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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by j3grizz

  1. Man, I hope I'm not on the receiving end of that!!!!
  2. OK, coknuck it's done.
  3. Hirens is a very good tool and will definately do the trick.
  4. Yea, I had to re learn the OSI as well! lol.
  5. I am like dlewis23. I try to buy the cheapest one I can find as well. Although I have to say I have bought some really cheap ones and they gave me many problems. So to sum it up, use discretion, don't buy any that is too cheap cause they may be bad. I am at work so I can't recall the name of the DVD's but I will check for you. Memorex, Fuji, and Sony are all good ones.
  6. It is always best to get the shielded cable if possible. It will keep you from having any undue problems.
  7. j3grizz


    Ok, I'm down here in middle Georgia where we do not have many broadband Isp's to choose from.
  8. I see that you tested in the afternoon when many people would be online I suggest retesting again early in the morning or late at night. Then repost. Post a tracert to testmy.net if you will and make sure you x-out your personal ip address, as this is a public site that anyone can view. Go to Start, Run, type CMD, type tracert www.testmy.net. Copy what you see and paste here. Welcome to the forum bluize.
  9. j3grizz

    DVD Media

    Hi hid. DVD+R is a DVD disc that allows multiple layers for one disc. A DVD-R only allows one layer. Multi layer DVD+R can allow extra capacity per disc! It cost more though. Hope this answers yur question.
  10. j3grizz


    Cool, do you use them? If so what kind of speed do ya get? Welcome to the forum speedie!
  11. Post a speed test. Your pings and trace route look good to me. What seems to be the problem? Welcome to the forum H3lix.
  12. If I were you I would disconnect from that connection as steeling broadband is illegal. And if you are caught you can get into some big trouble. And yes, you can get cought very easily. Just letting ya know. Welcome to the forum johnbeever!
  13. Cool paladin, sounds like you have some stories to tell as well. I like reading all of these crazy stories!!
  14. That is great. Nice speeds.
  15. What time of day did you run the tests. And yes with the right tweaks you can go over your cap. I am over my cap as well. Do this if you are still unsure. Download a large file from the net Microsoft or anyone and see what you final DL speed is. Then compare it to the test. testmy.net is usually the most accurate test for me and I have probably tried them all. Welcome to the forum Brownie2k2001.
  16. Clear your cache and test again. Cookies, temp. internet files, etc. If you have CCleaner it does a good job.
  17. You can do a benchmark test. Just google one up.
  18. Well, you shouldn't have both tcp optimizer and cablenut. They can conflict with each other. I recommend uninstalling tcp optimizer and sticking with cablenut. After doing this clear your cache, cookies, temp internet files, and test again. Maybe this will do the trick. Welcome to the forum.
  19. Yes the firewall very easily could be blocking you somehow. Have you tried uninstalling it?
  20. Have you tried the test with the antivirus and firewall off? Norton interfered with my speeds terribly, so I got rid of it!! Try this and see what happens. Welcome to the forum.
  21. Wow Tommie, I wouldn't want to go for a ride with you!! lol....scared you might decide to try out something new. I did some crazy things but not that crazy. I hope yall were strapped in somehow. :haha:
  22. You guys type to fast when I started typing no one posted when I finished 2 of ya beat me to the punch. lol.
  23. Oh yea, I forgot about the second part of the question. Well there is quite a few things to do about your pc speed. Depending on your system you can turn off many services through control panel-admin. tools-services, make sure unneeded items are deleted from your startup folder, Keep your system defragmented, and make sure you keep your cookies, temporary internet files, and temp folder clear. You can download CCleaner which I use and like to clear these things and more for you. Basically you are just freeing up more ram so you arent using virtual memory. Hope this helps, and welcome to the forum!
  24. Depends on which system you have. On most systems you can right click My computer, properties, advanced, under performance click settings, advanced, under virtual memory click change, set it to what you need.
  25. It is just for flavoring. When ya get done then eat the peanuts.
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