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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Welcome to the site, IHateDialUp Read the two topics in my sig.
  2. Welcome to the site, penny81 Your modem is on the list of Comcast approved modems, so it should work. Is your modem connected via USB or ethernet. USB is not really made for intenet. Also reat the two topics in my sig.
  3. Uh oh, you cracked the code! Yes, Frank is Testmy.net's demonic bot guy, or something like that. lol
  4. Welcome to the site, bkd210 resopalrabotnick, is correct. With a router, you can have your own LAN with x number of computers, all connecting through one connection. Not to mention, it's cheaper than paying for a seperate IP for each computer.
  5. No way ~ slow way I needed the PCI slot for something else. I have it hidden away somewhere, along with a an old ISA (I had to look it up, since I forgot what it was called, lol) wireless NIC.
  6. :haha: Good one. I hate the man, but I love his english. Speaking of that, have you seen the "Real" State of The Union address?
  7. From the Spybot site: When updating, why do I get an error message that the "update is forbidden" / "bad checksum!!!"? Many users have reported that they are not able to download updates. The 'Search for updates' reveals updates, but they cannot be downloaded. Often a 'HTTP Error 403' or 'bad checksum' is displayed. This has a simple reason - millions of people trying to download from the same server, which can't handle such a burden. In combination with the growing size of the detection file this is becoming a serious problem. We are currently considering possibilities to improve the situation. This includes the search for additional servers and ways of more effective compression. At least one server will soon be added, others will follow hopefully. In order to overcome the problem for now, if you try again, have a second look at the menu bar. It has a pull-down item to select a mirror. Click the arrow beside it, and select a different location (try the ones locatest nearest to you first), where you'll most probably have better chances to download. http://www.safer-networking.org/en/faq/20.html
  8. Try blocking " http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/* "
  9. My current settings:
  10. RIGHT-click anywhere on the ad, and select "Ad-Block iframe". BTW at a * after .com/pagead/ to block all ads from http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/*
  11. Interesting pics.
  12. That is probably one of the reasons. M$ created, ActiveX. Another reason is the creators of FF and other browsers know how much of a problem ActiveX really is.
  13. That's because FF doesn't use ActiveX, which can install spyware without you even knowing.
  14. "e-argue" I like that. Your FF "hating" doesn't bother me too much. Us FF supporters are a tough bunch.
  15. Simpsons did it :!: The defualt start page that comes with FF does use Google.
  16. You should still leave Windows update on. Not all the updates are IE related.
  17. Welcome to the site, bluedragongb Edit: How much does it cost. That helps in determining if it's a good deal.
  18. Welcome to the site, ufjoe21 Did you reboot the modem after you got the e-mail. Sometimes you have to reboot to recieve the new config file.
  19. It's Comcast. I checked his IP.
  20. owned!
  21. 1. No such thing. 2. No, the Fox is busy eating IE. 3. You wish.
  22. :shock: OMG, that was something.
  23. I'm always helping my family and friends with their tech problems. I'm always the first one they come to. I don't mind, since I love computers so much.
  24. Problem fixed, at least for me. I switched back to the Comcast DNS servers. It turns out the two I was using (, are run by Level3.
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