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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Most browsers won't display custom 404 pages anymore. At least that's what I assume. I haven't seen that error page in forever. I found that image as tought it would be funny.
  2. Wow, good question. That would be cool. Anybody know the answer to that for sure. Maybe I'll test that on my windows machine in a little bit and get back with you. Unless someone else answers this for us.
  3. I just noticed this person testing... http://www.testmy.net/tools/database/db_search.php?type=comp_id&q=5901362311 That guy has a nice connection.
  4. 2nd pot of coffee, nice. I'm a five hour energy guy myself. How do your traceroutes look? Post some if you could, when it's happening and when it's not.
  5. CA3LE

    Droid Speed Test

    :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 2132 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 3072 kB) Download Speed is:: 260 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2010-08-06 12:53:31 GMT Bottom Line:: 37X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 3.94 sec Tested from a 3072 kB file and took 11.802 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Holy Cow!: You are running at 262% of your hosts average (myvzw.com) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DVLXB45GW User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; DROIDX Build/VZW) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17 480X854 motorola DROIDX [!] And on WiFi... droid X. I've seen it go as high as 12.5 Mbps on wifi. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 8129 Kbps about 8.1 Mbps (tested with 12288 kB) Download Speed is:: 992 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2010-08-06 13:00:14 GMT Bottom Line:: 142X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.03 sec Tested from a 12288 kB file and took 12.383 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Holy Cow!: You are running at 278% of your hosts average (qwest.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ISVA6KMCW User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; DROIDX Build/VZW) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17 480X854 motorola DROIDX [!] Also, I am aware of the upload test problems with the droid. I'm working to resolve this. The download test has worked 100% of the time for me though. With so many people questioning speedtest.net's accuracy I foresee many droid, iPhone, iPod, PS3 and iPhone users testing here. One of the cool things about this site is that it works with anything that has a browser for the most part. Post yours
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Reminds me, I need to fix that birthday emoticon, it's displaying wrong.
  7. This is one of those times I wish I could just hop on your computer and see for myself. Have you gone into the device manager to see if there are any unrecognized hardware. I know you said that you installed the drivers but it's still possible. Another thing you may want to try is a driver roll back to the default drivers that microsoft offers. Let me know if you need a walk through for any of the above. -D
  8. I personally would get something like that from Newegg.com ... but I get everything from them. Here's a link to their surveillance stuff. >> http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=521&name=Surveillance-Cameras I also wouldn't buy a kit. You'll most likely get worse cameras in a kit. That link to the one on eBay looks dated, I'm not a surveillance expert though... although I have worked with a system like that (Lorex). HORRIBLE web interface, motion detection picked up flys but the resolution was horrible. I'm not saying all Lorex stuff sucks, that was the only time I've ever dealt with them. I don't know if it was just old or something but I recommended to the owner that he get something more modern ----- be careful, read reviews before you buy and if you can buy in person. Some of the companies who make those are very sketchy. And if the eBay seller isn't really listing the brand then that can be a red flag too. Just a heads up IMO. -Damon
  9. CA3LE

    Upgrading Fios

    Damn dude... nice. Although, I heard from a Qwest technician that they will be releasing 100/60 in select areas in October. ... too bad I move in October (I happen to be in one of those select areas right now), I may just have to plan my next move based on where the fastest internet is. I think I'm too addicted to 40/20... can't imagine 100/60.
  10. Actually, we couldn't really detect your host, those numbers under host are a portion of your hosts IP being shown. That percentage you see should still be fairly accurate. But in your case (and most of the time this isn't the case) you should set your host manually, it will give us a better idea of what you should have. The option is at the top of the tests. By version 11 detection will be better. Who's you host? And what package do you pay for.
  11. CA3LE

    Speed Test Error

    No problem, thanks for reporting it. Topic closed.
  12. I'm pretty sure I know what's going on. It being a 64 bit windows machine I doubt it's a driver issue. You need to go into your sound settings in the control panel and set the audio output device associated with the HDMI to default. This is most likely not set to default. Just look for audio devices in the control panel (or something along those lines), once opened you'll see all the audio devices on your computer. Click the one the one you want the audio to output to and apply the changes. I personally think that windows should do this for you but in many cases it doesn't... I mean, you just plugged it in, I think the computer would be safe in assuming that you want to use HDMI audio out if you just plugged it in. But oh well, it's little things like that why I no longer use Windows myself. I'm not on a windows machine right now otherwise I'd give you more details. Let me know if this fixes the problem. If you have a hard time with the limited instructions I've given you let me know and when I get a minute I'll post some more details. So basically, it just needs you go guide it into doing the right thing... it's like 99% there, you just have to tell it to play by default to HDMI.... I've found that once this is set once Windows 7 should remember and automatically do this for you when you plug HDMI in. ... but it's Windows so don't hold me to that By the way, I'm not at all a Windows or Microsoft hater... Just stating the obvious, Windows can be unpredictable. Windows is a great OS for most people, just wasn't right for me anymore. -D
  13. CA3LE

    Speed Test Error

    Okay, actually I searched deeper and found the erroneous code. This has been resolved. This is a new release so it's important that our users report things like this. So, thank you for letting us know and thank you for choosing testmy.net -Damon
  14. CA3LE

