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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. weird tommie, here is mine Your connection is: 3106 Kbps or 3.1 Mbps You downloaded at: 379 kB/s You are running: 54 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 2.7 second(s) Member Ident:Username:starship_troopers CompID:221165310975 Test Time:: 2007/04/26 - 6:04pm Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/ Test ID: WXP9M5R1G (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake) Diagnosis ^info^: 90% + Okay : running at 95.31 % of your hosts average (cableone.net) This was tested from a 2992 kB file and took 7.89 seconds to complete mine works fine
  2. cool someone else to post in this thread, almost thought it was dead lol thanks for adding to the tmn mugshot collection
  3. not very often, the owner of this site is pretty busy with other stuff. but when he logs on i'm sure he'll post here (owner is CA3LE)
  4. you are lucky you dont know what he means....and remember that if waterrtbh says something about a closet RUN, we had to get shug out after we found him a week later
  5. a post whore huh? i'll remember that... anyways i was just messing around on my last post....
  6. is your graphics card overclocked? and this happens in 1.6 engine games? only in dod or have you tried cs 1.6 also (if you have that installed)
  7. i think its my theme... my bookmarks all have icons on them though my theme is called ifox graphite.
  8. easy there, dont want to spam too much :haha: just kidding, post alot and enjoy your tmn experience
  9. lol shug, its kinda funny...but to top it off here is my msn name (i cropped out my contact list and stuff but here it is.) Sorry to digress from the topic
  10. good graphics, that shows that we need more people to test but everyone i talk to about internet speed i promote tmn
  11. yeah, i've noticed that people have been using speedtest.net alot recently here in the forums. i wouldnt ever use anything but tmn unless tmn is down for a while. but even on my windows live messenger name i have a message that says to join tmn
  12. it is a good idea, and i would like to see it, but maybe its not being addressed because of what happened with the chat room....where everyone was like i'll be on it alot, then were never on so it got removed.....but i would use this alot actually, just as a quick chat if it wasnt important enough for a thread or something
  13. i personally use tmn because it's the most accurate for me, and i like the way the site is setup with the forum, ping tools, etc. but if tmn is down (like the great crash we had) i use speakeasy, it seems the second closest. here is a note for you shug, i never use speedtest.net because they only have 1 size speed test it seems, and if i choose a close server to test, even though i am only on a 3mbps download connection, i still lose a bunch of speed with it. so for me it is extremely inaccurate, because on dumeter(registered) i dont get close to the speed i do on tmn
  14. LUCKY water, why can't you float some mlb tickets my way....
  15. lol did you pm cable? i dont think he has been on much recently....
  16. yeah disable the sleep mode and all should work out without problems.
  17. ...just kidding...
  18. you say it's only rebooting during a screensaver? if so, try a different screensaver, and your power options to make sure it's not set to shut down or hibernate, etc. when inactive... i have xp pro and have never used vista but this is stuff i have had to change in xp so hope it works
  19. maybe update drivers?
  20. sometimes it doesnt tell me...but thats in XP media center... but i read some problems for people might be hardware related...but did you try searching for adware, spyware, etc.?
  21. sweet, mine is just black with like 3 zipper openings and has newegg all over it... mine wiggles a little, but it has never fallen out or anything, but i wouldnt really worry if it was going to break and not charge, because i am careful with it, so if you're all careful i dont see a problem....correct me if i'm wrong...
  22. windows updates maybe, sometimes they restart my pc.... but maybe kamil was right and it was your battery...
  23. lol i know but i wanted to make sure exactly so i didnt waste the money
  24. lol cool, sounds like a nice case also. my case was a free combo with my purchase, so it has neweggs name and logo all over it
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