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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. You might add except for Vista.I haven't tested this software but it will make settings in the Vista registry where it would for Windows XP & this will have no effect on Vista.
  2. starship_troopers ; Just wanted to know if the how to helped you put the .mp3s to CD -R disc? Or if that was what you wanted to do. On further checking settop DVD players will not play .mp3's from a DVD disc .They will play mp3s from a CD -R disc. This is due to the RIAA & MPAA.They would have stopped it on CD -R too but they were too late.
  3. Heres something to try .See if the takeown button will work on these.Can you Takeown these files? Or the files in the System Volume Information folder? C:WindowsSystem32LogFilesWMIRtBackup EtwRTDiagLog.etl EtwRTEventLog-Application.etl EtwRTEventlog-Security.etl EtwRTEventLog-System.etl EtwRTMsMpPsSession.etl Also on the video 3 it has your gmail address & what is probably your name. The flip 3D looked interesting but didn't get exactly how to do it.
  4. YouTubeDownloader available on the YouTube site will convert .flv to .mp3. http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/ Also Free YouTube to Ipod converter will do this http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/products/dvd/Free-YouTube-to-iPod-Converter.htm SUPER can also do this.The download is a little hard to find on the SUPER site I think on the 3rd or 4th page after you select download.It's been a while since I DLed it.It's worth the trouble. dBpowerAMP Music Converter will convert multiple audio files to .mp3. Make sure you create a different folder for the converted files or you will end up with a mix of file types in the original folder. Here is how I put multiple Album CD's converted to .mp3 to a CD -R disc.The reason for doing it to a CD -R is newer car CD disc players will play this when most don't play a DVD disc.This disc will play on a settop DVD player that supports .mp3. If you still want to burn to DVD disc they would hold a lot more .mp3 folders.& would play on a computer & some settop DVD players. Some of the information would only apply to converted album CD's.I don't think there are tags for converted .flv for instance.
  5. Thanks Coknuck I was using Everest but I like the way PC Wizard 2008 looked.So I got it.
  6. Go here Control PanelSystem and MaintenanceWindows UpdateChange settings select Never if you don't want to be bothered or one of the other settings depending on what you want. dlewis23 covered a lot of it I have Vista & agree with him. I could go into how to disable the UAC as well as possible & the TAKEOWN & icacls /grant so you can control most of the files. But you can get into trouble if you do it wrong.I still had 5 files I have never been able to access even after that.Two of those I shred regularly with a linux boot disc.That at least temporarily zero's them. The SVI folder was like that but I found a way to get it to stay zero also. All this helped but Vista is still slow.
  7. You might check this out: http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=20201.0;highlight=netsh+int+tcp+show+global Specially : netsh int tcp show global & netsh int tcp set global ?
  8. I don't like the HD space even a fresh install of Vista requires I don't care if I have plenty of space it's my space not Microsofts'.On my hd this is around 11GB for Vista. Next I don't like having to reactivat Vista just because I do something Vista doesn't like.For example when I did a system wide TAKEOWN & icacls /grant . Heres a long reason. http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.html#cpu
  9. Then here's a .pdf of the web page. I hate the any term of royalty & find them offensive as an American.Whether done in JEST or serious.This implies a person is superior just by birth.Here's an example:A person who claims to be royal says "Because I am royal I am 6/5's human;because you are white you are 5/5's human;because you are black you are 4/5's human".The claim to be royal is a form of racism.As Americans we should take George Washington's lead he refused to be made king of America.Showing his distain for royalty. So call me a braying jackass but not drama queen.I find that far less offensive.
  10. After 80 calls from AlTel & I did start by selecting #3 for wrong number on their automated call I considered it harassment.It was the kind of automated call that never got to a real person.If I had been the person whose name was given in the call I think I would have been connected to a real person.Because after several calls I thought whats the difference I will just press # 1 the selection for I am this person.It then asked for her zip code since I had no idea what that was that was as far as I got with the automated call. So I took the time to make reports.If more people did maybe some fines would be levied on companies. That is what will make the list work. mudmanc4 for me the list did stop most telemarketing calls.Sorry it worked the opposite for you.There are few exemptions & small company is not one of them.Charities & polititions are the main 2.Then companies you have a established business relationship with. I've always wanted to tell them there will be a $4.99 charge for calling my number just like a 900 number does.Afterall they are using a phoneline I pay for to do their business not mine. btw I don't have any bill collecters calling me at least not over any debts I have.I guess that's why I resent calls from them about a strangers debts. No drama queening done by me or queening of any kind.
