to get dirty pretty fast, and sometimes has trouble reading disks...Normally the problem doesn't rear its ugly head until it's time to re-install windows...
  7. I also had this problem a while back, with it not reading the disk correctly, and it turned out to be I had a dirty/bad cd drive. I swapped out cd drives, and installation went throught without a problem.
  8. Thank my insomnia
  9. You are infected with spyware most likely... Download Spybot Search and Destroy and Ad-Aware, and run them both.. Remove any references to mywebsearch.. This may help as well... http://www.pchell.com/support/mywebsearch.shtml
  10. If you have your XP disk handy, you can check the system files, to make sure none have been altered.. -Put the XP disk in -Goto run and type: sfc /scannow Also never hurts to run a chkdsk /f If you then can get on line, you should check windows update afterwards, as it may replace certain files if they are found to be altered.
  11. 2 - 200 gig SATA in Raid 0 (VIA) 2 - 200 gig SATA in Raid 1 (Promise) - In SATA racks, for backup...They are off/out most of the time. 1 - 160 gig Firewire/USB 2.0 External HD 1 - 80 gig ATA133 1 - 60 gig External USB 2.0 (ATA133 in an Enclosure) 1.1 TB (actual storage is -200 gig because of Raid 1) Below is the accompanying mess before second SATA Rack (I've cleaned it up slightly ) Next step is to move Coolant reservoir out of drive bay, and add a vga loop to the cooler.
  12. Any carbonated beverage will work with the mentos. The more carbonated, the better. It happens because of tons of little dimples(like a golf ball, but much smaller), all along the outside of the mentos. The dimples collect C02 and force it out of the soda very quickly, therefore, you get the soda flying out of the bottle. The more mentos you use, the faster the CO2 will be force out. I forget the exact term for it. Anything with small enough depressions on it will do the same thing. It actually has nothing to do with the chemical composition of the mentos. Another fun thing to do... Take some sulfur(from a chemistry set), and some aluminum foil. Place sulfur in the aluminum foil, fold up the foil, and place in a pile of leaves...Wait a few minutes, and have something to put the fire out...
  13. 3 gigs..... 2x1024 dual channel 2x512 dual channel Just added the extra gig, and it seems to makes a big difference with XP x64 Edition, especially when playing games. MORE POWER!!!!
  14. I took this picture sometime shortly before 911.... Kind of spooky, as it shows what the skyline would look like without them...
  15. It was a biggest one we have ever had...It was for 45 days(their billing techniques I still don't understand)...During which we had that nice heatwave, and another fuel surcharge increase. I thought at first it was a typo... But unfortunately, it was correct.. And Tommie, I bought it from TigerDirect, and it was a sealed OEM copy...If I have any more problems with it, I will contact them as well...I have dealt with them for a long time, and never had any problems...I place it on Microcrap.
  16. ? It's supported, I have a 64 bit system, with a 64 bit processor, and all my 64 bit drivers. The problem is not with my system supporting it...I don't need support to run my windows/programs/games... I PURCHASED THE COPY LEGALLY. The problem is with Microsoft's Activation. If they can't activate it properly, then they shouldn't sell it. I shouldn't have to contact support to activate the product. What a scam that would be....Sell OEM copies, then charge them to activate it...
  17. Shug...You Rule!
  18. Thanks Shug....I figured someone would relate to that...I wonder why I legally purchase stuff.. I'm gettin the feeling they aren't going to call me today..
  19. If you don't activate windows, after 3 days, it will not let you log in. My windows works fine, and there is no problem with my install. But, the activation crap is locking me out of my install. You can try to log in, but it instantly logs you out. I would just reinstall windows, but then I also have to install all my software and all my games. I'm not really in the mood to do what I just did less than a week ago for no reason other than the fact that Microsoft for some reason thinks my hardware has changed...Which it hasn't.. Right now, I am working with 64bit IE(which flash/java don't work in), throught the activation window...I have no access to anything in my pc..No start button, no desktop icon, no taskbar...Just an activation window and this IE window that does not play flash or Java.
  20. Yeah it's OEM, but activation should not be a support issue... My windows runs fine, if I could access it.. And now I have to wait around for them to call if I want to be able to use my computer...With OEM, they call you with support issues, but I don't understand how activation fits into "support"...Seems to me they made it so you buy something from them, that you cannot use..Or at least that is how it is turning out to be. I'm probably going to wind up formatting and reinstalling, so I can get 3 days to figure out wtf is going on. I'm surely not waiting till monday to access my computer.
