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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. or in the bios you could set it to not halt on anything...although that may not be the best way to do it
  2. oh yeh now that i refresh the page its censored. hmm. i stand corrected
  3. Tommie, why is it that your quote got edited, but i still see the orignal link in your other post
  4. ok wow. sorry this happened "untitled" but back to helping you. Post up any questions and if i cant solve them i can point to right to where the answer is.
  5. hey calm down wknight, no need to say things like "my 10 year old can do this" post up any questions you have untitled and we will help you.
  6. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Network-Tweak/CableNut.shtml thats the link for cablenut. here are some file settings from vanburen https://testmy.net/topic-1013 what are your advertised speeds exactly and we can help you dial in what settings you need edit/ also you have to restart your computer before the settings take effect each time. also here is a thread that you might read through http://www.testmy.net/t-2097
  7. You can download Cablenut. that works pretty well. you are on xp? edit oops sorry mudman i seem to have quoted you instead of the other poster EDITED for ryan lol, walk him through it buddy
  8. you mean uncap your line to get unlimited speeds right? as far as i know thats illegal if possible
  9. happy birthday coknuck
  10. lol nice. i'd trust this site most. it is the most accurate i've been to.
  11. lol its cool. anyway. what was you gonna post
  12. its cool. you can make a topic almost anywhere. and if it deserves to be in a different section the mods/admins can move it to that section for you
  13. im lost. i think it was a mistype in the post so its supposed to be deleted?
  14. yeah i've seen the leak. as everyone knows the cgi and stuff isnt finished, they are adding more scenes to it and acutally reshooting alot of it before adding more music or anything.
  15. im just stopping by to say WELCOME TO THE FORUM! we have plenty of members who can help you with this, just sit tight and they'll have an answer for you soon
  16. oh lol. yeah i just skimmed through the main page and saw your thread and was like OMG i wish that was real....
  17. is that cached?
  18. hahaha. yeah i've called walmart from my cell when i was in there and had them page mike hunt. ..we have a liquor store here named dicks liquors
  19. i'd still upgrade to FF3...its awesome
  20. just curious, and maybe it will help someone else if they stumble across this thread. how did you get it fixed?
  21. is it SATA or ATA100 (ribbon cable)? you could try a new cable. ...so the drive didnt click or make any sounds or anything...it just up and quit reading?
  22. ahhh shucks, i knew i shouldnt have gotten on the bus with you guys...but you all was wearin the same football helmet as me!!! :2funny: jk welcome to the forum. glad to have ya
  23. nah no hole in the wall. just a chip of paint missing...about the size of a quarter maybe smaller....but i fixed that also...now i have a poster up in front of that god im destructive.....but really there was no real damage, just paint chipped. and i got the temporary drive from my uncle so no cash lost yet
  24. very nice. well you know what they say sir. the two things humans cant handle very well are failure and success
  25. i still dont have an answer to the question i have been pondering. if you try to fail and succeed which have you done?
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