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Everything posted by xs1

  1. @TCas125 "My MTU is set to 1500, turned off QoS, hardwired to router. Router is separate device than modem. DNS is set to Latency test: https://testmy.net/latency?gID=pxappqtqpv" I see what your ping plotter is saying, but what's up with the latency results?? Other than to google and amazon, your latency is outrageous just about every where else! I almost wonder if you have a bum splitter somewhere causing all your irrationalities. Here's a latency test i just took.. https://testmy.net/latency?gID=oziuorfhyt
  2. lmao... 50 & 100 meg results on satellite? Someones got an accelerator running. ?
  3. First of all, HOW THE F**K did you find that?? ??? i swear to do GOD i searched for like a good... 30 minutes.. trying to use the forum search.. tried the exact title, tried variations of the title, took out words, added words.... NOTHING! I was trying to find that EXACT thread and the search brought up random dumb shit... Like wtf? it doesn't work for me?! see??
  4. jesus thats fast ? i wanna be there... What an absolute oasis... https://www.google.com/maps/place/Isle+of+Wight/@50.6938479,-1.304734,3a,78.6y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1shttp:%2F%2Ft0.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn:ANd9GcQUcOmP2DfEcwsNSmGwJjNwsoW3adxiGD-TId4giIXdfKfd0S_n!2e7!3e27!6s%2F%2Flh3.googleusercontent.com%2Fproxy%2Fo6xXRJRbhxRzsWWNpOLUyTcm7FX3aO5xDq8Nebxaf4yFULs_o5yrTKaqTDhIazSexFsmP6tkvQS-h06IXHC8Xj2qhxnsA8YSj3UWrq2s5HiKiIYbJr2INZBeh_7b3w5SZk_DbuxVtZ0_pZCOV89a3V7rvHnzvLE%3Dw129-h86-k-no!7i1080!8i720!4m15!1m7!3m6!1s0x48748787e55a5639:0x7439ce5142be7c51!2sIsle+of+Wight!3b1!8m2!3d50.6938479!4d-1.304734!3m6!1s0x48748787e55a5639:0x7439ce5142be7c51!8m2!3d50.6938479!4d-1.304734!14m1!1BCgIgAQ
  5. Resurrecting one of the best threads evar...... ? Here's my desktops. Pretty plain now a days, but gets the job done.
  6. Funny Story - I had T-mobile for years and years and years. Absolutely loved them. Back in the day if you went over your minutes or date, you just called them and they were eager to help. They would back date your service with a click of a button and get you out of hot water lickity split! I still to this day remember calling them and they were like " looks like you've been a customer for a long time! Let me take care of that for you! it was great. Than in 2009 i moved to Iowa and had to switch to Verizon, which was fine. 2 years later i moved back to Florida. I immediately went to a t-mobile store to switch back to my beloved service. I paid $400 to Verizon to cancel my service contract, an at that time, grandfathered plan at that. walked directly across the street to t-mobile to re-start my service, especially since they were claiming to have the fastest 4G speeds anywhere. The phone cost me just under $300 for whatever the best phone they offered at the time. After i left i almost immediately noticed, the speeds were dog shit slow, and the service was spotty. i went back across town to ask wtf is going on, and they guys at the store directed me to call the customer service number. They couldn't care less, that was there go to answer. Call customer service. I called customer service and asked wtf is goin on? They explained that in Sarasota, where i was located, the coverage was "ok at best".they were "working on expanding the towers in a few months". higher traffic areas like Tampa, Miami, etc see much better speeds. This doesn't do shit for me. i dont live in other cities... I explained to the customer service rep that that was unacceptable, and that they needed to figure it out, or get some kind of extending bill credit until they fix their coverage. They guy couldn't care less either. I told him i was a customer for over 11 yrs and that was not going to work, i would cancel my service with them. He LITERALLY said "Ok sounds good" and hung up. I walked back into the t-mobile and explained what happened they they just shrugged. $200 later, i canceled my phone service with t-mobile and NEVER.... will i go back again. $900 in 3 hours wasted. Went back to Verizon and started a "new customer service" and used my phone i had anyhow. Horrid, crap company now a days.
  7. I''m tellin you bro... Fruit. Cake. ?
  8. I couldn't agree more. Everything was booming than though. Even the different ISP forums were pretty good. The "show your desktops" threads were good. "post your pic" was good. "where you from". we had ALOt of good topics. I miss the days of activity lol.
  9. Literally everything after that is mindless dribble. I'll be honest here, buttercup... I've been watching your posts, enduring your delusional sewage & honestly i think your a fruitcake. Every time you repost these exposés that you call your life experiences, all i can think is what could have possibly happened in your real life to make you think anyone gives 2 shits about what you believe you are, or did? Almost word for word it gets reposted and reposted for the simple fact that you hope people will buy it. If your such an artifact and/or staple in the networking history, why are you on here crying about residential cable problems? Hell, if i had half the "experience" you claim to have i would imagine i would know some people that would and could resolve these "pitty me issues" . What i can factually tell you, that you ARE is a red flag here. I , on the other hand, have been here since the dawn of fucking time. When this place was booming, the real OG mfks like me moderated/administrated this place. Cholla , has been around just as long. So next time you want to call names, or feel like your big boy britches need to say something, how about sparing us all the wasted time & shutting the fuck up, chump. I'm sorry, i mean champ.? If you feel insulted, its probably true. IF you infact feel like your being bullied, than here's what i suggest. Get the fuck over it. have a nice day! Nick
  10. @CA3LE well this is odd.. i just tried to sign out of chrome and now i cant complete a test at all? edit: signed back in and alls good again. very odd
  11. @CA3LE this is real .... check this out.. maybe disable using IE for your tests?
