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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. i cant imagine that even working too well.....
  2. you're right it is like leaving your car running and walking away, but if someone left their car running and walked away would you go take it and drive it? No, you wouldnt do anything, so if someone leaves a wireless connection unlocked why would you take their bandwith? not cool and not morally right. i wanted wired and wireless internet so i bought a wired and wireless router.....
  3. my bad, didnt read it thoroughly, i was at school
  4. hahaha, thats awesome
  5. hey, if they dont happen now, they'll happen when you least expect them...like i booted up fine, then my motherboard decides to malfunction......as bad as it is, its better to get them out of the way before they take other components with them
  6. hahaha just get a power bar and hope its grounded so when the surge comes it wont hurt anything probly have to order special....but if so just RMA the case for a new one
  7. lol good to be over prepared i guess i need to buy some, the thermal pad that came on my stock amd cooler is like wearing thin, because i've had to take the heatsink/fan off so many times (first build and had to send in a motherboard and then switched mobo's a few more times)
  8. cool, are you using any thermal paste with it?
  9. nice, on the reviews on newegg it said it moved air excellently, so hope it works out fine, and when you get the rest of your parts post up some temps and stuff. with my casei have only 2 120mm fans running and it is around 77 Fahrenheit even though i'm adding another right above the air duct for my gpu...
  10. woah, thats huge, i didnt think it would be that big, but i guess 250mm is like 25cm around so thats huge
  11. cool trick, i saw chris angel mindfreak do it one time on his show on tv. i still dont know how it happened though lol
  12. i'd rather take the time to learn than pay that much though
  13. there was a thread similar to this before...forget who started it though...either way, even though it is cool, it will suck when/if you get caught.
  14. sorry to digress from the topic but you only live like 2 or 2 and a half hours away from me if you live in KC, MO.......
  15. HAPPY EASTER everyone! i will go ahead and post what i have done so far/will be doing this weekend....Working.... today at the restaruant i work at (I help buffet stay up and cook some of the food for it) we had about 300 people just for lunch (not sure for breakfast) and had to cut prime rib for them and keep stocking up stuff so they could eat... got some good pay though today, went in at 8AM today and just got off
  16. yeah, i have an amd 64 and i'm running 32bit xp pro...its cheaper and there is basically no difference in performace if it ran on a 64bit OS....its just capable of running on a 64bit OS, it doesnt mean it has to...
  17. you dont have to get a 64bit os....
  18. your adding their whole email? just add their screen name and see if that helps like for me you would just add jokercard45 and not a whole email (just and example)
  19. does anyone know where i can get free screensavers of movies from like scarface or something? currently all i can find is screensavers of scarface the game, and i want the movie......
  20. thats a nice setup. especially the case. are those 250mm fans? (i didnt look very closely in the link so i'm just guessing)
  21. core 2 duo. what cpu do you have? if you just post that we could probably tell you if you have a 64bit processor
  22. didn't think of that, but no its not. ...can't beleive i didnt remember to look at the zoom. edit/ fixed it. reinstalled the drivers for the monitor and updated them for my graphics and changed the refresh rate of my monitor. ...not sure why i didnt do that before...
  23. Hi, I have a CRT 17 inch Samsung monitor. everytime i boot up i have to resize the screen by pressing menu on the monitor itsself and resizing the screen..it always is too big and windows go off the viewable area of my monitor, this happens when i reboot or exit a game. I've updated all of my drivers for my monitor, tried reinstalling them and everything like that. any ideas? in a few weeks I'm getting a 22 inch wide screen LCD but for now i want to know if i can fix this problem as it is kind of annoying... thanks, starship_troopers
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