So you guys think the specs at plus the other stuff you get for $399 is a rip off? You might want to check and see what a PC would cost you with those specs. It's hardly a ripoff.
Go to and fill out the Potential Testers Nomination Survey. This is one of the official methods for getting involved in beta testing Microsoft products. It will take you a while to figure out where the survey is on the site. I don't want to tell you the specific location so that you will get familiar with the site. A Microsoft Passport ID is required.
I am now officially a Centurion. I turned 100 a couple of months back. When you see a G35 blow past you with an old wrinkled hand giving you the bird from the moonroof, you'll know who it was... :haha:
Which phone adaptor are you using? The Linksys RTP300? Have you confirmed the ports outlined at are open? Do you have another firewall between the phone adaptor and your cable/dsl modem?
You're going to have a DVD that boots and runs Windows Vista Beta 1 from the DVD (without installing anything to the hard drive) by the end of the weekend?