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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Blako At least in device manager everything but the USB has seperate IRQ's.You might checkto see if your Start /Programs/Accesories/System Toola/System Information/Hardware Resources check both Conflicts /Sharing & IRQ.Sharing is not necessarily bad if both items don't use the IRQ at the same time.I have never had an IRQ conflict but they are supposed to cause problems.
  2. I haven't recieved any .ps files but I can't open power point files.There might be a fix for word pad.I don't know it.I did fix wordpad in a 98 OS so it would open newer .doc files.That might be a placeto look anyway.
  3. Blako A couple of guesses .Maybe a bad vid card. How about an IRQ conflict?
  4. A song Red House is on the album & is a blues song but not R&B.Older style black blues with Hendrix own blues rock style.I also like his "Star Spangled Banner" on the Woodstock album & Angel although most identify it as a Rod Stewart song.
  5. He makes Bush look smart & that's not easy.
  6. This program says it will capture .swf.I didn't try it .It has a trial version. If you want to check it here's a link.If you try it let me know if it works. http://www.flashsaver.com-http.com/
  7. I thought about installing Daemon tools guess I'm glad I didn't.Thanks for the info.
  8. Here's the MS support solutions not specifically for Vista.Their basic we really don't know but try all this maybe it will work . http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316524
  9. tommie gorman I have a cleaner that inserts like a cartridge this cleans the contacts in the unit.I also keep my cartridges boxed when not being used so they stay cleaner.Sometimes you need to clean a specific cartridges contacts specially if your kids have filled it with PB&J
  10. I can't say how Norton would have done with Vista.It came prepackaged but I think I stopped it & did everything to uninstall it.So as far as I can tell it is completly out of my Vista.I had already read about how bad Norton is. I'm using AVG Free. I had a little trouble getting the email scanner to work but I have that working now. I'm using IE7 instead of FF. My Vista came with 1G RAM but I plan to go to 2G even though 1G is working alright. I haven't had the lockup problems you have. If you think it might be the screen saver you can set it for a longer time.in screen saver power settings.
  11. I still have two working NES consoles & no problems .I have never had any of the games stop working even Duck Hunt/Super Mario that came with the console.I have had one console stop working guess I wore it out.I have had to replace the controllers & need to again.I think when the adrenalin gets pumping I'm almost pushing the control buttons through the back.
  12. maddoghunter I thought you were just having a problem viewing the updates you have.I haven't had the error warning you get at update. I have UAC disabled. I have auto updating turned off. Those two might help even if you just do it temporarily.
  13. maddoghunter I'm one of the unfortunate Vista users as well but this might help.Go to Windows Update in the StartPrograms box ,click it, then select "View update history" then in that window select "Installed Updates".athis is a list of updates that are supposed to be installed .
  14. tommie gorman Since JKO has XP the paint in it might save as .jpg in 98 paint required a fix to do any save as but .bmp
  15. I haven't had the problem with IE7 but I did a long time ago with IE6,Like JKO's problem it just started all of the sudden when it had been working.Anyway I fixed it but I forgot exactly what I did.I did a fix for mspaint at the same time so it would save .jpg & .gif that might have also fixed IE6.
  16. Have you tried a direct connection not through the router?That either eliminates the router if there is no change or points to it if there is a change. For more detail on Vista settings check my post here http://www.testmy.net/t-20201.msg230035#msg230035 This one changed my receive window when checked with speedguide.net tcpip analyzer. netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=experimental With all respect to VanBuren & his work with Cablenut.It is a good program for XP on back but it just doesn't work with Vista.I have tried & it makes settings in the Vista registry but they have no effect.I wasn't able to see any harm from them but no benefit either.I would like to see Cablenut create a program that works with Vista. If what I have found is correct Vista handles the tcpip stack different than XP on back. So what little adjustment you can make is in the netsh int tcp set global commands.
  17. JKO Your welcome.Tell me if installing the files from the Win XP CD works.Here is something you can do to store your images as someting other than .bmp.Use an image software.A free one is IfranView .Just open the .bmp from it's toolbar files pulldown,Then use its save or save as function also in the files pulldown,Store the .jpg or whatever format option you choose with IfranView it has several.Then delete the .bmp. That doesn't fix IE but lets you store the images in a lot less space. Of course a .bmp DLs slower but with a fast connection thats not much problem.
  18. JKO that's about all I have or found on this.I'm sure the problem is with IE6 & most of what I found indicated it was a problem with the way it caches images.They are supposed to cache in the TIF folder then go to where you store them.I think that's why most of the fixes point to the TIF. When I googled it their are a lot of IE's with this problem. Their were some problems if you have AOL & their photo compression method. The only other thing I can think to try is disable your virtual memory & reboot.This will clear your paging file.Then enable it again & reboot windows will create a new paging file.
