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Everything posted by tdawnaz

  1. grrrrrrr...what a bunch of smart ass'...translate please
  2. tdawnaz


    cholla: ...blood is needed... please get the facts straight...the stores in that area are destroyed (can't be used)...besides the fact that none can be collected...and the stores have to come from elsewhere for those that come from the effected area that use blood products on a regular basis...all blood products aren't used for trauma...but there are those too...this is too important of an issue to argue...BLOOD KEEPS US ALL GOING...and it's in critically short supply...what i said is roll up ur sleeve and donate...don't rationalize it...just do it...some say "there's not much i can do...but give money or food..." and what i said was roll up ur sleeves and donate...we've even had to use the products that are intended for the united kingdom...so now u see it effects them to...blood donation is my business...i'm just trying to let people know about this very simple, life saving, easy, rewarding thing that they can do... and yes blood is being used in the effected areas.
  3. tdawnaz


    i hear ya cholla...help the victime...and as far as the Portable generators,Portable water purifiers,Helicopters with military food rations,medical supplies & military doctors...goes...that all happened today...bit late...but better late than never...but way late... this cholla is a fantastic idea...seriously...send an email to the president or the red cross...or something there is one more thing that everyone can do...go to your local red cross or united blood services or what ever donation service you have in your area...and donate blood...especially plasma...but whatever, just go and donate...it doesn't take long...it doesn't hurt...and you could personally save a life...the blood stores will be greatly impacted by this disaster...could be your loved one in your area that needs blood and maybe it won't be there because it all went to the disaster victims and not enough people donated to replenish the supply... okay that's my bandwagon...nuff said...well almost enough... BE A HERO...SAVE A LIFE...MAYBE EVEN YOUR OWN...DONATE BLOOD!!! k...now nuff said
  4. $6.07 WHERE???...now that would warrant a classaction like swimmer suggested in another thread...but who would ya sue???...the government...the oil companies...???
  5. yep netmasta...u may end up being the closest...i figured it out yesterday...came out to sept 19...so close i can almost taste it...oh wait that's my peanutbutter m&m's
  6. tdawnaz


    i think of all the animals that couldn't get out...how sad we have a friend that was going to school in new orleans and was evacuated to texas...and now has to come back to phoenix...can't even imagine what it'd be like to have ur whole city flood so bad that u couldn't live there anymore... edit: edited cuz i decided that i wasn't done talking
  7. still about 2.70 here give or take a dime...wow...when did it become "give or take a dime"??...i remember thinking "why is there a cent or two difference between stations?"...now i've accepted that there could be a dime or two difference...what happened to a nickle...ahhhhh...i've been brainwashed
  8. it's just funny cuz we have another member ur age that does the same thing...thought maybe it was being taught in school er something...or maybe u two r the same person...huh?
  9. wow ur way too organized...i can see by the smaller pic of the dvd that it's a huge collection...hope u don't mind i fixed ur photo size
  10. hey...off subject question... why do u cap the first letter of every word?? just curious?
  11. the bots have been simmered down to just 2 rooms...so they don't take over the conversation so give it another try... when was the last time u were in there? and would u use it more if more people were in there? i lost my colors and smilies (my icons) so i need an expert in there
  12. well swodie...ur not a newbie anymore ...but to answer ur question...there is no answer...each level has a different amount needed to get to that level...now this is just an estimate...and u should know that post count doesn't really mean anything...it's not really an indicator of how much knowledge a particular member has...it's just a number... newbie 0-9 cool guy 10-29 king 30-50 post masta 51-75 this guy is tha shit 75-100 real hero 101-199 almost famous 200-250 a regular 250-499 knows whats up 500-999 expert 1000+
  13. coknuck i've only quoted u because of ur last sentence...and before locking this thread i wanna stand up and be a man by giving the full answer to this question (and i already pm'd cholla and gave him the full scoop)...which we are not required to do but outta respect for the members...here we go... i did not personally remove it but all the moderators involved agreed, due to the content, it had to go to protect the integrity and reputation of testmy.net as RTB said...freedom of speech does not apply here...beyond a certain extent...that extent is in the TOS agreement that everyone in this forum agreed to when they joined...which we are normally very lenient on but this went way too far (and NO we won't put it back just so everyone can read it). really this forum should not be a podium for political/religious/racial debate (and that thread involved all three)...it will almost always end in a huge fight...and if a huge flame war that attacks large groups of people ensues the thread will be removed...or a particular post attacks an individual or group based on those subjects that post can/will be removed (this happened to involve the entire thread). this forum is not squeaky clean and we don't want it that way...but there can be no bias here. testmy.net is an open and very friendly diverse community...which is why people come and stay for years...and as in any community debate will be...but it can't be at the expense of others (members or otherwise) edit:member name spelling...oops sorry
  14. uh...yep actually it IS about his avatay...that's why it's titled "Anyone notice PHP's COOL!!!! Avatar???" :haha:
  15. kamil234: go ahead and lyao...i'd never heard the term...but that was what i deduced...i figured it was somehow related to "elite" but spelling it "lite" really wouldn't make sense...i was just making sure it was a good thing ...but thx for filling me in...now i'm hip to the jive ...btw...what is "1337 f0 11f3 " ??? also btw...i love ur avatar too
  16. i don't get it .s1...what's it supposed to mean?...it's a graph, i know...of time spent online, i know...but what does it mean to you?...that he's actually moderating??? well i think his avatar is brilliant...for those that don't know...it changes daily i think ...i want one
  17. seems to me that there were more people in there til those silly bots...very irritating at first when they were in the main room...but now that they have their own room it's better...start a topic telling folks that the bots won't ruin the conversation any more... at first i'd go in there and there'd be several of my fav ppl and the bots would be taking over the whole conversation...talking over ppl... now nobody
  18. sooooo Aggr3 and The Dog...tell us...how's it comin???
  19. she did receive some compensation...she got 1 year free cable internet and a $50 gift certificate...wow whatta story
  20. i don't get it...???...what new board??
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