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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Well you said it works untill you hook it to the router right so it must be a networking issue. Two posts in two diffrent sections are not needed. You will get all the help you need with one post.
  2. Hell you didnt rile anybody. Moving stuff is my job here. Anyway that is the only idea I had sorry, I had directway a long time ago and hated it. hopefully someone else will be able to solve your problem.
  3. This forum is not for advertising. If the rev wants his own site he needs to make it like CA3LE did. Topic Locked.
  4. This topic has been moved to Networking and Hardware. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=3413.0[/iurl]
  5. I like my Linksys wireless g. Welcome to the site, if you like it tell your friends, it is a word of mouth site and is the best on the net in my fat opinion.
  6. I love testmy.net too.
  7. Hi and welcome to the site, hope you like it and tell your friends. Try unplugging your router and cable modem fro bout 30 minutes to get it to reset. The modem is probably what is giving you trouble. Try it, if it doesnt work post again.
  8. Welcome man, hope you like it here... hope your a lil crazy to that helps. You know since CA3LE (the site owner) is a transexual nazi eskimo.
  9. Ok put your questions about the forum here.
  10. Your mom rocks.
  11. Hey stank, I was at walmart the other day looking at dvds while the wife spent all my money and saw the IN Living Color first season DVD box set. It has your avatar on the back.
  12. You might need a plugin for bigboys. Maybe quicktime.
  13. :haha: That one actually made me laugh, the wife was looking at me funny.
  14. Well I dont have an answer but wanted to say welcome to the site, hope you like it. Van Buren is my daddy, hell be by shortly to fix your problem im sure. Welcome.
  15. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/crazydudedance.html :shock: :shock: then goes to work and does this??? http://www.big-boys.com/articles/weakknive.html
  16. I use system suite jet defrag, It does make a big diffrence and much better than the others I have tried.
  17. I would guess you will be able to. Van Buren is the resident bad ass at tweaks so he will be able to help alot when he shows up.
  18. Fill your sink with hot water breath the steam and then blow your nose. Im having a HARD time not moving this to the help section.
  19. Welcome to the site man, tell your friends. Im sure Van will be by to blow your mind with some tweaks. Im the "special ed" guy they keep on staff to stay in compliance with the whole governement thing so I cant help much. Try this though, it seems to help me better than cablenut. https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=65
  20. This topic has been moved to Show off your scores!. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=3334.0[/iurl]
  21. FIFA 98 is the best Soccer game ever. I loved to put my fastest player right in the middle, take the ball runm straight at the goal do a lil kick flip when the two moronic defenders converge in the middle and then shoot the goal. My score was usually 30-2. Anyway not trying to fight with you Distrubed. I like football and as a matter of fact I love ruGBy (to watch never played). Those are some crazy sum $*#&%. Oh one last thing... football rules. Besides I never said football was the most popular sport worldwide... so heres what you need to do. Take off your panties, get them outta that wad they are in and put them back on nice and easy. Be cool brotha, dont give yourself an anurism.
  22. Yea the super bowl is only televised in the US... But hey I know the ruGBy championships are EVERYWHERE. NO no no... wait a minute the Super Bowl is televised worldwide and has more viewers than anything else in the history of man. But im sure your right.... No no I meant im sure your wrong.
  23. Bill Gates needs an ass whompin.
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