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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. ... ehhh... ouch. Don't quote me on this.. because I'm not 100% positive. But with 6/10th of a second of lag the game servers may be ignoring you. That kind of lag effects not only your own gaming experience but others that you're playing with. Here's a topic I found on Gamespot about Satellite Internet and Gaming -- note that the topic is from 2007 and today many of the newer games probably auto kick for high ping. You'll also see replies on that topic saying that your high ping doesn't effect others... but it does, if your character is lagging out and causing you to jump all over the place it will make you very hard to hit... making the gaming experience bad for other better connected players. Satellite is definitely not ideal for gaming. I'm sorry to say this... but you might not be able to play online games reliably on that connection. Unless you're able to rope the satellite and bring it closer to Earth there isn't much that you can do to improve that ping. The round trip delay of sending and receiving data into orbit is too great. I'm sure that there are games that you could play but FPS (first person shooters) are going to either ignore you, kick you once you connect or be so laggy that it's not fun. I've never tried to play on a connection with that much lag but I've played on servers with 300+ms lag and it really takes the fun and realism out of the game. Like I said, to combat that problem I'm sure that newer games (and updated older games) have an auto kick / ignore built in to keep the game fun for the majority.
  2. That 2TB 7200 RPM drive should be sufficient. You really only see the hard drive speed effecting results when they are much slower. It happens when the hard drive speed is slower than the connection speed because the disk can't keep up. A good program to test your disk performance in OSX is Blackmagic Disk Speed Test -- free in the app store. Example, my girlfriends Macbook used to test at ~30Mbps with the original 160GB SATA... I swapped the HDD for a SSD and instantly it was able to max out the 50Mbps connection. Most people wouldn't associate HDD performance with network performance but in some cases it is a factor. So when you test through VM Fusion on the MacPro (that's getting 10/2 Mbps natively) you're getting your full speed?
  3. Hey Shawn, So your Droid doesn't have any of those pauses that you experience on your desktop computer? Was the streaming issue on your computer or were you using a console? If you have access to another computer, a friends laptop for instance, it can aid in troubleshooting the issue. First, make sure that the computer you're using is reliable and fast. Connect it the same way that the desktop is being connected and test it. It sounds like you've troubleshooted the rest of the equipment the right way... you eliminated extra variables like the router and swapped cables and your modem. It's most likely the adapter or something software related in the OS. Especially since the droid isn't showing the same pauses. If you can't get your hands on another computer (or after you test on another computer and find improved connection) another thing you can do is buy a cheap (or a nice one if you think you might want to keep it) USB CAT-5 or wireless adapter (or PCI / PCIe... sounds like you're comfortable inside your computer). Make sure you buy it from a store that has a good return policy because you may or may not want to keep it afterwords, depending on the outcome. ... if you still have the same issue with a different adapter on the same computer then it may be something software related, again... trying another computer, hooked up the same way as your computer will prove that it's an isolated issue and not an issue with your provider, modem, router or cables. ... Let me put it this way... even if they cut your speeds... you shouldn't have pauses like that when you test. That's a major indication that there's a problem.
  4. So, you get your full speed when the modem is directly connected to the computer? Are you using the same cable from the modem to the computer as you're using from the router to the computer when you hook up directly to the modem? I assume that this problem is seen throughout the entire network, right? It's not isolated to one machine? I think it's your router... but that doesn't mean the router is bad. Did you used to have it connected to a DSL service? Suddenlink uses a cable modem, right? The MTU (Max Transmission Unit) setting in the router may be set incorrectly, set for your old DSL service. Look for the MTU setting in the router and change it to 1500 (this is optimal for Cable Internet). DSL is usually 1496. It may be as easy as that. When I troubleshoot a problem like that I try to eliminate as many variables as possible. Sounds like you've done that by directly connecting the modem to one of your computers... and you found that the connection was improved. In my mind this points to the router being at fault (as long as you're troubleshooting the line with the same CAT-5 cables in both instances). Let me know if the MTU was the issue. I've personally seen this issue first hand when switching from DSL back to Cable. I've also helped hundreds of people who've found that's their issue as well. So it wouldn't surprise me if that's the issue.
