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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I have had this happen to me at times with the past two updates of FF. I NEVER had trouble with it before, but after the last two updates it locks on me. Then I try to open another FF after closing all the windows and it says FF is running. So I hit the ol ctrl-alt-del and sure enough Firefox.exe is running. I have trouble killing it at times. I know this isnt the same problem per se, but probably linked.
  2. Yea I was gonna say clean install. Then update to sp2, then install drivers. That is odd. I have never had a prob like that. Hope someone has a good fix. What is happening with the printer scanner in the device manager page. What is it showing?
  3. You know what, I got that too. I thought it was some adware from another site.
  4. Nah werent snappy to me. Nothing on the internet is worth getting worked up over... Except that prono that went around of my wife a while back.. I didnt like that.
  5. Last time I did it I had no problem. It was a while back though. I did have some help but it did not cost me anything. Doesnt matter either way I wouldnt recommend it. Also I dont know if you have noticed we have a graphic now you can use in your sig to display your speed. If you are interested the link is at the bottom of the validation page of the speed test. Glad to have ya here.
  6. Thats odd man, never has happened to me.
  7. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16339.0[/iurl]
  8. Yea uncapping your modem is actually pretty easy. That makes it even easier. Anyway to answer your question the reason you are not getting speeds like Van Buren is multiple answer. First you are not truly uncapped you are just set high like xgsx said. The most important reason is the network you are on. Van is in Sweden and they likely have much better network. The ISP has more bandwidth to throw around. Here in the states unless you are FIOS (even then it would be hard to beat Van) even uncapped you are not gonna touch his speeds.
  9. Yea now that is a posibility. If that is it they should get busted soon now that they are looking into it.
  10. :hello: Hi and welcome to the forum. Glad you like the site. If you are advertised 6 down and you are getting what you posted you are getting boned. You need to tell them to fix it. You can try tweeking here http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013. You have got to tell your isp you are not getting what you are paying for. Keep us up to date on whats happening. You may have some bad wiring in your house, you could try a booster I suppose. They may have to replace some wiring in your wall. Good luck.
  11. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16331.0[/iurl]
  12. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16327.0[/iurl]
  13. Add about 248 agains at the end and you got it right.
  14. I really didnt want to know.. but I looked and thank GOD (i mean it, thank you Jesus) there are none in my neighborhood.
  15. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16297.0[/iurl]
  16. Can you post your test results links here for us? And dont mention it, thats what we do here. Everyone needs help sometime. Im getting off work so I am going to move this thread to the help area and Ill pick up trying to help you after I get home. You can check out this thread it MIGHT help. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013
  17. I see, could it be a upload issue? Have you checked your UL speed. I could look back and see if you had but I am at work and in and out. Anyway if you havent try that. Also maybe your ISP has you on a cap where if you DL so much in one day they throttle you WAY back. If you are using a router maybe try changing the ports you are using to some ungodly number. I dunno man just throwing ideas out there.
  18. :hello: Hello and welcome. Glad you signed up. As for your question... DAMN. It seems you have covered alot of the things I would have said. The only thing that pops into my mind is upload speed or maybe drivers. You have the latest DirectX? Damn man I dunno but I hope someone here does. Do you mean that your internet connection slows or the whole game (PC) just kinda bogs down?
  19. See there momma loves me and NONE of yall... Bastards. Get em momma. And yea Ill get you some pics soon. Yes I am, where the hell is it? You popped it didnt you. IT WAS YOU... MOTHER FU.... shouldve known.
  20. The only person that is nice to me. You guys should be ashamed of yourselfs. First my best friend s1 goes off and gives me fake pitty and laughs. Then everyone piles on and goes through the backdoor to prison gangbang me. Thanks momma I love you, and I mean real love not that fake stuff. Will you marry me. No sex I promise.... I dont even remember how to do it good. The rest of you should be ASHAMED... but I bet your not. Your laughing... you bastards.. I outta jump up outta here and whoop your MONKEY ASS. :cussing:
  21. Thats why you change the admin pass and options.
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