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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Captured with MacOS built in screen recording. Ran the same test using a virtual machine... I wish I had this upload at home. Sorry about the 800x600... didn't feel like doing drivers. For some reason they weren't being detected properly. ? This is actually even faster... if I multithread with more data. I'm still developing this. I've seen the same test result up to 980 Mbps on that connection, double confirmed by the network interface readings.
  2. I'll spin up a VM of Mint and get back to you.
  3. I'm not sure why. I just tested with Waterfox 56.2.14 (64-bit) and everything ran as expected.
  4. Check out this post. Excede will be out of business unless they serve their users. EVERYONE will jump ship as soon as something better is available.
  5. Very nice! Glad to hear your problem is resolved. I don't see any test results under your username, are your test results more consistent now? SpaceX is getting me excited for the future for rural internet. Their low orbit (only 550 km [340 mi]) satellites will bring gigabit speeds with latency of only 25 ms. That blows my mind. Looking like 2020 or 2021 this will be a reality. I think this has potential to be the greatest advancement for world internet. -- Starlink constellation -- Starlink's Website Here's a good read on ars technica, published yesterday -- SpaceX says it will deploy satellite broadband across US faster than expected
  6. What!?! That's BS. Does your modem have Ethernet out? Is the modem a combo modem/router. If you have Ethernet out you can plug that into any router. I then run your own network off of that... either ignore the other wifi network or there may be a way to disable it in the settings. Let me know your model number.
  7. A better router may help you with range and internal network speed but your wifi right now probably isn't the bottleneck... it's the connection. To see if you might benefit from a faster router connect your modem directly to your best computer. Then run TestMy.net. Connect it back up to wifi and test the same computer again. You'll probably need to unplug the power from modem each time when you switch back and fourth, they usually need to boot up and get the MAC address of the device it's connected to. If you do that test and find your speed is much faster wired... then you might want to think about getting a newer router. If the speeds are about the same... you can probably hold off unless you're having other issues with wifi. I personally use Netgear. A used Nighthawk R7000 for ~$70 would blow away whatever they gave you. I also would never use a router or modem from my ISP and prefer to have them as two separate units. Better for future upgradability, cheaper if something fails too. I need to upgrade routers far more often than modems so having them separate is better. Also better for interference. When I've tested even the supposed best ISP routers... they always under perform vs retail counterparts. When it comes to wifi, testing right on top of the router isn't optimal. You want to be a little away from it. Maybe like 10 ft. Here's an article about wireless best practices -- may help you get the most out of what you're working with. - wireless feng shui
  8. reposting that video btw... it got clipped on accident when I exported. [done]
  9. Looking at your results over the last week. lazloslozar's Speed Test Results It's insane that you've been dealing with this for so long. When you test to Colorado you have the same type of dips in regularity but they aren't as pronounced as when you're testing to Dallas or San Fransisco. Try testing against Toronto, CA -- New York would be another good one for you too -- curious what you get to those locales. I would love to see a resolution for you in the end and maybe even get you some free service and credits from your ISP for what you've had to deal with. We first need to be certain that they're at fault. When you're testing, are you directly connected to one computer or are you on a wifi router... or is it wired to a router? Please let us know the model numbers of your modem and router.
  10. Sorry I've taken so long to respond. Try doing a multithread speed test. I'd be interested to see your results.
  11. I found a post in topic on TalkTalk's forum that may help. https://community.talktalk.co.uk/t5/Broadband/Talk-talk-broadband-not-working-red-light-on-router/m-p/2298724#M728183
  12. I like this best... No, it's full alphanumeric which makes it more random. @ramasaig does this help make it more clear?
  13. Maybe I need to word that differently... I thought that when I wrote it too but I'm trying to condense information to fit on all devices in this same decision. By random, I mean randomly generated. The information is nothing... literally nothing at all. Not drawn from anything. I'm instructing your browser to generate random charters client-side which are then pushed to the server. The information didn't exist before, it doesn't exist after... and even during the transfer it doesn't mean anything. It's just random. Nothing off of your computer or device is, was or will ever be transferred between you and TMN unless you explicitly know about its transfer. PERIOD. always and forever. Do you think, "Uploading __ MB of randomly generated information" is better than "Uploading __ MB of random information"? Or do you have another suggestion for wording? Maybe after more details on your suggestion we'll put it to a vote.
  14. Welcome ramasaig! Either run it in a different browser window or a different tab. From there, it can usually be ignored until its time is complete. As long as you're signed in you'll get an email notification when it's complete. I'm going to work on in browser and push notifications right now.