  5. On your computer that's connected to the same connection run ping to a few locations... let's see what you get. To ping a host... Windows Start > Run > type CMD [enter] > from the command prompt type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Linux / Mac Under Applications/Utilities open 'Terminal' > type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Paste those results here.
  6. Are you positive that the Wii has connection to the Internet? If you don't already know how, here are instructions on how to browse the Internet from the Wii. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wii/en_na/ht_channels.jsp?menu=internet&submenu=rvl-ht-chn-browse-internet First check to make sure that you can not only connect to the wifi but can also get some kind of useful connection and we'll troubleshoot from there.
  7. I kinda forgot about this. But here's a follow up. I took pictures up close after they finished working on this. It's funny... the needles are just paint splatters, lol. It looks real when you stand back though. ... Unrelated... but check out this cool pic I just found on my phone. I always hold bees and other bugs... they never sting me. Well, once I got stung... but it was because it crawled between my fingers and I accidentally squeezed it a little and it stung me right between my fingers. But I don't count that because it really didn't mean to... more of a reaction to the pressure. ... after a long day of fixing bugs, I go outside and hold them. Go figure.
  8. What do you think of Windows 8 in general?
  9. Just to let everyone know who might not already know... you can hover over member names and click "Test Results" to quickly pull stats on members you meet in the forums. This link is also on the members profile.
  10. Always so afraid of losing it all... the halmark of someone who's lost information before. Don't worry, I'll walk you through it over the phone. After, you can update this thread to let others know that it didn't hurt to rip the bandaid off. There has been a lot of updates since Natty Narwal (11.04). Ubuntu is on version 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal, they have weird release names). That's 1.5 years newer, imagine all the stuff they've learned in 1.5 years... give your computer those instructions! The process isn't going to restructure your file system... and if it was going to, it would let you know of the risks involved before doing so. No worries.
  11. You say that you mean me no disrespect... then in the same breath you call my answer generic. Whatever dude. ... it can still be a problem along your route. I can test over and over and over and get the same results. It's NOT my server. You have a weak link across that route, doesn't mean that it always has to be weak... routers and networking equipment is just as likely to have intermittent issues as any other hardware. Other servers you've tested from won't necessarily have the same route. Even if the servers are close to each other they'll sometimes be routed differently on a few hops... all it takes is one bad hop.
  12. It's not the server dude, it's your routing to that server. That's from over 2200 miles away. (lol, look at the first two and last two characters of the upload test ID... haha "P0njSRN") Here's a random result from someone who JUST tested. If you ever question the server itself you can simply pull the recent results to see that other people are not experiencing any problems... https://testmy.net/live --- if it was a problem with the server, it would be noticeable in everyones results. 999,999 times out of 1,000,000 it's your routing, not TestMy.net. You were made an inactive mod because you haven't been moderating. I've told you more than once that you don't just hold that title only to visit every so often. That's for people who are actively moderating... you weren't. I changed your status like two months ago... so if you're just noticing then that shows how much you were using it.
