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  1. Roco

    Oh No ! Help

    Hi Guys, Thanks for the fast responce, I only need disk 7 from win. 3.1or even the lost files would be great b4 I have to confess to my buddy, Hi shug's thats what happens with too many late nights and 5.30 am starts, I will try the wash routine,on a spare floppy, first, Thanks Just , spot on with that Roco uk
  2. Roco

    Oh No ! Help

    Sorry to be sooo dramatic, but I dont believe what I have done, A good buddy has lent me windows 3.1,on 7 floppies) so I could try it on my old spare puter, just for the experience, then I knocked over a glass of milk, yeah I know, it was milk, honest, result after the panic to contain the flood ,I found disk # 7 sitting in the lake, result F**ked from file PG308.drv. onwards. been searching the web with no luck, any suggestions, can you wash a floppy ? guess not, any help would be much appreciated Roco UK P.s. I I'm gonna use a cup with a spout in future,
  3. LOL Shug's, gotta go , its Midnight in London UK, and this poor old boy's gotta drag them outa bed at 5.30 am , goodnite from Roco UK
  4. Right on Tommie G you also had that sinking feeling when you messed up ?, hey I got the T-shirt yeah, best forum around I nearly wore out a.s.r. on my box ! Regards Roco UK, refuge from numion forum,
  5. shug's with my misspent youth , I'm lucky to be 1/2 full Roco
  6. Hey shug7272 the great thing about being 60y + is, it dont hurt so much Regards Roco UK
  7. hey guys , I dont care how old I am (60.24 -60.25 ,dont forget the leap years, the great news for me, is I am no longer a 60y + JNR. MEMBER now my rank matches my age, FULL MEMBER yes yes yes :haha: didn't think I would live long enough to make it Roco UK
  8. Hi guys my friend the dim cab driver, tried to jump start his wifes car with his 24v cab battery, nah it didn't start , but the bang woke up the neibourhood
  9. Hey Guy's best forum by miles, spread the word ? I use a tag on my e-mails along with my mail sig, I get lots of replies that mention what is TestMy.net , just have a look is my reply,
  10. rom-dos , thanks for the heads-up on this , from Roco Jnr. mem.
  11. Living
  12. Hi Netmasta you are right on the volts x amps I will stand in a puddle and try both 110v and 220v for my sins I will post back the results, or maybe not , is the result still cant tell if it was the volts or amps, LOL how come the static shock from my Ford (UK) could make a grown man cry at night the flash would light up the street , I allways let my date touch the car first, till I ran out of dates, I sold the car, well cars are 2 a penny , dates cost a little more Roco UK
  13. Hi Altoidz "13 and lovin' it! Lol 90+ to the poll. Maybe all of you seniors can tell me the truth...about drugs! " And so you should , 13 is a great age to be, 2 years older than my grandson, Altoidz, you ever seen a druggie lovin
  14. Duh, I missed page 2 glad your prob is fixed regards Roco UK
  15. Hi tobytobes "The exhaust vents directly into the back of my CD-Rom Drives, just like the old PSU.... Not very efficient" you sure it vents into the puter ?, all the psu's i have fitted draw air in from just behind the CD and pump it out from the case, sometimes the gap between is only about a inch, but has never given me a problem with temps. as for hibernate F*$k most of my puters wont, apart from my Dell laptop
  16. This is my ping result to TMN Average = 113ms from the UK, does this seem about right ? I get around 25ms to Europe (Holland)
  17. Hi guy's a zero on the 110 v. we have the full Monty in UK 220v. but only 20 outlets , yeah 220v hurts , especialy when you are standing in a puddle,
  18. london UK 12 deg C
  19. Oh joy , I have companmy in the 60+ poll :haha:
  20. Oh hell , now they have added some senior age groups in the poll, and I am out on my own !! thanks tdawnaz,?? anyone else 60+ ? and for all my advanced years I am still listed as a Jn. Member, sorry mudmanc4 for the typo, I had lost my bifocals, Roco uk
  21. Spot on mudmance4 " i'll be 37 in July not toooooo far behind ya " only 201,480 hours ,make good use of them my friend I can still remember being 37, JUST !!! Regards Roco UK
  22. By the way are the women allowed to lie about their age :oops:here? A gentleman would never ask but you may if you wish Tommie Me I am 527,760.48 hours old , yeah, I live in a alternative time zone
  23. Budaha , LOL
  24. Addictions Staying alive, romance , people, nostalgia, puters, knowledge, tyestmy.net forums, things I wish I didn't do, smoking, lying ( only little ones , just to keep the peace ) like underpricing puter bits etc. anyone got any tips on giving up smoking ? forget the lying I can cope with that, tdawnnaz, you still off the cigs, ??any suggestions, anyone ? help !!!! , Please Roco uk
  25. Hi tobytobes, [ I then placed my hand over the back of the exhaust and felt the case fan speed up,] this is caused by the fan no longer moving air,it's just recirculating the air within the fan body, this takes the load off the fan motor hence the increase in r.p.m. although the CPU temp. will then start to rise, are you sure you Dell cannot measure CPU temp. as the case/heatsink fan rpm changes, it must be sensing temp. somewere ? you could use as a temporary measure a cheap diy /garden store LCD thermometer the type that has a fly lead and thermistor head , that you normally use to measure outside temperature, they range up to 70 deg.C the thermocouple head is about the size of a dime, and has a self adhesive pad sucking air from the heatsink shroud , is not as efficient as blowing air straight onto the heatsink Roco uk
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