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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. lol coknuck your instructions were better than mine
  2. press printscreen to take a screenshot of your computer screen (located right by the F12 key i think) then open microsoft paint and go to edit then paste. then save the file as a jpeg. and post it here
  3. wow. mine is an amd athlon 3800+
  4. hey kamil what kind of processor you got?
  5. that sucks about your fan. but i'm sure that you can use the cds still just make sure its on the tray fully before closing it. you earn some of shugs tmn bucks.....if he still has them....
  6. sweet great news. thanks. i used to use that site all the time.
  7. who will i be joining?? LOL
  8. ...i may or may not have helped him by unlocking all the locks for him
  9. well i had to make sure that it was left alone!!
  10. lol thanks for the reply Kamil. i used gimp. the pic was like 2048x1536 or something and the people in the picture were in the cener so i just chopped off a little on the outsides to make it in proportion but not have the finger in it.
  11. i have a few pictures i've been brightening up and fixing so they are more visible and came across some with fingers on the side of the pictures. is there an effective way to get rid of this? like crop out the thumb or something. lol thanks starship
  12. those are some crazy bites it can give out
  13. wow. i didnt know that either. thanks tdawnaz
  14. :haha: now that this thread has been turned into a discussion on porn i think my job is done! jk yeah i applaud you
  15. i agree. but i mean being too cheap to buy a 15 dollar cd and just downloading it illegaly is a completely different thing haha i'm starting to sound like reso
  16. LoL. if someone voted porn i'd appluad them for honesty
  17. i actually think i have 3 things but since i can only vote twice i left out games. i put general and tech. stuff
  18. very nice. kamil your really nice at photoshop. yeah coknuck i sent him an idea and pics. also so i'm curious to see what he will come up with
  19. nice sig. coknuck. did you make it?
  20. im sure that most of us do something even small things that are illegal to an extent.....
  21. i like them all
  22. how are you so good at this.. it took me an hour to make the crappy one i got right now
  23. ...isnt that slightly illegal...unless i read it wrong....
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