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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. I'm gonna wait for the hd-dvd blue-ray wars to end. I do not want to have to own two dvd players.
  2. GFI outlets are designed to protect you, not things plugged into it. I'm not sure if that's what you meant, which is why I replied.
  3. Nope, they're seperate companies. Except for AT&T Yahoo! internet, formally SBC Yahoo!
  4. 400LBS I wonder what you need to hang that on your wall?
  5. netmasta

    Nero 7 - Disk size

    The smaller the file size the lower the quality you'll get.
  6. You might want to re-install the video card drivers. Also make sure you're not in safe mode.
  7. Looks interesting. I have news.yahoo.com set to my homepage.
  8. lol, but does your ISP cover acts of nature? Not all do, I'm sure. So you could possibly have to pay for a fried modem.
  9. Ca3le posted a warning about going to advertising links on that board. Also, posts on that board do not show up on the homepage.
  10. Actually, it's the amps that hurt you. Most people can't feel a static shock below 2,000 Volts, without current that is. 30 something outlets, at least three in each room.
  11. Nothing higher then the 70's yet this year.
  12. http://www.comptia.org, the official A+ website.
  13. It sounds like to me that it's overheating. If a fan inside the case isn't working, try replacing it. That could solve your problem.
  14. 24, but hav been mistaken for as young as 16 before.
  15. Cool. Building your own computer is very fun. I just built my first one. Some pre-builts can be cheaper or more expensive, but the prices are basically the same. If you don't know much about computers, I don't know how much you know, then building your own computer can be a challenge. On the plus side, you will learn a lot of new things. One example is, your motherboard, CPU, and memory all have to be compatible. Like when I built my comp, I made the mistake of buying a processor that fit in to the motherboard, but it was "too new" for that motherboard revision. Luckily I was able to return it. Your options for add-in cards and drives will be more since most conform to industry-wide standards. Not that CPU's etc. don't. Anyway, We're here to help you along the way. I'd say $1500 would be pretty good for a computer.
  16. It sounds like it could be his connection settings. Is the router set out to automatically give his computer an IP address? If so, make sure his TCP/ip settings are set to automatically receive an IP address.
  17. I don't mind it much, since I love computers so much. I agree that people that know nothing about tcomputers think you can just do a couple of things and have it fixed in less than five minuters. What does bother me though, is that my friends/family are always downloading these freakin stupid toolbars and other junk, AOHELL included, that just clog up their computers. In my experiance, it's almost always the users fault. I wouldn't 100% blame them though, there's still a whole bunch of stuff I don't know.
  18. This is a scam, yes. But not all credit is a scam. There are lots of good reasons to have good credit.
  19. I meant to hit the preview button. Have you been getting that error alot in your modem logs?
  20. What do you mean by getting over advertised speeds? Your other messages point to not getting advertised speeds. Also, have you
  21. Run the test at http://www.broadbandreports.com/tweaks and post the results. Are you using a router? Also, what brand and model modem are you using?
  22. If you have the settings to high, then the life of the montior will probably1 be shortened somewhat. Some people probably have their refresh rate set to low. That can be a big source of headaches for CRT users. Brightness can sometimes be a problem too. I'd recommened using a freeware program or whatever software comes with your monitor to ajust the settings. I recently did it with my new computer, not new montior and what a difference. It's much better now.
  23. Welcome to the site, Asesino. Read the two topics in my sig, to see if they help any.
  24. Talking to ourselves, are we?
  25. I just downloadad it. I haven't really paied attention to the memory since I just built a new computer, which btw, has 1GB of RAM, so ya know. lol.
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