  12. Sorry i was just doing some testing, they switched our area to Xpon and new ONT all kinds of changes. Was great for a couple days, now the upload is garbage... original problem was the download. Cant win with this company..
  13. My brain is literally melting trying to comprehend any of the novels this dude types out.. God only knows the amount of factors that may be going on.. Could be a virus? malware? mis-config? ancient equip? To have so may different results, so may different problems.. i highly doubt ANY ISP would waste time harassing or even giving a shit about 1 single person or their activities. Back when Verizon was my ISP before the terrible Frontier bought them, i was given 8 "fatal warnings" that i would be black listed for the amount of data & the data being shared if i didn't stop. I play nice for a while and go back to it. Off the radar. Its pretty far fetched that the ISP would be trying to make that kind of misery. @Kiwegapawa
  14. I eventually got a hold of a supervisor. He reluctantly admitted that with everyone on quarantine and at home streaming Netflix and whatnot, that my area is legitimately out of bandwidth. Once this is all over with, we;ll see if that's true. ?
  15. The upload is consistent. usually between 750-880. The download on the other hand can be as bad as 98 down, usually around 250. That's the issue. Same thing happened when we switched to 500/500. They over provision/overload their nodes typically, and that's a problem.
  16. still trying to work out the bugs, but if you have FIOS by Frontier, CALL THEM! ? STORY TIME: See, back in the day, when FIOS was owned by Verizon, the used to do periodic FREE speed upgrades for their customers. For example, when i signed up with FIOS (Verizon) i had the 25/5 package. After a bit, they upgraded their plans to symmetric. So we than got bumped to 25/25. A few years later, as FIOS became more popular, they upgraded us to 35/35 for free! No fuss , no muss. As time went on, there basic plan was 50/50. Again, upgraded at no charge! -> After some time, many a year later..... Verizon decided they wanted to focus more on their wireless infrastructure, & get out of 65%(+) of their home networking side of things. ( Wireless is far more lucrative than home internet on many, many levels) They decided to SELL their FIOS to Frontier. Frontier is...... garbage to say the least. I dreaded reading this, as well as the day it would come to fruition... The customer reviews even before they bought FIOS , were frightful to say the least. i was staggered by what was to come. -> Hardware? Garbage. Network routing? Garbage. Customer Service? Garbage. Its a complete s*** show. Log story short, after a couple of painful years & many, many issues with routers, speeds, billing, credits, tech call outs, etc. i finally received the 500/500 plan. I fought TOOTH & NAIL to get, because they kept telling me my area was not "provisioned to have such speeds". -> Being on vacation this week, & on lock down to boot, i decided out of sheer boredom to call Frontier up & find out how much the 1 gigabit plan would run us, additional a month, seeing as how iv'e had the 500/500 for some time now. Dumbfounded, i find out its only $10.00 more a month!!! FRONTIER wasn't planning on telling people this!? Why would they when they can provide ½ the speed & still charge you damn near the same amount for god knows how long. It used to be a $200 a month up-charge! So call! Find out! Don''t pay more if you don''t have to! On a side note, same day after being "upgraded" to the gigabit speeds, i have a "tier 2" service ticket in because the download speeds are quite erratic. I'm sure after 2 to 3 months, they''ll get this corrected too.. ?
  17. hmm im 13th, but my upload isn't accurate lol. ?
  18. Been a while since i posted a speed test. Very long story short, after 12+ years with Verizon/Frontier, i called them to find out what the best they could do for me on getting some more speed. , for the least amount of money. They tried some low ball offers at first ( i was currently on the 150/150 plan) it wasn't happening. I asked about their 500 plan, they said it would be an extra $200 a month! ? & my area doesn't qualify for that speed. I told them their out there GD mind. So they offered the 300/300 package for an extra $150 a month, and i politely declined. Told them there are other competitors offering Gigabit speeds for far FAR less than were paying monthly. Somehow she (the rep) was able to work some magic and somehow got the 500 plan approved, and only $50 more a month. After install i can see why they didn't offer it ? she was really struggling to pull anything more than 300/200. so after 3 weeks of fanagalin they finally for it right. Had to literally find a near empty node to stick me on. The following results are from MANY major ISP's, Google , and various speed tests,& locations. testMy hates me, it always has and always will. No logical explanation why, nor rhyme or reason. Single thread, multi thread doesn't matter. Since 2004 , just a hater. ?
  19. it was a defective card. Whats even better is there on back order so they just had to refund me instead of replacement.
  20. single vs multi-thread downloads. Steam content servers are multi. sourced.
  21. daammnn son look @ tmn 2001. whew.. memories..
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