  15. Thank you for reporting that. Mistake on my end, it's fixed for you now.
  16. What wifi router are you using?
  17. Here's a video... ...with a rooster in the background, hahaha. That audio only in the left ear bothers me a little... but I think this has good information for you, so hear it out. Shouldn't be too much of a learning curve, I'm sure you'll get used to it very quickly. Make a shortcut for TestMy.net and let us know if it was easy to do once you know how.
  18. I think you need to "add to shelf" (app launcher) https://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/answer/3060053?hl=en https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/how-to-add-custom-shortcuts-to-your-chromebook-app-launcher Let me know if this helps.
  19. Way off topic. First, go ahead and call me out on the "squatty potty" in my search bar. I love all of mine so much I happen to be buying one for another friend. I then I see the knock-offs --- or hell, maybe this one's the original and is pissed that squatty potty got the gold. wtf do I know about the squat wars. (assuming that's what they'd call them) I introduce, the Poop Stoop! It's like squatty potty SUPER pro! Not joking, I think you have to have a hippie license to use it. "Get it GiiiiRL!" -- Let it allllll hang out! Casting director, "Can you... let it all... hang ou...." -- she lifts her arms up, points to her 'stash and then does jazz fingers all the way down to her hairy toes --- Casting director, "YOU'VE GOT THE PART!" By the way, if you need a squatty potty on the go... flip over your friends little bathroom trash can. haha, better than nothing. Seriously, after you've trained yourself (and your body) to s#!+ correctly... it feels stupid any other way. If you aren't already doing this, btw it benefits everyone. Look closely at our anatomy and what happens when we sit. Your knees must be much higher than your hips for correct evacuation of the bowels. Anatomy. ..... "let it all hang out." By the way - poopstoops.com was registered WAY after Squattypotty.com and far after the original Shark Tank airing. Obvious to me who the OG is. Didn't really need to search to know that but ...due diligence. ...You need to check to make sure when unknown variables come into play. Domain age isn't always a factor but in this case I think it is. https://testmy.net/iptools?queryType=wwwhois&portNum=80&target=poopstoops.com https://testmy.net/iptools?queryType=wwwhois&portNum=80&target=squattypotty.com The search for Shark Tank s06e09 shows that it was aired... November 14 2014, haha, N-14-14. Seriously. That's funny. --- Now I think that 14 is a lucky number for squatty potty. N itself is 14 (N for November - 14th letter of the alphabet) ... then 14th day of the 14th year (of the 2nd millennia). What a cool day for that company, rightfully so. Be a flower child and let it all hang out. Do you use one, what's your experience? If not, have you heard of them? Do you know the benefits? #squat4life -- not like I hash tag or anything, just thought that's funny.
  20. it really comes down to the GPU and it's own memory paths. What card are you running right now?
  21. You can mouse over any displayed speed to have it converted into MB/s. Soon there will later be an advanced option to have your account display in MB/s by default if you'd like.
  22. Hi Raymond1234, welcome to TestMy.net! Your math is correct... for calculating MB/s (megabytes per second) but when you're talking about Mbps (megabits per second) you need to times it by 8 because there are 8 bits per byte. This is very confusing for most people. Here's some information that may help https://testmy.net/understand-bandwidth Happy Testing!
  23. That server took itself offline from testing because it had high load. If the server isn't healthy TMN takes it offline. I was notified but thought it resolved itself... apparently it needed a reboot. Looks like a service on the server may have been stuck. I just rebooted the server and the system will automatically throw it back online within a minute or so. (in fact, it's already back on the list) Try testing against other servers like AU or JP to see if you're getting fluctuations elsewhere.
  24. My friend Eric did the music for this one... great track bro. I'm proxied into a connection in the EU (GB to be exact, where you are) for this demonstration. Notice that as soon as you hit "choices" it deselects everything. Only users in the EU get this notice. In the US, I never see this. The way it previously worked for you was how it still works for the majority of users here today, it creates the cookies and doesn't bug you. The EU created these guidelines, I'm just one of the few sites adhering to the law... I guess. I'd think you be used to seeing these kinds of popup's all over the place. Don't you? ...the EU made the rule, I'm just trying my best to be legit around the world. TMN is still the same site you've grown to love. And I have no plan of changing that aspect. Cheers! By the way... notice the "privacy reminder" from Google at the beginning of that video. This is the same thing. And you still use Google, right?
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