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Everything posted by organ_shifter

  1. Is the keyboard plugged into the PS/2 port, or are you going through usb? And is the keyboard a multimedia design? I'm asking because I can't use certain keys on my board unless I press the F-Lock button (which enables those keys).
  2. Different system, different components. Try disabling Norton Internet Security, rebooting, and then installing yahoo, installing msn messenger, or downloading something simple fron limewire (something safe). Norton could very well be the problem. If it starts back up after rebooting, just right click/disable it from the system tray before trying the apps again.
  3. What security programs are you using? (Firewalls, Anti-Virus, etc.) Are you running Windows XP, and is Service Pack 2 nstalled?
  4. For the price range you're looking for, dsl seems to be the best for you. Set up a service call, or consult with VanBuren for a custom .ccs file. You really should be getting better speeds.
  5. I know. Both of them look really good. Decisions...Decisions...
  6. Isn't COX HSI in VA? You might want to give them a try.
  7. Those speeds are sick! Can't wait for ATI's offering to become officila! [url=http://www.ati.com/technology/crossfire/index.html]CrossFire
  8. Can't you purchase additional ip addresses for a few bucks a piece?
  9. Will definitely need to know your motherboard. That'll get things rolling as we'll be able to find documents on the board. Visit the link that lorne provided and download the home version of Everest. Install and report what type of MB you have.
  10. My ISP's: Comcast Home
  11. Wow, It's plain to see that some people are not use to beta testing new products. Bugs are supposed to be a part of it. Kaspersky is the best AV on the market hands down. When a test is performed and specific viruses are thrown at an AV and it doesn't detect them, how can you feel safe? PC-Cillin 2005 took 17th place and that's very unacceptable.
  12. Oh yeah man. SWAT 4 is a killer. The graphics are beautiful, and the gameplay is sweet. It's very realistic like Raven Shield (30 bullets and a rocket launcher isn't needed to kill your opponent). It can also be modded, so expect plenty of maps soon. The mod community will have a blast with this one. Before the patch (version 1.0), hackers were heavily present. Now, with version 1.1, the game is enjoyable very much so. You be so impressed overall with the graphics & playability that you will find yourself or lots of others getting killed just to take in the scenery. Give it a try.
  13. C'mon man, you know that IE is runnin' shhhh!
  14. When I got the multiplayer demo back in May, it worked fine. The online play sucked bad though. I'm not talking about lag. It was one of the worst examples of a run/gun/tactical shooter I've seen in a long time. Terrible model animation & ragdoll effects (if any at all), half-ass weapons, ugly interface, etc. Forget about a solid online game with this one. Just a bunch of guys running around, jumping, and going crazy. I can't describe how bad it was.
  15. Forgot your NT admin password? Reinstall? Oh no... But not any more... This is a utility to (re)set the password of any user that has a valid (local) account on your NT system. You do not need to know the old password to set a new one. It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a floppydisk or CD. The bootdisk includes stuff to access NTFS and FAT/FAT32 partitions and scripts to glue the whole thing together. Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts! It is also an almost fully functional registry editor! Try here: Offline NT Password & Recovery Editor If that doesn't fit your situation, go here and search for something specific: Administrator and User Passwords in Windows XP
  16. Yeah Pit, all I've ever done during a fresh install is delete the existing partition, and then just choose to install on the unpartitioned space. I've never created a new partition afterwards. I have only used full format a few times as I always select the (Quick) option. In doing so, problems have never occured. Glad to hear that the HD's are working fine.
  17. Ohh...I wasn't aware...disregard.
  18. Not a problem. Very welcome. I hope that helps to solve the problem. If not, we'll keep trying.
  19. I've used a 50 foot cable before. My speeds were consistantly great. I wasn't on a splitter either. I don't know if you are, but that could cause problems in some instances. If you have a seperate wall jack, you should try running a shorter cable from there straight to the modem. You will receive better signals which, in turn, could increase your speed. Be sure that the cable you're using is at least RG6 certified. Some people use RG5, but too thin a cable will not be able to handle the high speed signal, resulting in slow speeds.
  20. Yep, that's the way the 32Bit version should look. Just click the modify button.
  21. All cable connections do that. You need to set your upload to around 75-80% of it's total ability. That's the sweet spot when downloading. Afterwards, you can max it out. I don't know anyone on cable that doesn't have that problem. Too much upload will result in slow downloads.
  22. How did it turn out?
  23. Welcome to TestMy.net shocker670. Enjoy your stay. Being that you're on RR, your download won't be an issue. Upload is what really counts when your playing Xbox Live or any online game. The better the upload, the better your experience in online games (as long as everyone can keep up). Always remember, online gaming will lag from time to time, but it shouldn't be an ongoing thing. What's more is that the connection to a server/host for gameplay is only as fast as what the slowest user is running. For instance, if User-A has 6000/768 and User-B has 3000/128, everyone's upload will only be as fast as what User-B can put out. One person on a server can bring the entire game to a sloppy lag-fest, and it doesnt't matter how much upload you have. If you are hosting with 6000/768, User-B can join your server and lag may become a problem being that his/her connection is not on par with everyone elses. While your connection is trying to send/receive data at its fastest, it will be crippled by the 128kbps upload of User-B. Lag will occur when his connection can't keep up.
  24. Everything loaded, but sitting idle after reboot.
  25. Welcome to the site dagan. Enjoy your stay. Have you tried tweaking? If not, you may be able to get closer to your cap.
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