  11. Coknuck's quote & link were about the same as the one I posted .For some reason it only works when copy & pasted into Google. That's hard to do with an automated call.If a number is on the Do Not Call registry you shouldn't get the call in the first place.You should not have to tell the telemarketer you are on the list their system should already have the list & not allow calls.So any call that is not covered under the exemptions is a vioation & should result in a fine.Here's the problem at least for me :When I made the report no action was taken.I waited 2 weeks to see if the report would stop the calls before I took care of it myself.Needless to say reporting it didn't stop the calls. I will say overall the telemarketing industry does obey the list & I get few telemarketing calls. In my case just because a company thinks it has a business relationship with a certain number doesn't make it a fact.& should never be an automated call.I wouldn't have a complaint if a real person had called to verify that the number was correct & belonged to the person that gave it to them.This was not the case with AlTel I found them rude.btw this was their bill collections department & this type of department is known for being rude.
  12. The FCC would seem to disagree. http://www.fcc.gov/cGB/consumerfacts/truthaboutcellphones.html But the links for making complaints :Good Luck I recently had AlTel calling me with an automated call to my home phone. They were trying to contact a customer of their's but it was a wrong number.I didn't know this customer.I have no business with Altel so they had no right to call me since I'm on both the National Do Not Call registry & the Texas No call List. When I had about 25 of these calls each time selecting # 3 which said if this is a wrong number push #3.This did no good.I then called AlTel the first time but refused to give any information about my self I thought that was none of their business.I gave then the name of the customer they were trying to call.That wasn't enough they couldn't even find this customer in their database.That was the lie they told me.Anyway I refused to give them more so they said that was all they could do.So I reported them to the national & state do not call links.Nothing happened. The second call to Altel I found out the #3 was just a disconnect & they didn't use it as wrong number information. So I felt like an idiot for pushing #3. After about another 50 calls I called Altel the third time finally giving my information.Only to be told I needed to call back in an hour to talk to a supervisor.Again having to repeat the information .After being asked if I wasn't the customer they were calling was I another customer.No to both.This did stop the calling. I asked what about all my time since I wasn't an AlTel customer .They had the attitude it was my problem & I should be grateful for them stopping the calls.I told them I reported them to the DNC lists.They seemed to have the Oh Well attitude like they knew nothing would be done in the way of fines. I will tell you one thing I will use a couple of cans & a string before I ever become an AlTel customer.
  13. I missed 2 .The number of Presidents assassinated while in office.I could remember 3 but I wasn't sure McKinley was in office yet. Then the how many Presidents were impeached.I wasn't sure if Clinton was actually impeached but I guess technically he was. I like the New school prayer Coknuck.Rings true to me.
  14. I think this is it
  15. I don't expect it to be. I actually don't know if Mexico has any social problems or not. The solution has always been for the poor to rise up against the rich.Whenthat happens it sometimes runs alright for a while.Unfortunately the leaders of these revolutions get a taste for the money & power & soon become like the ones the overthrew.The cycle begins again. Take the USA for example the government which is really controlled by the rich now & maybe always.It's just the rich of the American Revolution had higher ideals.Now they keep enough money flowing to the Average to lower income citizen they are not ready to give it all up & revolt.The same reason for welfare it keeps the poor not ready to attack the money supply.Or did you think it was because the politicians most rich themselves & definitely representing the rich really cared?
  16. I don't feel I have an equal tie to them.If it was up to me oil from the Middle East would be being pumped by the USA as our oil.Due to their part in 911 with the guiltiest being a so called Ally Saudi Arabia. But we import the largest amount from Canada.We are fixing to let Cuba farm out oil drilling off "it's" coast which is also off Florida's coast without the USA drilling any .Some stupid treaty we made with Cuba.I think we should honor this treaty like we did so many of the ones made with Native Americans meaning say screw Cuba.Limit their waters to 12 miles & claim the res for the USA.If we tapped this oil field correctly we could stop importing from the Middle East. That still doesn't stop the too much energy we use.Only less population & development of alternate sources like wind will do that. Here are some links & a pie chart. http://newtechspy.com/articles06/oildiscovery.html http://havanajournal.com/business/entry/who-will-drill-for-oil-off-florida-the-us-or-cuba/ http://www.peak-oil-news.info/oil-discovery-cuba-coast/
  17. It's been posted before but paypal never sends email like this. Even if you receive a legitimate email from paypal you NEVER use the link in the email. Access your paypal; account through Ebay, a favorites link,or the url of a link you have saved somewhere that you can copy &paste.
  18. That completely convinces me Congress has gone insane.The people need to march on Washington DC & give Congress a necktie party.Then elect a new one. Maybe that would make them our representatives again. Twenty-four hour "citizenship" for illegals & the city of Washington DC has banned hand guns for citizens.Excluding law enforcement,military,secret service,etc.Wonder why they need them?I guess us regular citizens are just not equal to these "special"citizens & the one they protect.Now to top it off they are taking their anti-handgun law to the Supreme Court in an attempt to spread it across the nation.Guess the don't want us shooting any illegals.
