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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by cak46

  1. Don't get much involved with speed. Vans the man! He can help you out. It doesn't seem that you're virused up or are ridden with spyware Good Luck!
  2. Looks like your running 2 types of anti-virus: Nortons and AVG. This could slow you down a bit. Also, you're running zoneAlarm as well. Again, this could slow you down as well. I don't see anything to get in a twist over but someone else may. One other thing I found:, you are running DAP which, according to a lockergnome forum, "You are using DAP which is not technically malware, but it may include malware and allow it into your system. You can find safer alternatives here: http://www.spywareinfo.com/downloads.php?cat=dlman#dlman " heres the link to above quote: http://help.lockergnome.com/lofiversion/index.php/t23620.html Anyone else have more information on this log I've missed (spyware, virus, speed related)?
  3. Go to this topic. I downloaded it here earlier. https://testmy.net/forum/t-5456
  4. Just as long as you DON'T select any of the entries listed THEN click "fix" you'll be ok. Just click on the "SCAN Only" button, Copy and paste your results in a post here.
  5. I would predict july 5th, at, oh say, 9:00pm.
  6. Could be, but many of the ones I've come acrossed reduce the resolution of images and such on the page, thus "thinning" it out making it "faster".
  7. Ditto....
  8. Does it do it also just browsing the 'net? If not, it could be your connection is getting dropped off while gaming, causing the blue screen. What game(s) are they?
  9. cak46


    After booting from the cd, does it run ok? Have you been able to run AntiVirus scans and Adware scans? Need more information before we can help!
  10. Could you also run the attached program, hijackthis and post the results? Some spyware, viruses, etc. can be difficult, it. just reinstalls itself on reboot.
  11. Go to nortons site. There could still be remnants of the old install remaining in the registry. They have special software they developed to get rid of their software. Kinda ironic....... Here is a link to remove AV2003 information. Edit: Depending on which version you have, there should be one there for it. http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2001092114452606
  12. If you unplug it, make sure to hold the power button for a coupla seconds to power down the mobo.
  13. Have a great Memorial Day Mikedallos and all of testmy! Ahhh, a day off, what a beautiful thing..........
  14. Welcome top the forum, steyr223 Try removing the cordless mouse and keyboard from the device manager if you are trying to use ps2 Keyboard and Mouse then reboot. If you can get into safemode, scan for virus and spyware. Besides dropping the keyboard, and the front wodow issue, have you added or updated software or hardware recently?
  15. Yeah, you're right. Lilxsnow has some cleaning to do...........
  16. If you get it, I'd be interested in knowing what it is.....
  17. Have your downloaded and run the software FallowEarth suggested? Also, What operating system are you running XP, 2000, etc.? What game is it that this happens with?
  18. Is ca3le still working on the download test? Just got this error..... Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/testmyn/public_html/main.php on line 399 when clicking on the download test button....
  19. Could be wrong about being a bug, but I'd disable it and see what happens.....
  20. Yeah, that was my thought... but usually it shows up somewhere...... unless its a random file name generated by a bug........
  21. Check the home page of your ISP. Some give 'em to you free.....
  22. Thanks If you could, recommend testmy.net to others looking for speed testing or having questions of one sort or other....
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