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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Hmm, well in looking through the MS KB, you need either a 9x boot disk or even better an XP cd, since the problem happens before the OS loads. That's all I can tell you.
  2. Welcome to the site, Juancster Very nice. I'm guessing you're on the 8Mb/768Kb plan?
  3. netmasta

    Firefox Help

    Do you by any chance have a firewall running?
  4. Are you able to get a hold of a win9x/me boot disk? If not I think I have one that I can upload, that is if you even have a floppy drive.
  5. WTF are you talking about? If your asking how to break into someone's account, don't even try. we will not help.
  6. I belive GRUB is a boot loader, aka: OS selector. Do you have more than one OS installed? You may have to restore the MBR. I don't remember exactly how to do it in XP. If you have a win9x boot disk with fdisk on it, try fdisk /mbr
  7. netmasta


    Since your computer hangend and rebooted, that may have corrupted the file. You probably have to download it again.
  8. Welcome to the site, geekmaster Read the 2 topics in my sig below.
  9. Some routers also have a 10/100/Auto setting. You may want to check that too.
  10. If you play it in Windows Media Player, you should be able to slow it down.
  11. Did you delete your Cablenut settings before uninstalling it?
  12. Welcome to the site, Kiarian Read the 2 topics below in my sig.
  13. Interesting. It sounds like something you'd hear in a DDR game. Other than that, I have no idea.
  14. Are you gonna finnish that sentence? lol. Anyway, read Verizon's tos, they along with all consumer ISP's don't guarentee speeds or even 100% uptime either. If they did, a lot of people would be getting refunds on thier accounts, because they wouldn't be getting what their paying for.
  15. Yes you can. Right-click in the cmd window, select 'Mark', highlight the test and press enter. See: [tt]C:Documents and SettingsPeter>ping testmy.net Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=54ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=54ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=47 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 54ms, Maximum = 56ms, Average = 55ms C:Documents and SettingsPeter>[/tt] BTW, that's the typewriter tag [tt][/tt] I used.
  16. Where did you hear about those speeds? Comcast's standard speed is 6Mb/768Kb not 8Mb/879Kb.
  17. Me? No. Comcast has new TV commercials out, specifically showcasing how "Comastic" their video mail is.
  18. I doubt he did. A lot of people on the 8Mb plan seem to be getting way over advertised speeds.
  19. Welcome to the site, TheInfamousOne clear your cache and test again.
  20. Welcome to the site, chris79 Post an upload and download test result in a post. Also read the 2 topics in my sig below.
  21. Why don't you think it's possible to access your router's config page? BTW, some laptops have a button the outside that can turn off wireless access to that laptop. Make sure your connection is enabled, e.g.: not "greyed" out. A NIC is a network card.
  22. The weather can affect your dBmV. Since the wire is made out of metal (vs. Fiber), the heat and cold will affect the expansion of the physical wire. My modem is current at 49 dBmV, but I don't really see any problems.
  23. Hmm.. I don't see it in the add/remove components section. Min is located in "C:Program FilesWindows NThypertrm.exe" I am using XPSP2.
  24. Nice speeds.
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