  13. Personally... I love GoDaddy. 1000X better than who I used before them (enameco)... and 1,000,000X better than who I used before that (Network Solutions). Network Solutions was the worst and tried to make it impossible for me to transfer... "Uhhh, we need you to fax these forms..." "... we never got the fax that you sent us 10 times... try again." "...Oh we got your fax but we need these different forms now..." "Try again, we didn't get your fax." ... I'm like, UHHHH, it's the 21st century, can't I just email you this crap! Why do I have to jump through hoops to take something I own over to another company! At the time they were still charging $59.99/year or some crap. When I was finally able to pry Network Solutions greedy claws off my property. I took my domains over to enameco and they charged me $12.99/year... that's nearly 5X cheaper! It was like a big time scam, make it impossible to leave then charge a premium to the people who give up. I'm surprised those greedy f***s are still in business. ... i just checked their site, YEP... still greedy! They want 34.99 per year! HAHHA, HOW DO THEY STAY IN BUSINESS?! What the hell could they possibly provide that justifies that price!? I bet if you hop on the elevator to hell you'll see a button reserved for Network Solutions executives, just below the basement. At least GoDaddy has ethics. I'm sure you're just not talking to the right person. All my interactions with them have been very professional and they get things done and provisioned faster than I previously thought was even possible. Although I don't use any of their secondary services... just domain names and DNS. But I have helped other people with their accounts where they were hosting email services and it was pretty straight forward. You know what you should do for these guys... get them on Google Apps for Business... screw hosting email service yourself and why pay GoDaddy when you know that Google would do a better job. I've used the service for years, since before it was public actually, and I've never had a single issue. The @yourdomain.fart addresses you associate become Google accounts so they can be used to login to other Google services. It's a pretty simple DNS setup to get it going and you can get a free account for up to 10 users to give it a try. Depending on how many addresses employees they have it can be anywhere from free... to more expensive than GoDaddy's email. I think it's worth looking into. ... Man, Google really hooked me up for joining Apps for Business early. My account can have up to 500 users for free. They normally charge $5/month/user over 10 users.
  14. I'll have ping and traceroute built in soon awesome speed!
  15. Cool... I got 6... I leave my browsers vanilla.
  16. So the virus popped something on your screen wanting $200 to fix it?
  17. No problem... thanks for your patronage. Also, thank you for your service (I assume you're in the military because of your avatar). Also realize this about speedtest.net... it was created by the former CEO of Speakeasy, a large ISP. So who do you think those tests are designed to benefit? The consumer or the ISP? ... personally, I work for the consumers best interest. I could care less if I make the ISPs look bad. I'm only holding up a mirror. --- Their test is designed to throw away the bottom and top of the results, they say, "The fastest 10% and slowest 30% of your results are DISCARDED" ... the information that you need to know is in that bottom 30%... I don't understand how it could be accurate if it's being adjusted. It's not a benchmark... it's a way of ISPs masking their shortcomings and making consumers feel that the problem they feel has to do with the websites they're visiting. Most of the provider hosted speed tests run Ookla software... the creators of speedtest.net. .... then people come here and wonder why they're getting very different results. It's because I'm telling you the truth. ... and the truth is, if you didn't feel that something wasn't right with their results you would have taken them at face value and wouldn't have kept searching for the REAL speed test. Right?
  18. Welcome WadeG It's quite common for people to have higher reported speeds on flash speed tests or ISP hosted speed tests (which are also usually flash). Read https://testmy.net/ip...la-speed-tests/ and https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php --- TestMy.net is a more realistic representation... not a best case scenario. TMN also doesn't have to adjust your speed to offset an unknown variable. Something that speedtest.net themselves admit to doing, in their own wiki. How can a test be accurate if it's being adjusted to offset a number that's unknown. It's laughable... and novelty. TMN is a true speed test.
  19. I believe Comcast's Blast! package right now is 30Mbps download and 4 Mbps upload. So you're right on target. You should give the west coast server (Seattle WA) a try too. (following that link will change your default test server to the west coast server, you can change the server at the top of the page... on all pages here except within the forum) That's a very nice rig. Sure, post 'em up. Start a new topic, under the "Show off your speeds or computer" forum.
  20. Heads up... I rewrote the copy to clipboard function on the results page in v13 this morning. nJoy!
  21. What package do you subscribe to? What city and state are you in?
  22. No problem, thanks for visiting... I hope you stick around. I have much more in store for the future.
  23. If you click "Your Results" in the main menu... Below the graph you'll see sharing and exporting options... Below that you'll see a list of the results in your query... Click "Share" to share a single score. There are also sharing options on the test results page immediately after you test. Just click the tab that says "Share This Result".
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