    Speed Test Error

    You know what... I must have removed those lines earlier today. I've searched and searched and can't find it. Give it another try. http://www.testmy.net/speedtest/download_speed_test.php -- if you still see the error let me know and I'll dig deeper. But as of right now I can't find anything in the code that references this error. I remember noticing this recently while cleaning the sites code. It's was a left over from an older version of the site. I could be wrong, it may just be hiding deeper than I'm thinking it should be. Thanks - Damon
  15. CA3LE

    Speed Test Error

    I'm working on this, get back to you in a minute. It's some code from the old system that's supposed to be removed... I know where it's at I think.
  16. First, welcome to the site. I don't currently have Cox but I used to work for them. What times during the day/night does this happen. The most likely cause for this is that you may have a bad route to some servers during the day. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to the speeds you should be getting. For instance, I have a 40 Mbps connection with Qwest. I get 40 Mbps all of the time. But during curtain hours of the day I get way worse speeds to the server. Now, I own this site... and I'm always paranoid about the performance of the server to the client. Because let's face it, if the server can't keep up with sending and receiving results will be inaccurate. So I look into the test database and it clearly shows that other people testing at the same time were able to log 20 - 30 - 40 Mbps scores... so it's not the server. Then after a traceroute investigation the culprit rears it's head. to run a traceroute... First, go to your command promt. Go to the start menu, go to RUN, type CMD (this pulls up the command prompt) Second, type On PC -- tracert testmy.net On Mac or Linux -- traceroute testmy.net cut and paste or upload a screenshot here and we'll take a look at it. Run a traceroute to google.com as well. And we need traceroutes during times when you're seeing the problem and when you're not. It's good to get something to judge it against. Basically to get from point A to point B on the internet your information has to go through a bunch of Hops or other routing computers. If there is too much traffic in one area at once then you'll get stuck waiting in line (basically). I may or may not be able to answer this myself, I'm developing right now. But we have tons of friendly people here who may catch this before I have a chance. -D
  17. As you may have noticed the site looks different. But not all that different. But trust me, looks can be deceiving. The code has been slimmed and trimmed. It's leaner and meaner. Meaning more accurate results and quicker response time. The programming of the site will continue to develop and new versions will be released monthly leading up to Version 11. I have extensively testest this version. And given the system a varied array of possible scenarios. Everything is checking out. I have a feeling it's going to get busy around here. - Damon P.S. I'm going to tell you guys right off the bat, if I don't respond to your messages don't get butt hurt... I'm just busy. Right now, unless it's a bug report I'm most likely going to be too busy to email back for a while.
  18. awwww, that sucks. They have some great usenet access too I've been using Giganews. You can definitely max out your pipe with them. They'll hook you up with a free trial too.
  19. I can make a special forum for them if you'd like and you can be the first to discuss them. When I get a minute I'll get that added for you.
  20. Hey DoobieBrothers, at this point in your troubleshooting you should, if at all possible, try another computer on the connection. Perhaps a laptop or friends laptop, just...... Make sure ahead of time that you're using a computer of known quality... something that you already know runs fast. Connect your cable with a nice clean piece of coax... none of that gold plated radio shack bullshit, I don't care if it's monster cable, gold plating on coax will only benefit you if you're using it for an air connection. With gold plating or copper shielding the cable can and often times will pickup interference from the air. This is why cable providers only use cables shielded in aluminum (I worked for Cox Communications for 5 years by the way). Go strait to the modem, no splitters, no DC-6 or DC-9 taps (yet) and no signal boosters of any kind (yet) If you have a DC-6 or DC-9 tap installed before your modem first take it off and reset the modem. These are sometimes installed to intentionally drop your signal strength. It's actually necessary in some instances because if the signal strength is too high or too low the modem can't function. If you have a signal strength booster on your line take it off, for the same reasons above. You may want to put the DC-6 DC-9 or booster back on the line. Sometimes these along with splitters can cause issues. They sometimes will just go bad, sometimes weather damages them and in other cases the reasons for them being put on (e.q. DC taps and boosters) has been resolved further down the pipe. Signal levels fluctuate and sometimes that has to be compensated for... A great example of this is if your cable comes in on an aerial line and if there is drastic temperature changes. The cable actually contracts and expands given different temperature scenarios. I really saw this first hand as a cable tech in Phoenix, I was also a tech during Solar Maximum, another phenomena that effects communications companies. Actually, I think we're getting pretty close to solar max again... techs will have their work cut out for them. I think fiber is the only solution. Cable providers adjust for this stuff but they really do have their work cut out for them. [*] One more thing... you may have to search around your house for your "D-Mark" or the place where your cable spilts. This can be in closets, behind panels, laundry room, garage or on the side of your house... sometimes in the attic, well often times if you happen to be trying to do this during the summer (Murphy's Law). [*] Reset the modem with a 10-15 second unplug. [*] Make sure you've got a strait shot to the modem... strait shot to the computer... reset everything... Test your speed and see what you're getting. and hit us back. - Damon
  21. I have pretty extensive knowledge of MySQL. But I've never dealt with replication. We rarely get MySQL questions here so I'm not too sure if your question will be answered here. Can you do me a favor though, if you find the solution can you please post it to this thread. It may help someone else in the future. MySQL has driven me crazy in the past. And that's why you ALWAYS backup your databases before doing anything major... one wrong step can land your ass on the keyboard for a looooong time.
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