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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. F**kin idiot. Why the hell would someone want to do something like that?
  2. You do. The Add/Remove just removes the links to IE in SP1 and SP2.
  3. Some people, my sister for example, like to have IM running all the time with a custom away message, so their friends always know what's up. Kind of like how some people keep their cell phones with them all the time. Hybernation mode and turning off your computer both save the same amount of power. The computer is not on at all. The difference is that hybernation saves your session to disc so you can quickly resume what you were doing without waiting for your computer to start up from a cold boot. Standby mode just puts your computer in a very low power mode, a few watts. When you move your mouse or press a key, it wakes up right away. I don't recommend standby mode. My computer doesn't always wake up from it. I personnaly love hybernation mode and use it every time that I'm going to be away from my computer for a while.
  4. My first computer was a Packard Bell Legend 520X, or something like that. Anyway.... 386SX processor 5 1/4" floppy 3.5" floppy 2MB RAM (I think) 175 MB HDD 2400 Baud modem with Prodigy NO, sound or CD-ROM.
  5. Mine takes less than a minute to come on from hybernation mode. From a complete start, it probably takes 60-90 secs, althougt I'm not sure, since I haven't timed it.
  6. My extentions:
  7. Oh, I see what you mean now. Some modems, not mine, tell you what you're capped at. That's what you mean, I'm guessing.
  8. Yea, but advertised speeds and capped speeds are the same thing. That's where I'm confused by your question. Me. Advertised: 6MB/384Kb Capped: 6MB/384Kb My speeds: usually around 6-6.3MB/ 360Kb
  9. I just tried it. It works for me.
  10. Yea, you mean what speed they capped the modem at?
  11. How did Bush get re-elected, or even Elected in the first place :
  12. Who are "they", and how do "they" know what's good for us?
  13. Just a note, MSN Messenger and Windows messenger are two different programs.Unless you're on a corprate type lan, you most likely do not need Windows Messenger.
  14. Try clearing your cache and deleting the cookies from Testmy.net. You must have cookies enabled, to stay logged in.
  15. Why do we drive on parkways, and park on driveways?
  16. That is awesome. Now why can't we have lights up all year?
  17. That's what everyone says, than BAM one day, that person looses all of their important files because they think it's a waste of time. You should back up at least all of the important files that you may need access to often.
  18. I have 2 40GB HDD's. One Seagate ST340180A 5400RPM and a Western Digital WDC-WD40B 7200RPM. With just about 19GB free space.
  19. Mine started as netmaster5k on Yahoo! in '98. I was going to pick netmaster2k, the 2k being 2000, but it was already taken. Then I shortened it to netmasta on this and other sites.
  20. The thing with Microsoft sites (zone.com, Windows Update, etc.) has nothing to do with industry standards. M$ sets it's own standards. Those sites don't work in other browsers because they use propertary technology like ActiveX. If another browser wanted to use ActiveX, they would probably have to pay some kind of fees. M$ doesn't like to share their technologr with others.
  21. I think there has been a WMP plug-in for FF for a while. Anyway, now only if M$ could make Windows Update available for FF.
  22. I use Firefox, so I hardly ever see pop-ups anymore. Yes, I'll admit a few get through, but that's less than 5%.
  23. netmasta


    If you're suppose to be on 10/1, then you aren't even close to your advertised speeds at all. Have ya ran the test at http://www.broadbandreports.com/tweaks yet?
  24. Welcome to the site, Siphon Read the links in my sig.
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