  19. JKO heres some more I found on this problem. Try turning off you firewall & go to a trusted site .Right click See if you can save picture as something other than .bmp.Just incase a firewall setting was changed in the reinstall. Try this to make sure all TIF have been deleted. In XP you can't see the content.IE5 folder, but it is there, you have to manually type it into the address bar. You do this by accesing your Temporary Internet files. Then adding content.IE5 to the address there.Delete any files you find.Windows won't let you delete the index.dat files you can try but you will get the file in use warning. Then this if necessary: 1. Start Internet Explorer. 2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. 3. On the General tab, click Settings under Temporary Internet files. 4. Click Move Folder. 5. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, select a new location for the folder, and then click OK. 6. Click OK to close the Settings dialog box. 7. When you receive the following warning message, click Yes: Windows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files. Do you want to continue? (All other changes have been saved.) Windows automatically logs you off of the computer. 8. Log back on to the computer. After the reboot I would put it back where it was & reboot again. I don't know if the file association registry fixes at the site below work or are good .I found the looking for a solution use them at your own risk. http://www.dougknox.com/xp/file_assoc.htm Or here slightly different . http://www.geocities.com/one_human/advanced.html#JPG_GIF_fix
  20. Try these one at a time & test.May require reboot for some of them. 1. Start Internet Explorer (if it is not already started). 2. Empty the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder. To do so: a. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. b. Click the General tab. c. Under Temporary Internet files, click Delete Files. d. When you are prompted to delete all temporary Internet files, click OK. E,Also try setting the Temporary Internet files cache smaller. If that doesn't help check your settings here: Start/Run/Regedit HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.jpg For Content Type, it should read "image/jpeg". HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.jpeg For content Type, it should read: image/jpeg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.gif For Content Type is should read "image/gif" 3.To work around the problem, click Tools, click Internet Options, click the Advanced tab, click to clear the Do not save encrypted pages to disk check box, click View, and then click Refresh. The Do not save encrypted pages to disk check box is under the Security section. 4.In the Downloaded Program Files folder on your hard disk, remove the files that are listed as either Unknown or Damaged. To do so: a. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. b. Click the General tab. c. Under Temporary Internet files, click Settings. d. Click View Objects. The list of program files that are downloaded to the SystemRootDownloaded Program Files folder on your hard disk appears in the Downloaded Program Files window. e. In the Status column, note the files that are listed as either Unknown or Damaged. Remove these files. To do so, right-click the file, and then click Remove. f. When you are prompted to confirm the removal, click Yes. g. Close the Downloaded Program Files window, and then click OK two times. 5. Save an image in Internet Explorer to test and determine if the issue is resolved. If the issue continues to occur after you remove all downloaded program files that are listed as Unknown or Damaged, try removing the other downloaded program files that are on the list. Note: The next time that you need one of the files that you removed from the Downloaded Program Files folder, you will receive a prompt to download the file to your hard disk in Internet Explorer. Before trying this I would DL a new IE6 & save it for the new install. Windows XP and Windows XP SP1: Edit the registry and install Internet Explorer 6 When you try to reinstall the same version of Internet Explorer, you may receive the following error message: Setup has detected a newer version of Internet Explorer already installed on this system. Setup cannot continue. To avoid this error message and reinstall the same version of Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, follow these steps: 1. While you are logged on as an administrator, click Start, and then click Run. 2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK. 3. Locate the appropriate registry subkey, right-click the IsInstalled (REG_DWORD) value, and then click Modify. To reinstall only the Internet Explorer 6 browser component on Windows XP, use the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} To reinstall only Outlook Express 6 on Windows XP, use the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} 4. Change the value data from 1 to 0, and then click OK. 5. Quit Registry Editor, and then install Internet Explorer 6. 6. To reinstall Windows XP updates, visit the following Microsoft Windows Update Web site: http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/) By default, Internet Explorer 6 is preinstalled in all versions of Windows XP and cannot be removed. To provide computer manufacturers more flexibility in configuring desktop versions of Windows XP, Microsoft has made it possible for OEMs, administrators, and users to remove user access to Internet Explorer while leaving the Internet Explorer code intact and fully functional to make sure the functionality of programs and operating system functions that rely on it. For example, Windows XP supports an "IEAccess=off" switch in the Unattend.txt file, and Internet Explorer has been added to the Add/Remove Windows Components section of the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel. This does not reinstall Internet Explorer.
  21. With IE6 I had to make some changes to get it to save other than a .bmp.I'm not sure but if that's the browser you are having problems with I can see if I still have something on it. I have Vista now with IE7 it automatically saves the image as what it is so if it's a .jpg that's what it is saved as of the same if it's a .gif then it is saved as a .gif.It does give the option to save as a .bmp also.So what browser are you using?
  22. Try Any DVD & Clone DVD 2 by Slysoft.& you might try this sightfor info: http://club.cdfreaks.com/
  23. This is a topic I posted.It has some information.I wish I could find some more too. http://www.testmy.net/t-20201.msg230035#msg230035 Try this one "netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=experimental"
  24. I found this video looking for some information I thought some might find it interesting.I think it is from the mid to late 80's.So that accounts for the poor qualityI'm putting in a link . http://netilium.org/~mad/dctf/dctf-1.wmv this maybe should be in the games or off topic but I will leave that up to the mods.
  25. I used Easy Cleaner a long while back.I would be careful with the Duplicates option & only use it if you know what your doing. fr0stbound just DL a fresh copy of ccleaner & try it.Your copy may have gotten corrupted
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