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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. i didnt know about the price drop, thanks, kamil
  2. lol i agree that tmn has had less posts lately, but when you said to look at your loser score i didnt get too far away from that...i got like an 80 something (i dont remember exactly).
  3. and isnt that per year or something?
  4. all i'm saying in this thread is that if i could afford the same kind of macbook that dlewis has, i'd buy one and completely forget about my ideas for a differnet laptop.
  5. i agree with all of it except the c2d intel part. if you still want a 3.0ghz amd dual core then get the 250-300 dollar amd athlon 64 x2 6000+. its 3.0ghz and i have heard good reviews for it...but that is just if you want to stick with amd
  6. same. i was like. why would someone start this thread lol
  7. hey swimmer i need help with wireless and i never saw you do a tutorial. any help is appreciated. if you reply to this i'll start a new thread for it. but just letting you know if i cant get suse to work i can change to ubuntu i guess.
  8. i think he means that since it is expensive to remember that it might/can go missing and to keep it in mind to help protect it...i think... ok now kamil, this is the time to do it.... What!? btw welcome to tmn
  9. i think the nvidia go 7700 is enough for me. but if the 8600 is more powerful overall then i'll buy that. any advice? i can't seem to find any reviews for the one with the 8600... edit/ here is a toshiba that is slightly better i think... and is around the same price. any oppinions on it? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834114320
  10. what about reviews for the other one with the 8600 graphics card....maybe i'll get that one, but i think i'm looking towards the one you found the review for
  11. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220163 here is one with the 8600 in it. but its only 256 mb instead of the 512 for the 7700 card in the one i posted. but the one with the 8600 has better battery life...idk which is better though. but i do know that this one is cheaper. i will have to look to other reviews on these and compare again. thanks for the headsup on the graphics cards kamil
  12. and people say you can't discipline your child....that woman kicks @$$. glad she's not my mom tho
  13. woah fast response. thanks kamil. looks nice doesnt it? wish i could afford it right now.
  14. ok i have decided that before next school year for me (which is august) i am going to buy a new laptop....i currently have an acer aspire 3100 with low specs, as it was/is used for linux and papers and internet...but i want a mobile station for under 2000 as long as the specs are good and its worth it. i would like feedback, positive and negative, as well as ideas for a new laptop.... here is the link to the one i want currently http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220124 thanks, starship
  15. hey i have the same motherboard in my pc i built. its awesome and i haven't had any problems. you should be happy with it
  16. i love linux compared to windows. but i am keeping windows xp as a dual boot untill i actually get more used to linux. thanks to swimmers guide i dualbooted windows and suse.
  17. yeah, i'd take down some of the overclocks first, and the voltages, and if that doesnt work, even though it should, i'd look into using a new power supply to test that. or another cpu, or something. but taking down the overclocks/voltages should work
  18. thanks, but i'll stay with this untill i get wireless working and more ram for my laptop, then i'll upgrade versions. right now i'm still trying to learn the basics
  19. no i had downloaded suse 10.1, never touched the dvd i burned the iso to. then downloaded suse 10.2 and accidentally grabbed the 10.1 dvd instead of the 10.2 dvd right after i used gparted. and i didnt think about it untill i had like 5 minutes of install left
  20. i will look into it, but i have suse 10.1 lol i downloaded/installed the wrong version
  21. hey shug, remember this: i could not get it to install on my desktop (my fault because i downloaded the wrong version, i need one that works with amd athlon 64) anyways, make sure you get the right version .
  22. lol i'll try to be there by dinner jk shug, i'm sure that even if ya was serious you'd have enough to do without me <----- I"M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! LMAO
  23. mind sending me your monitor? even the secondary one you got there works
  24. you guys wanna help me with some of that. lol i have a 25" tv that is OLD OLD OLD, ontop of my dresser with my ps2 beside it
  25. educational movies you say? btw elinvesti8, welcome to the forum
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