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Everything posted by cak46

  1. Read the whole thing. She got a year free, from what I remember. Lets say at 30 bucks an hour for her time, that would be what, about 15 hours to meet the value of a years service (give or take, at 37.50 per month). Sounds to me like she spent more time on this than what the comcast year would be worth, along with the humiliation of the warrant service and the necessity of going to court, etc. etc. etc......... My times worth more that 450 or so bucks and a $50 gift certificate. Should have been much more, in my view, for what she had to go through. Maybe a lifetime subscription to the service would have satisfied me, but not a year.
  2. Have you done your scans in safe mode? Some viruses, spyware, etc. will block the spyware etc. program from finding the worm, etc. in normal mode.
  3. I buried myself in debt when I was about 23 and went thru Consumer Credit Counseling Service (beware of imitations) and got out of debt in around 2 yrs or so. They get your interest rates reduced or eliminated, based on what companies you had for credit cards. Chase (who now owns citi bank) was the worst and did not do anything to help. I was in for about 15,000 or so, if I remember correctly.
  4. You could try a few other spyware programs such as trojanhunter, blacklight http://www.f-secure.com/blacklight/, and/or ewido. Problem with only using a couple is that no one anti malware program finds everything. I wish there was one that did.........
  5. Thanks, Cholla. 'bout time. I think the last iteration was like march or april.
  6. chain it to your bumper and drag it around for a day or so. Make sure to use a good quality chain, though. Wouldn't want any one to steal it while you're at the 7-11!
  7. cak46

    Help again..

    Shut all internet related programs down (IE, IM's, etc.) then get to a command prompt and type netstat. This will list what ports are open. Write these down then start the game and then run netstat again and note the differences. The newly opened ports should be the one(s) related to the game. Also, check the website of the Game Sfotware Manufacturer. They may have it in a FAQ there.
  8. Why not build one? http://running_on_alcohol.tripod.com/id2.html (Only $30 bucks for plans)
  9. Congrats! Do you by any chance get another bachelor party as well?
  10. Funny but jeez.... corporate stupidity at it's finest! Should have at least tried to recoup her time for dealing with this.........
  11. cak46


    A sticky: If you look at the "Help with Other Stuff" page, the topic will stay at the top of the list. They use these as "primers" for threads. "Over but not over"...... sounds good......
  12. cak46


    You stuck in there 69 RAT ....... the kudos go to you....... I just wish we had found the answer. It is going to stick with me as well. I'm glad the new install is treating you well. Who knows, maybe tomorrow someone will find the answer.
  13. You're only as old as you feel.... right now I'm about a hundred and fifty! :haha:
  14. cak46

    Trojan Virus

    This is a good little program for finding/removing trojans: http://www.tucows.com/preview/195461
  15. Pushin' 40
  16. Exactly!
  17. I learned in hs chemistry that if you remove the two hydrogen molecules from the oxygen molecule, what you have left is a single oxygen molecule. Now, if you combine multiple oxygen molecules within the same space, they will, I assume, combine to form O2. Hence, stable oxygen. I could be wrong..... and have been known to be from time to time, but I think tanks of O2 cost about 20 bucks a pop.
  18. cak46


    Yeah, I suppose, but wiping the allocation tables/indexes would only leave room for a possible boot sector virus. Unlikely nowadays, but still a possibility. Not Sasser, though..... He could also be getting the virus back from the web prior to updating his xp install as well. I ran across NYB (a boot sector virus) about 2 weeks ago. Talk about a blast from the past.
  19. cak46


    Hottiecakes, try 69 Rats and Swimmers fixes. Most likely Sasser variant, but viruses generally don't come back unless you re-install with a program or file that you keep reloading after formatting and reinstall.
  20. Not sure anyone has suggested this but if you go to the disk manufacturers website you might find a bootable format and setup disk for your hard drive. With this, you could just boot from floppy and may be able to avoid the whole xp boot/format issue altogether. Also, if no one has suggested it, try partitioning and formatting the drive with your other machine (as ntfs) and then re-install into your gateway then do a strait install without formatting at all with your gateway. You could also try formatting the drive as fat32 instead of ntfs, just to see if it will format the whole drive. (If I'm being redundant, just flame me.... I deserve it..... ).
  21. cak46


    :haha: Bath Iron Works just had a layoff. Might want to contact the Maine Dept. of Labor. Ship builders though...... Activate each deactivated service, one by one, each time try opening the component services that cause the instant lsass error after starting the service. Xtra work...... Always a bummer to get home later....
  22. Never used that software so I can't help you with that but have you done the standard spyware, malware, virus scanning to see if you picked up a bug along the way? (www.lavasoft.com for Ad-Aware is a pretty good adware scanner, so is http://www.safer-networking.org/en/spybotsd/ for spybot search and destroy.)
  23. Which did you use and does it give you the option of undoing the changes made?
  24. cak46


    Welcome! Let's try this. Add back the authenticate users group to the administrators group and take the Authenticated users group out of the Users group (If that makes any sense.....) What this will do is give all authenticated users admin access to the machine. Figured out a quandry at work with this particular thing also.
  25. Ahh, your systray....... Have you added any new programs that start up when you boot and if so, did the problem start occurring at that point?
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