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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Some of you may have noticed the increase in activity on this site in the past 30-45 days... lots more people. That's because there has been about a 40% increase in traffic. This has not yet become a problem... but bandwidth is getting up there. I figured I would work on this soon to be problem before it became a problem. I have made some adjustments to the SmarTest forwarding. Main thing you all will notice is the start size is down to 97KB - This, I have found, is a good start size for the test to determine what file size to send you. Doing this will also relieve a little bit of traffic from the server. The forwarding has also been tweaked a little to try and save bandwidth... not by serving you smaller files necessarily, but by sending you the right file the first time, if you have a fast line you most likely know what I'm talking about... for instance ||| you click SmarTest it starts > 386KB > 2992KB > 5983KB > Results (9361KB to do a 5983KB test!??!!) sometimes even ||| you click SmarTest it starts > 386KB > 1496KB > 2992KB > 5983KB > Results (9361KB to do a 5983KB test!??!!) instead of doing all that to get to the end result of sending you 5983 KB test file... it will now (more of the time) do something like this ||| you click SmarTest it starts > 97KB > 5983KB > Results (6080KB to do a 5983KB test... more like it) In that scenario this would save 3.2MB that saves a lot of bandwidth when you take into consideration the amount of people who frequent this site.. Also, the 12160KB (12 MB) test that was becoming a novelty has been slightly restricted. You can't go directly to the test without the results page suggesting that you use that test. You can still use that test... but you will need to score 9000Kbps in order to use it. Just about everyone can agree that a line slower than that really doesn't need all that test... 6MB is quite big also. I am not in anyway restricting the amount of tests you can perform, I am not restricting the type of tests you can perform. I am simply trimming waste.
  2. Cool I will add those.
  3. that's where it's going to stay... sorry about that everyone. For some reason the time re-set a few times... it should be cool now.
  4. Thanks Micro... got to it before me
  5. Naw... that's a charactor from In Living Color.. that shit is funny -- ya never seen that?
  6. This topic has been moved to Graphics and Sigs. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1042.0[/iurl]
  7. Just like Skank_Ho's avatar
  8. Thank you, I do have this >> https://testmy.net/topic-1013 - You are right though, we should get a tweak section that is easier to navigate. And yes, Van does know what's up
  9. Thank you, hope you stick around the forums for a while. Welcome to the site
  10. I used to have that back in the day. The site was a lot less popluar and I didn't bring in too much money. It may be a good idea now, I will think about it. Microwave was one of the few people that donated back in the day
  11. Yep... not a bug, sorry. There is an option for SmarTest but you really don't have a choice. If you are going to fast the test will forward you anyway.
  12. I am running better than normal actually.
  13. Depends on their line speed. My server is 100 Mbps both ways, I can support quite a few people concurrently without a problem. Right now though, server load is pretty low if you take into consideration my line speed and the hardware my server has. Don't worry, right now it's not an issue.
  14. That is for the entire site... not all testing at once... and it's not live, it's for the past 20 minutes or so.
  15. Why thank you, I always love the feedback -- you guys are as much a key to the success of this site as I am, you all make a huge contribution to the content of this site. Thank you everyone!
  16. Yea it could have been someone else on the same ip.. if it's a school connection it's not uncommon. Nice speed though
  17. that's a nice excuse to get drunk in a shitty situation.. lol
  18. nice connection... but you have another test at only 31 Jan 2005 Download 14399 Kbps or 1757.69 KB/sec 12160-KB 11646431 5FD04UEIW and it only averaged 6883 Kbps today... so it's fast, but those results are a fluke
  19. Please read post at https://testmy.net/topic-2110
  20. CA3LE


    I did find a couple records for that 2 records found [table] [tr] [td]*[/td][td]Date*********[/td][td]Test_Type**[/td][td]Test_Score*[/td][td]Test_Size****[/td][td]COMP_ID******[/td][td]User_Name[/td][td]User_Host[/td][td]Affiliate[/td][td]Test_ID****[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td][td]14 Dec 2004[/td][td]Download[/td][td]10696[/td][td]12160-KB[/td][td]1881662986682[/td][td]*[/td][td]aol.com[/td][td]*[/td][td]86QAB015I[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td][td]22 Dec 2004[/td][td]Download[/td][td]10696[/td][td]12160-KB[/td][td]1395400859912[/td][td]*[/td][td]aol.com[/td][td]*[/td][td]3XW63G4IA[/td] [/tr] [/table] The bad news is your math is off... KB/s = Kbps/8.192 -- use the tool maaaan >> https://testmy.net/convert No results for 10953 though
  21. (by the way... if this post sounds redundant it's because it is..... this is a merged topic)
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