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  1. lol read your user agreement really carefully!! Most ISP dont allow web servers. Plus what is the point of attempting to server a page on a 256k upload?
  2. Swimmer


    $7.95 per month... Not to bad After find the ip address of the server i tracert to it.... It looks like the server might be in texas.. But it hard to tell.
  3. Swimmer


    right that is what I thought... A few of my friends are lauching a site that is going to be hosted in Chicago!!! I tried to warn them... It has been down already once on the first day of "operation"... They were amazed by the 1500mb storage and 500 email accounts. We will see.
  4. It would make work more interesting and painful!
  5. Swimmer


    Very nice! I dont know but arent most of the backbones located in Texas? It seems that everyone and their brother has a server down there.
  6. No problem!! I love to see the "old", use that term loosly, Ti-4200! That was one of the best series of graphic cards ever made. Yeah an upgrade up to a cable line would be a good move.
  8. Dont give up on it yet! There is no reason that the card shouldnt be working. Try downloading the newest 7000 drivers and give it some more work. The only other thing that I could possibly think would prohibit the card from working would be if it is a true ati card or if it is just a manufacturer who uses ati's chips. If it is an actual ATI card try and download the normal drivers. Otherwise download the reference drivers. NOTE: I love Nvidia because of this! They make it so easy to get drivers for their card no matter who made it. The only thing that installing a new os is going to help is trashing all of that compaq S%$# that is installed for free at the compaq factory. Most of it just eats cpu cycles and doesnt do any thing of real value. I know that windows 2000 and Xp will find the intergrated card but you might have better luck on the install process. Like I said in one of the other posts I have had graphic cards in compaqs before even with the intergrated not disabled.
  9. if you are running a 512k modem it is time for an upgrade. Sadly 512k is considered slow nowadays... Most of the users are running well over 1.5mbs on theses forums. Umm...my guess is that you speed has been upgraded since you orginally got the service so you are not receiving all of the bandwidth that you could be getting.
  10. Swimmer

    T1 from work

    I am suprised about the T1 score. I believe that T1 is a symetrical media. Meaning that the upstream and downstream should be the same.... Is your work hosting a webserver off the same connection??
  11. I have had many compaqs before, mostly as mess around computers. The only way to disable the onboard video is through the bios, which compaq doesnt allow you to do, or via an onboard jumper. Compaq did have these in the early days and they have them on some of the agp compatable motherboards. My guess is that the integrated "graphics" card is less then 32mb. So you will most likely not beable to recover that lost memory. You can try messing with the memory assignments. If you are having problems with the install of the new Radeon 7000 pci, i am guessing, you probally have to install the drivers before you install the card physically into the system. It shouldnt matter that the onboard graphics are not disabled. Try reinstalling the ATI software with the card out of the computer. That may take care of your problems
  12. OK here we go.... The first review of the winchester 939 FX-53. The results are not suprising but wow this is one hell of a cpu! http://www.tomshardware.com/cpu/20040318/index.html
  13. FTP, File Transfer Protocol, allow you to upload files to the server without being at the server
  14. lorne send them to me I will put them on my server for the website. Then you can post pics. Or i will set you up with a ftp program so that you can do it yourself!
  15. Try changing the channel you run on. If you are on channel 6 then go down to either 1 or 11. You may be receiving to much interferience from other wireless networks or other devices. If you are running WEP try changing the codes. I had this exact problem on my dlink system. I changed over to channel 11 and then had a friend come and look to see who else had wireless networks around me. All of my neighbors did and they were all on channel 6. Which then explained why my connection was crap and it would always drop out.
  16. Welcome!!! You are receiving a fake on the link because most likely you are behind a firewall. I think that if you are on a proxy server you will also receive a Fake link also. CA3LE, the site admin, will be able to expain more.
  17. LoL yah no kidding!! that is more than just 2 cents
  18. yeah this spyware thing in out of control. It is like popup arnt enought.
  19. Ahh... yes thanks for pointing out the subject of the post!
  20. Ahh... yes thanks for pointing out the subject of the post!
  21. Ahh... yes thanks for pointing out the subject of the post!
  22. Swimmer

    ISP Reviews

    That would be awesome!!
  23. Swimmer

    ISP Reviews

    That would be awesome!!
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