  19. I hope you know the slumlord was a joke.
  20. tdawnaz ;That may be the way your Indian friend feels about it.Does your friend speak in his/her native language? Were this persons ancestors sent to one of the boarding schools & taught to be white? That may be the reason for her opinion. Maybe the Native Americans I have been around are more sensitive to this.Most are proud of their tribe.Especially a Cherokee woman I know shes a registered card carrying Cherokee who gets a check from her tribe every month. But some research does show it preferred both ways so I guess it depends the Native American or Indian you are talking to. For honky there seem to be several definitions.It.s considered derogatory anyway. mudmanc4; Believe it or not I would like to be able to not be as politically correct.It just seems to be a necessity in this time.The point I was making was all Americans should be called just that.Americans & nothing else added.A person trying to be elected President should set that example.Obama doesn't/btw I didn't even know there was a problem with his middle name.I don't even know what it is. tommie gorman; Of course a slum lord like you can walk into a black bar in KCMO they all know you.
  21. I don't use either .I think you are incorrect about the Nigeria origin for "nigger".I think it was first from the Spanish word negro for the color black.You have a higher tolerance for being called names than some do.If you don't believe that go into a 'black" bar & holler "nigger" a couple of times.Then post about the experience if you can. For me I usually don't post the word "nigger" but do so here to discuss it.It's just one of the words I've decided to be politically correct about. My preference is for all of us United States citizens to be called Americans.Like the citizens of most other countries call themselves by only their countries name.Take Italy & Italians for example.
  22. The point I was making is African-American or African-any other country is not used internationally.Only in America.I believe Americans should be just that Americans.Since Obama describes himself as African-American I would not vote for him for that reason alone. Honky is a derogatory term & shouldn't be tolerated by a "white" person any more than the "N" word should be by a "black" person.Black people usually don't even like Negro & that's not the "N" word I was referring to. Honky comes from honking like a white goose.Meaning you make a lot of noise but don't have anything of importance to say. As for whitey well switch it & see haw a black person responds to "blacky".My bet is it would offend. I think I might change their mind.Native American is a term of respect showing this was once their ancestors land before it was taken from them.(They are Americans now so it still is their land they just have to share it with the rest of us Americans).It really isn't quite correct either but the best we have in English.Most have tribal names other than the ones the white people gave them.They just are difficult to pronounce.For someone that doesn't speak their native language.That unfortunately includes many of them. Indian came from Columbus because that is where he thought he was India.It implies Native Americans were not aboriginal to North America but came & took it.That made it OK for our white ancestors to take it from them since them since they didn't originally own it.Couple that with the Native American belief that no one could own the land. So Indian is just a name a conquered people accepted. For example as an American I wouldn't want someone calling me a Russian because that's what they thought I was & then keep doing it after they found out I wasn't. Since Native Americans aren't from India they should not be called Indians. They accepted a lot of changes when they were forcibly taken from their families;put into "boarding" schools & educated to be white. So I will use Native American & would only use Indian if I was told that was that individuals preference.Just like if they told me they preferred Kiowa or Comanche, Thats true enough I've seen "black" people as light complected as me maybe lighter.I've seen tanned "white" people that would make some "black" people look pale.
  23. How do you refer to a person being black if & when it is necessary? Like if you were describing a person that robbed you.Let's make it interesting & make him black & so is the police officer you are making the report to. Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1 No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. John McCain was born in Panama to two US citizens.Also it was on a US naval base where his father was a naval officer.This act makes him eligible in case you have heard otherwise. According to the Act of March 26, 1790, 1 Stat. 103, "the children of citizens of the United States, that may be borne beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens of the United States."
  24. I still don't want a president that calls himself an African-American like Obama does.I don't care if this has become a politically correct term but really only in the USA.I think citizens of other countries think of US citizens using it are ignorant every time they hear it whether the user is black or white. I want to ask Roco a question:If I was in the UK & speaking to a black citizen of the UK & called him an African-American how would he correct me?Since I'm certain that would not be correct. Now let's come back to North America is a black Canadian an African-Canadian or African-American since he is from North America? Now on to Africa.While there what do we call a citizen of South Africa?An African-South African?Wouldn't that be correct for the citizen of South Africa even if he was white?especially if he was a natural citizen. Try putting the African-any country to the country & see how ignorant it sounds.Then think how you never hear it used.Such as I'm African-French. So vote for an American for president not an African-American(as Obama describes himself). We don't need another president the rest of the world thinks is ignorant. Like nukular Bush. btw Spell Check highlighted every country-American word with no suggestion for the correct spelling or suggestion.Except for African-South African.
  25. Hey mudmanc4 I took the liberty of taking a few excerpts from the speach since it was so long.It sure isn't all denouncing. "And this helps explain, perhaps, my relationship with Reverend Wright. As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. He strengthened my faith, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children. Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect. He contains within him the contradictions - the good and the bad - of the community that he has served diligently for so many years. I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."
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