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Everything posted by KingCobra

  1. Maybe you've really got a 50meg connection and you're just under the cap.
  2. I'm going to sleep late and go buy the 360 on launch day somewhere.
  3. What is OneCare?
  4. http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=B020253C WTF is Gamestop thinking?
  5. Actually, they are physical. They are placing those processors on the same die.
  6. I plan to have both...
  7. How is Gentoo more advanced?
  8. What's the employee price for the 30/5 plans (dyn and static)??
  9. You give up yet?
  10. You don't have much to worry about.
  11. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;214579
  12. So you guys think the specs at http://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox360/factsheet.htm plus the other stuff you get for $399 is a rip off? You might want to check and see what a PC would cost you with those specs. It's hardly a ripoff.
  13. Go to http://beta.microsoft.com and fill out the Potential Testers Nomination Survey. This is one of the official methods for getting involved in beta testing Microsoft products. It will take you a while to figure out where the survey is on the site. I don't want to tell you the specific location so that you will get familiar with the site. A Microsoft Passport ID is required.
  14. Thanks for the post.
  15. Mine will be ported to Verizon VoiceWing in three days.
  16. I am now officially a Centurion. I turned 100 a couple of months back. When you see a G35 blow past you with an old wrinkled hand giving you the bird from the moonroof, you'll know who it was... :haha:
  17. where do you live? seems like robbery to me...
  18. I think I must be getting your check...
  19. the weekend is officially over... where's my DVD?
  20. i was asking frank...
  21. Which phone adaptor are you using? The Linksys RTP300? Have you confirmed the ports outlined at http://www.vonage.com/help.php?article=89&category=90&nav=3 are open? Do you have another firewall between the phone adaptor and your cable/dsl modem?
  22. You're going to have a DVD that boots and runs Windows Vista Beta 1 from the DVD (without installing anything to the hard drive) by the end of the weekend?
  23. good idea... about half the price too
  24. Call Verizon and report the problem.
  25. Dump the Gateway. You've confirmed it isn't the source media or target hard drives. Gateways are good for target practice.
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