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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. guys those are all nice rides....when i have my laptop booted up sometime i'll pop in the memory card and post a pic of my dodge caravan i rock in
  2. thanks guys for making/adding this. i'm using it now.
  3. then why did you want to know who those were? I'm lost?
  4. maybe scan for adware/spyware, or defrag your haddrive. and make sure your system is running smoothly...
  5. i have u torrent, but i only got like 1/4 of my download cap so i just downloaded it from their servers. and it worked fine maxing out my connection....of course this is the only time i've used utorrent so i may not have had it configured correctly...
  6. Welcome. Here is the official site for suse linux http://en.opensuse.org/Download hope that helps. also, if you aren't sure how to dual boot i 110% guarantee that Swimmer's guide will work for you.
  7. upload will almost always be slower than download by a bit. my upload is only 300kbps while my download is 3mbps. so it looks ok to me. but yeah, what are your advertised speeds?
  8. thanks guys, i have been looking alot lately and honestly i think i've found the one i want. but i'm not sure if i have the right memory picked out for it. ok first off here is the laptop http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220163 and here is the memory, although i am not 100% yet if this is compatible. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820231069
  9. Be sure to hold the canned air the right way and not upside down...i found that out the hard way on an old pc
  10. yeah, i saw this not too long ago. you can also go down to street level and look at buildings. here is shug's thread on it. http://www.testmy.net/t-19675
  11. thta would be cool. but man, i bet this is expensive as heck to get
  12. ok new plan...i have to get this laptop before i go somewhere in august, so i'm thinking that 1500 is the max i can get now. instead of the 2000. but i dont want a laptop with integrated graphics, or dedicated graphics being lower than 256mb. and 2gigs of ram if possible. and a dual core processor no lower than 1.8ghz. ...think i have found one but not sure yet. any links to ones on NEWEGG ONLY please
  13. Welcome slemay, ok I am not sure about those graphs because i haven't ever used them honestly. but you say it was about a year ago? depending on the exact amount of time ago, it could have been lost in the TMN crash of 2006. so when someone who has been here longer than i have reads this, i'm sure you'll get a definite answer.
  14. yeah shug, i mean after i stop playing it but still have media player open in a browser, i've have to stop the browser just to get rid of it because it says media player is still open and using it even though its not. and i'm like on the part of "do you think i know what your thinking?" lol. but yes i do think you know what i'm thinking.
  15. wow. honestly i am kind of glad i missed most of this converstaion
  16. yep. hey shug, i get the problem he does alot when i use media player. most of the time you have to close all programs using it just to get rid of that one file....
  17. lmao In this thread i should estimate when i will break 1000 posts instead of when i have broken it
  18. what types of files? sometimes when i have music i dont like i'll get that message when i try to delete it until i close out of media player. and if it is a program file or something restart and you should be able to delete it....
  19. are you sure you would put him through something like that? JK shug.
  20. ok i thought you would be at work. but i didnt realize that you had posted that before. thanks for the headsup shug. and for posting back greezyg
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