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Everything posted by KingCobra

  1. I've been in school my entire life...
  2. Under the iTunes Preferences, go to the General tab and turn on "Group compiliations when browsing". The organizational method you selected on the Advanced tab is very normal (artist -> album -> track). Most products also create a folder for the compilation.
  3. So what's the final word on this? Are you getting 30/5 from the Verizon supplied router? Are you getting 30/5 from your other routers and network cards? Is the speed issue you reported only on wireless or what?
  4. Oh I'm sure some hacker will port Linux to it and start doing Pink Floyd shows on the internet...
  5. You might try using the certified router and confirming the connection is correct before you go making changes.
  6. That depends on what is installed (for either OS). Generic statements like that crack me up.
  7. Are you using the verizon supplied dlink router or not? wired or wireless?
  8. The final SKU's are not final until MSFT announces them. Ultimate is rumored to replace Media Center Edition. I'm betting there will be home, corp and media center editions. I don't know why the feature set in corp wouldn't work in a small biz network.
  9. The poll is useless. Verizon is not expanding 3g networks. They are investing in EVDO which they market as Verizon Wireless Broadband Access. See http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/mobileoptions/broadband/serviceoverview.jsp
  10. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,14307704
  11. For those of you that think Microsoft is evil, you might want to investigate what the employees have been doing to help the people of the region.
  12. Beam me up Scotty!!! :haha:
  13. See http://www.governor.state.tx.us/divisions/press/pressreleases/PressRelease.2005-09-07.1706 The network as you know it is abou to change.
  14. I saw it. I figured he'd take his girlfriend there and do the Vegas thing in person. Now that would be a present.
  15. Provisioning gods didn't like you. Eat your greens.
  16. Verizon is running FIOS promotions in New York and is offering the 30meg/5meg plan for just under $55.
  17. http://www.startrekexp.com/store/cart.php?m=product_list&c=305
  18. What speed is your Dads PC getting? If it is getting 15/2, then you know it's the wireless network, not the connection.
  19. We're going to need more information on how you are testing. Are you using the Verizon supplied router? wired? wireless? You get the idea.
  20. And I thought this was a bullshit post until I checked the verification link, isp, and their website. Jesus!!! I'm moving back to Houston, Texas. See http://www.waldenweb.com/
  21. the official version of the new Sony PSP firmware is at http://www.us.playstation.com/PSP.aspx?id=softwareupdate I updated my PSP. I like that it has a browser now, themes, backgrounds, etc.
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