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Everything posted by Swimmer

  1. The issues is not always the hardware. Depending on where you decide to co-located there can be fees like no other. If you server breaks, the co-location company is not going to touch it. There may be a fee to enter the data center on off hours. You are responsible for the hardware, security, and maintenance on your server. Unless you are going to put 5 or 6 racks in for a small business it is way easier to buy a dedicated server and most likely cheaper in the long run.
  2. I am a fan of Linksys equipment... However, the newer stuff that they are putting out is pure garbage, wrt54g2. If I were to buy one right now it would either be one of the dlink gaming routers or an old school Linksys WRT54g. I have been running ddwrt for quite some time now and all i can say is that it will blow any manufacturer's firmware out of the water. It is that good! The one place yiou might want to check would be a circuit city store near you. I was at one shortly after Thanksgiving and the networking area was still fairly well stocked, only like a 10% discount.
  3. Alright... a little update at to where this issue stands, for those who are interested. First the exchange server was missing an SMTP connector that would work correctly with the Internet. The easiest way to solve this issue was to use the Internet Mail Wizard.. This enabled the server to lookup up the domains via DNS and send them on their way. Next was the issue of the ISP. Inbound SMTP is allowed however outbound SMTP via port 25 is not. Therefore what we are going to try next is using the ISPs mail server as a relay host. I have done this in the past with Comcast.. however, I am not sure how cbtshare's ISP has their mail server configured... Meaning that they may or many not forward mail from any other domains through their servers.
  4. Not a problem.. glad it worked! I normally dont use Windows for website stuff.. So I learned something also.
  5. It wouldn't be your DNS issue.. Does the server resolve domain names?
  6. good.. you got php installed correctly.. php5 doesnt not include mysql support.. That should fix the issue. System32 is the best bet.. as it is already in the Windows PATH variable.
  7. can you run this for us: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  8. It is a relay issue.. Sorry I was pretty busy today. That could be a possibility however, you shouldn't need an ISP relay server to do this. The only thing that I can think that it would be is a DNS issue.
  9. Kaspersky had a little mishap today and logged google.com as a threat... I am still waiting for confirmation as to what other products are affected.. UPDATE: This issue is isolated to the original release of 2009 ( Here is the work around:
  10. Alright a few things... This is just about impossible to do, shutting down p2p apps. The reason being that most of the applications that are being used today use encryption. So any type of traffic recognition is not going to work. If the users are fairly dumb.. you might get them off which is about 10% maybe. Most of the bit torrent stuff is going to have encryption enabled to begin with. The most logical solution would be to install something like pfSense or m0n0wall. (most people know that I am a Smoothwall guy.. I will explain in a minute why I like these two products) The reason for this is to gain a hold of you network. Using the same network for both your business transactions and your guests is a really really really ( that is 3 reallys) bad idea. You really should segment the wireless and the business components to prevent any worms, viruses, etc from your network. Now the fun stuff.. I don't know if your users have to accept a User Agreement prior to using the network... The two products that I recommended will allow you to create a captive portal. Meaning that prior to giving them access to the Internet they will have to accept your terms. The other great thing is that if the users are using p2p you can queue their traffic, if it is identifiable. Kazaa and the other non bit torrent should be a little easier to block as they require a specific port to connect to the master servers. So I would start with looking into those two products... My guess would be that m0n0wall is going to be the way to go due to the captive portal and traffic shaping flexibility. If you have any more detail on your network that would also help. You are really not going to be able to do anything with a consumer router.
  11. Alright.. the MX record looks good.. Are you able to send and receive mail? Also is there a test account that we can send/receive mail from?
  12. Click the Download or Upload link at the top of the page?!?! http://www.testmy.net/speedtest/download_speedtest.php That will also take you there.
  13. You cant even right click... Personally I would go with the Mac.. There are a few reasons.. A) The build quality is going to be better.. Dont get me started.. If you are remotely interested in a machine that lasts longer than 2 years go with a business class laptop. You might pay a bit more and most likely wont get the bells and whistles like you would on a consumer laptop.. but they are built to last! The nice thing about Apple is that their consumer laptops are business class.. So you dont have to worry about that and you get some pretty nice hardware for the price. Dont have to deal with the crap ware, at least not yet. C) Vista.. next that is just IMO
  14. I would call bs.. there is not much "programming" of the router that needs to happen. Ask him what he is doing for you 1,500.. If you can find out I am sure that we can give it a shot to save you some money.
  15. No.. There is no performance increase.. The reason for teredo is to get an IPv6 tunnel through a non IPv6 aware NATed device... Since just about no one is offering IPv6 support at this time, if they are it is IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel. It is more or less a future feature so that when IPv6 is rolled out you can take advantage of it.
