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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Dlink.com ( works fine for me.
  2. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9653.0[/iurl]
  3. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9635.0[/iurl]
  4. Tweaking/hacking your computer for performance and circumventing copy protection are two completely different things.
  5. Tweak, hack, same thing. Yes I did mean to say tweak, but the word didn't come to my mind at the time.
  6. Not all hacking is bad, despite what the media says. When you tweak your computer, you're hacking. Now if you are actually breaking into a computer to do something malicious or illegal, I'd call that cracking.
  7. Why isn't that post edited? I don't see anything that needs removing from it. Feel free to edit your memory settings all you want. I don't see anything wrong with that.
  8. I'm not completely sure, but that reg hack looks like it disables your paging/swap file. That isn't really a good idea, especially if you usually end up using more memory than you have installed. Having a very small paging file and a good amount of physical memory would help your computer work faster though.
  9. I like Springie better
  10. Meh
  11. Topic locked. We do not allow personal attacks here. If you have a problem with a user's post, then PM a mod or use the 'Report to moderator' button.
  12. My personal advice. Never buy extended warranty's, well for most things. Epecially computers. They're the biggest waste of money you can spend on a computer.
  13. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Tests. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9570.0[/iurl]
  14. My question is, is Sony breaking any laws by installing this rootkit, dare I say spyware, without you even knowing?
  15. I just got an upgrade e-mail today. The e-mail was more than 2 months late! I was so excited when I saw Comcast High-Speed Internet - now even faster, I thought there was yet another upgrade. Oh well. I've had the upgraded speeds for months now.
  16. Welcome to the site, bugmenot Nice speeds. What are your uploads like?
  17. Wait a sec... this is the same quiz as before, just a different pic.
  18. Welcome to the site, icebox Nice speeds.
  19. One thing that could help some people. XP home contains a build in user name, Administrator, with no password that can only be accessed via safe mode. You can reset user passwords through there. I'm not sure if XP Pro has the same user setup.
  20. I'll listen to almost anything, mostly pop and oldies. Just no country or hard rock.
  21. That's what I imagine it is too. Even with 3 monitors you couldn't see 200 cams at once, not to mention the required bandwidth.
  22. I kind of agree with Cal3e on the counter thing. It's so 1999, lol. Of corse if he wanted to, he could put a plain text link or image (no stats on it)to a page with stats like people do with some of those free counters. But, whatever.
  23. It is Comcast. When you see something like "average for host (121.23)", that is the last part of the IP address, not the first.
  24. Welcome to the site, unreal Also, read the two topics in my sig.
  25. I haven't used the paid version of ZA, but the free version seems to be very good. I've been usiung it for 3+ years with almost no problems.
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