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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Welcome to the site, syndrax If you haven't already, read the 2 topics in my sig.
  2. ROFL, he deserved that.
  3. The button varies with different manufacturers. It's most likely F1, F2, del or Esc.
  4. Welcome to the site, tyhoppy Read the 2 topics in my sig. What are your advertised speeds?
  5. The address shown on whatismyip.com is your external IP address, the one you use on the internet. The other one, most likely 192.168.n.n is your LAN address, which is used just inside your lan.
  6. I like to use FreshUI. They update it pretty often with new settings here and there.
  7. Not for me. I'm using XP HOME. I think it works on PRO only?
  8. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9300.0[/iurl]
  9. It seems like you have the wrong version of the cmd.exe file.MS KB # 245184
  10. 666 Error. Go the fuck away lol
  11. DON'T rename it. That's not a good idea. Just create a new Windows user name.
  12. I have my computer clock automatically sync with the internet server once in a while. That's one of the nice little things I noticed that came with XP.
  13. Lol, well I have done cam "things" a few times. Anywho, I keep it there when not in use since the USB cable isn't long enough to put it next to my monitor.
  14. For 384/384 those speeds look ok, but not great. You could probably get faster speeds by tweaking. Check out the links in my sig.
  15. If I could add one thing. You said the sound was built in(on board) , so you should check to make sure it's enabled in BIOS.
  16. My "other" room. I love the flash on this camera, the room was very dark.
  17. Welcome to the site, oy Read the 2 topics in my sig for some suggestions.
  18. What are your advertised speeds?
  19. I just clicked 'Auto Detect'. The time should show at the top of every page in your info box area.
  20. Note: I noticed the forum time does not change automatically. So if you are in an area where you changed your clocks back, don't forget to change it in your profile. See the pic for info.
  21. Claim: You can look up anyone's driver's license for free on the Internet. http://www.snopes.com/humor/iftrue/license.asp
  22. netmasta


    Yup, looks pretty good.
  23. This topic has been moved to Archives. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9282.0[/iurl]
  24. My name is Peter. It's also my Windows user name. That's why it's in the window.
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