  21. The bold words don't go together very well... I've already gone through the phone support, which tells me x64 is unsupported...Which I guess means I can't activate it until they call me back at a time that I am home. Seems like a bunch of crap to me.
  22. Here is my problem... I installed x64 a little over a week ago...I activated it. All worked fine...Then I rebooted one day. The only thing that I can see that was different, was that my backup HD was turned off(firewire HD), because I am tryiing to keep our electric bill under $800( LIPA). So, wouldn't you know it...Microsoft, being the geniuses that they are, decide my computer has changed so drastically, that I need to re-activate it..Ok, fine...BUT! My key has been activated too many times..WTF.. I bought it like 2 days before I installed it, and activated it ONE FREAKIN TIME!!!! At this point I am pissed, but not boiling just yet..(wait)... So now I call their phone activation bs, and go through the hoops for my master Microsoft...They actually DON'T disconnect my call like they do 1/2 the time, and I finally get to a person who barely speaks what I believe to be english. He makes me read the entire installation ID number over again, and after all that says my installation ID is invalid ...OK, the steam has begun to come out my ears at this point.. He points me to the change product key button, and has me enter my Product Key( at this point I began being sarcastic, and told him I would fax him a picture with me holding my disk, and my pc tower with the Certificate of Authenticity sticker showing)..He didn't seem to get the humor, and even after entering my Product Key again, the installation ID is still coming up invalid.. Well he transfers me to someone who is supposed to know what to do..... Sure...... Well blah, blah, blah, blah, comes out of Microsofts mouth, and I am read every piece of paper the lady has in front of her..One stating that x64 is not for sale...I told her to visit TigerDirect.com, and tell them that(since that is where I bought it..and again, I stated I could fax a picture of the me holding the receipt as well as the pc with the COA sticker..again she didn't seem amused ). Well we go back and forth, as I increasingly get aggravated. Oh, I forgot to mention that I am unable to log into windows right now..Yeah, I put off calling Microsoft..But, in the past, I have never had a problem calling, just took a while, and is a pain in the rear. Of course this time, I DO have a problem, and now I can only get in safe mode(BF2 don't run in safe mode ). How am I here? LOL, I clicked a weblink inside the activation window after you attempt to do it via internet, and it does not work, it brings you to a microsoft site via ie...So I just came here and figured I would see how to fix this... I have no taskbar, icons, desktop....NOTHING! Back to the geniuses at Microsoft...Well, it seems x64 is not supported.. Well f!@$ me then...Support is being able to activate a product you buy????? I'm not asking them to fix the driver and software issues I have. Nor have I ever asked them for a damn thing. All I want is to be able to activate a product I own and can prove that I own. Well, I am told that Microsoft will call me within 24 hours..(oh she took my email address too, like that will help in the least bit since if I hadn't found this little loophole, I couldn't have accessed the internet anyway). Now what happens if I actually happen to be out of my house? Does this mean I have to go through all the hoops again, call them up, and then have them tell me they will call me back in 24 hours? Where does the madness end. Do cops ask me for my title everytime I am pulled over, to make sure I own it? WTF is going on? Sorry I am ranting, but I am rather pissed off, and I was planning on doing research for classes today, and now I am locked out of my own computer...Mommy and Daddy Microsoft won't let me in... So I sit here waiting for a call from Microsoft.....Yup exactly what I want to be doing right now, waiting for them to call... Does anyone know how the hell I can get around this? If anyone has any ideas, can you please pm me. Hey Microcrap.... Kiss my @ss PS:
  23. It could get very interesting... If someone could prove that oil was produced by earth, rather than deposited, it would change the whole game... It would throw the supply/demand all out of whack(in our favor )
  24. http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=51837 Massive oil field found under Gulf Reserves south of New Orleans could rival North Slope, boosting U.S. supplies by 50% Time to start driving those large SUV's again!
  25. Watched the reminants of Ernesto blow over while visiting my father in the catskills... My cousin, her husband and 2 kids were up too.... Tried catching "Walter" in the lake with my little cousin...There is a 2ft+ largemouth bass swimming around in the little man made lake...We hooked into him memorial day, but he out smarted us by swimming under the paddleboat and getting the line wrapped around the rudder... Smart fishy! Fish seemed a bit freaked out by the weather....They were sleeping all weekend..
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