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Everything posted by coknuck

  1. This might be a dumb question but do you have the jack in the right port for 5.1?
  2. How you been? Nice speeds as usual.
  3. It just needs a minor adjustment to the muffle bearings or a quart or two of compression! :2funny:
  4. I like that! I found this the other day and its almost as good! http://www.smouch.net/lol/
  5. I'd check with your ISP if you could host it from home with a business account.
  6. I'm still using 3.0.16. I had problems with the 3.5 so I went back. You might want to consider doing that. EDIT: You can get older versions at Filehippo.com http://www.filehippo.com/download_firefox/
  7. Welcome to the forum. You should be able to go to the Web site of who ever you are going to go with and see what speed packages they are offering and the prices. When I moved to Cable from Dialup the cable company was offering 3/512 for $40, a big jump from $15 a month. To me it was the best move to take and haven't looked back. My wife was the hardest to convince to make the move. You ask her now if she would go back to dialup you will get a big Hell No . So the choice is up to you.
  8. I know, I couldn't steal your thunder for long!
  9. I'll bet you can really cuddle up to a Spider!
  10. I know its not FIOS but its not bad either!
  11. No one holds a candle to you "Sir Spam-a-lot" King of the post count! :2funny:
  12. Someone must have given him a reprieve! All I can say is He must have some bad ass knee pads! :2funny:
  13. True! Now that was really funny! :haha:
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