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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. maybe its your motherboard, if all else fails (looks like it unless its something so simple you didnt think of it) try a new mobo...
  2. good ideas voltageman. i had the same problem as you and it turned out to be my motherboard...the second memory slot was screwed up. everything would boot in any configuration except when there was ram in the second slot....then my psu turned out to be the problem as it died soon after and took my gigabyte mobo with it...
  3. dude....50 bucks here gets you 4/400
  4. Cool video. nice project. it looked like in the video a guy in the background had a clear acrylic case..?
  5. sweet. that would be cool if you could..
  6. SWEET. how does it run?
  7. the title brought me in, i was like HOLY CRAP.....i think that there is up to a 1200watt power supply.
  8. my teacher wanted me to join the computer maintenance part of skills usa, but i didnt get my money in fast enough.
  9. amazing they accepted it....cool idea though for having no tape....... hey, when i had to send my motherboard back, i covered the whole box with like 3 layers of tape, except for the model name on the box....they took it and newegg sent an email saying that they accepted everything,,,after reading that i found all the screws, and motherboard mounts i forgot to package....
  10. i know how he feels, thats how i had my heatsink and fan and my ram at one point. but luckily i had an antistatic bag for the ram.....
  11. lol thats funny. the video at the bottom was great.
  12. not sure why, but tdawnaz, this post cracked me up... maybe its because its 12:30am and i just finished a double shot of the strongest coffee i could find....
  13. title? my news anchor? yeah i've been talking to CA3LE about it in pm's about how exactly to post everything.
  14. I'm currently on the 3mbps download package and am wanting to upgrade except this is the only isp besides dialup around my small town lol. so is it worth it to upgrade to teh 4 or 5mbps download...i think its like 40 a month right now.... and would be 10 extra dollars a month for each step up i get....just wondering who has this isp with these packages and if they are reliable speeds....my current package is but i dont want to pay extra for un stable speeds...
  15. if you do buy a new one like bryan suggested. i just bought an all in one printer for about 69 dollars...and ink is only like 20 dollars and it takes one cartridge instead of two..and suprisingly it lasts for a long time for normal to a little extended use.
  16. Oh, i know i was just kidding around, i know CA3LE is busy, i dont care all that much. because if its even important i can post it in general discussion or something .
  17. lol im 17 and i requested to be an anchor a while back instead of posting my news in general discussion...guess i ddint qualify for the job
  18. Waste of money.....cool self opening case though...
  19. i'm 17, will be 18 in november....lol whats weird is my friends from work have birthdays one day before me or 1 day after me...
  20. in firefox isnt there an extension called ad-block?
  21. i live in southeast kansas. 311.91 miles
  22. i think its 40 hours a week...but i get good hours for being under the limit...i'm not complaining...i only complain cause the boss wont give me a raise .
  23. nice. i only get around 6 an hour and i only work 3 days a week (just to pay for the small stuff until i turn 18.....
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