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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by netmasta

  1. What is the make and model of your modem?
  2. Your upload looks good. Have a look at the topics in my sig.
  3. What type or account are you trying to run the games from? Administrator, limited account?
  4. Welcome to the site, REDJ What are your advertised speeds?
  5. Welcome to the site, bdougher What exactly do you mean by:
  6. Are you sure you're on the 'basic' plan? That upload looks the $10/mo extra package.
  7. These two topics are merged. Please do not create a new topic for each day and/or test. You can reply to a topic you already posted.
  8. <a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nq.php?im"><img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/ft/nq.php?val=5573" alt="I am nerdier than 24% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!"></a> Damn, it must be broken
  9. Welcome to the site, ilyas Read the 2 topics in my sig below.
  10. Ha! I bet you couldn't surf the web without a mouse. That's almost impossible these days.
  11. I know what you mean. I hate when I move (get) a new computer, and have to install all my programs again.
  12. Is it a wireless adaptor? If so you need a router, or you need to connect to your modem wired.
  13. Welcome to the site, kru-soldier. Those speeds look good for a 1.5Mb/1.5Mb
  14. I beleive you can delete Cablenut and the setting will stay. Why would you want to do that though?
  15. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=6492.0[/iurl]
  16. Welcome to the site, fsck3r. Nice speeds. Thanks for telling people about the site. What's your upload like?
  17. That is a cached result. Clear your cache and if you have any web accelerators running, turn them off. Then test again.
  18. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9109.0[/iurl]
  19. If I understand right, you use more than one address, possibly for spam protection? e.g.: One for trusted sites and friends.
  20. Right, but the results from which site? The Testmy.net speed looks good.
  21. Which site are you calling terrible?
  22. Intel Celeron 1.2GHz 256MB SDRAM 2X 40GB HDD's 1-5400RPM 1-7200RPM Intel 82810E Video 1MB shared RAM Nec Multisync FE700+ Flat screen CRT (Not the same as flat panel) @ 1152X864 16M 72Hz Creative Audigy Gamer 5.1 Surround with Creative T5400 5.1 speakers 122Watts RMS Hauppage WinTV GO PCI (TV card) Kensington PilotMouse Optical Wireless Epson Stylus 740 (Had it for over 5 years so far ) Windows XPSP2 Did I miss anything?
  23. Go to http://hjt.iamnotageek.com/ and paste your log there. That site can help you know what to remove. I'll help somewhat too. Also, some virus scanners and real time disk defragmenters can also slow down your computer. As I said above, post your HJT log on that site. It it very useful.
  24. Sort it by CPU usage (see pic) and see which process is using more cpu time.
  25. What process (.exe) seems to be using a lot of CPU usage. In the task manager click on the 'processes' tab and sort by 'CPU'.
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