  16. I will throw my 2 cents in on this one i guess... I have Logitech z-2200s that I bought about 4 years ago... I was running them off my internal sound card for a while and I thought they sounded good. Then I got an Audigy 2 notebook sound card.. I could hear the difference. The bass hits harder and clearer and the overall sound quality is better. If you are going to make a move you are going to have to spend some cash.. the onboard stuff is pretty good these days so I would be looking to spend $80-100 on a decent sound card if you want any type of improvement.
  17. Double NAT is not a huge problem..might hurt the overall throughput of the network but that is about it.. It is more of a nightmare when you try to forward ports... His problem with all the solutions posted is going to be the IP address conflict occurs when he plugs in the linksys router. The main router will be issues a 192.168.1.x/24 address for the WAN IP.. With the Linksys also issuing the exact same IP address range there is going to be a conflict and nothing will happen. The best solution was already posted (kinda)... Disable DHCP on the Linksys.. Yes you will have to disconnect the Linksys from the other router. Once DHCP is disabled on the Linksys you should be able to connect one cable from the other router to a SWITCH PORT not the WAN port!!! Then connect the other devices to the other switch ports.. If you want to have access to the router then you might want to change it internal IP address from to something else. That way you can still have access to do firmware upgrades and what not. BTW this setup will also function as an Access Point/range extender. As long as you assign the same SSID on a different channel you should be set to go.
  18. I am not sure if this is still an issue.. I did some MX background searches... you do not have a MX record currently.. at least that I can see.
  19. I had an HP pavilion ze4130us (not sure if that is the exact model) But ndiswrapper worked well.. You can get a copy of the windows driver here: http://www.freewebs.com/ronserver/bcm43xx.tar.gz The rest of this is from memory.. I ran: ndiswrapper -i /path/to/driver.inf ndiswrapper -l (lists the loaded drivers) /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper At that point Network Manager should be able to see the wireless card.. otherwise reboot if down eth0 and see if ifconfig shows the wireless card.
  20. Yeah you could run a distro of Linux on it and turn it into a file server.. Maybe spend $50 on a new hard drive and you would have more than enough hardware to run a fairly decent file server. You would also be able to added the network drive to all of your PCs.
  21. Alright... I believe you are asking whether any configuration needs to be done manually for a Windows XP?!? client to connect to a Belkin wireless router.. The answer is no.. The Belkin router, assuming that all of the setting have not been changed, will take care of the configuration. You should just be able to connect to one of the LAN ports, ports 1-4 on the back of the router, and the computer and router should begin getting you all setup on the network.
  22. I dont know if it is fear so much as stubbornness... A little side note... I have an eeePC and have been running various versions of Linux for about the past 3-4 years for the most part.. My mom wanted a laptop that was small, portable, and able to do just the basic stuff.. I bought an eee right after the holiday season just because I thought it would be a sweet toy to mess with. Well it turned out that it was one of the best purchases that I have ever made and now my mom has one also.. The ironic thing is that she was really afraid to try Linux at first.. However, the way that Asus, the manufacture, has designed the default OS... She absolutely loves the eee and uses it all of the time. So I think it is more of a lack of exposure and a little bit of fear... Had I not purchased my eee for her to see.. I know that she never would have gone with it. Did I mention that she had never even heard/used Linux prior to using the eee.. She was even able to figure out how to store a 128bit WEP key all by herself. There is another post on the forums about Microsoft pushing the shelf life of XP to 2010 because currently Vista can not perform in the light weight market. No one expected for the eee PC to catch on or do as well as it has. I remember my freshman year of college, 4 years ago, I wanted a fully spec'd desktop replacement laptop to use. Now, I have lugged a Dell 8600 and my Dell Latitude D830, which I got though this forum, to class everyday. When I got the eee I left my Dell on the docking station and took the eee to class.. The thought that a person in IT would be carrying around a 900MHz Celeron based PC instead of a $2000 Core Duo is something that the hardware and software manufactures never saw coming... But guess who was in the right position... the Linux developers.
  23. Because it will be late 2010 before Windows 7 is ready.. By that time the code base of XP be close to 9 years old... 98 had a support life time of June 25th, 1998 to July 11, 2006. So XP is actually outlasting 98 which if you remember was a huge deal when MS ended support because not all of the companies had migrated to XP... I know in 2005 I had an internship where NT4.0 servers were still being used and Windows 2000 Pro was still the desktop OS. Microsoft is trying to extend the lightweight support because they know that Vista is not for the eeePC generation of devices and currently the only OS that is light enough to run on such a device is Linux. That being said, MS has publicly stated that Windows 7 will be modular so my guess is that there will be a light weight version to pickup where XP left off and then you can add modules to create a full fledged desktop OS.
  24. My guess, as I dont have Smartbro, would be that they proxy everything to prevent excessive bandwidth usage..
  25. :haha: :haha: Wow..
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