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Everything posted by Biggles

  1. You got my respect , as all women have , maybe that's my best oneliner ever , I figure where would I be without then ? , I guess just hanging about in a sac hoping for parole ( wink)
  2. got to be the oneliner of 2011, ( shame on the guys ) as I have always said a woman needs a few. words , ,shame they can't remember that during PMT , only kidding , and trying to be grande macho ,
  3. is anyone still using firefox ?
  4. just to give this a wrap, I did the Raid 1 mirrored , maybe running Xp Pro wasn't the best O/S to use ,it needed additional raid drivers, via a floppy drive , But after 2 attempts I got there , did the 3 partitions on each of the 2 hard dives , loaded up Xp . it got mirrored on the 2nd drive ,at that point I thought yes . so I loaded up some dummy files . made a XP pro built in ASR , gave the automated system recovery try , it worked but it took hours and removed all partitions on both drives including files apart from the 1st on both drives . now back on 2 drives , with the o/s on "C" , with the right click "send to" to include the 2nd hard drive, and a better back up scheme in place.Including a external e-sata drive , and BTW , a stack writeable DVD's , the first in the uk came out at about $3.50 USD a disk , I just bought some Sony writeable DVD disks at $0.30 USD,
  5. Thanks for the info , I shall be removing my primary h/d , and installing the 2 new h/d's , and doing a clean install , so nothing to loose I guess apart from time , I will give it a try anyway later this week ,
  6. Hi guys , venturing into uncharted waters here , and Roco is getting out of his depth , and ask Biggles to find out the facts , Having just lost a 2 nd hard drive with 10 years of stored stuff ( all was not lost I had some on DVD's ) I have just purchased 2 identical Western H/Drives , sata 3 , I am thinking in running them in Raid 1 ( mirrored config ) been merrily googling away I now think I understand the process but I got 2 questions I ain't sure on , can both drives have partitions in raid 1, at the moment ,I got a "C" drive ( the O/s ) a "D" drive and a back up store on "E" all on the one hard disk , the second h/drive ( now defunct ) had partitions (3) for photo's , letters, and a partition encoded for bank stuff etc , I guess the question is, can I partition both drives , and run raid 1, what gets mirrored , all the partitions I make on each hard drive , or is it not possible to partition and use raid1, the second part is can I add another hard drive ( the third ) and keep it separate from the 2 raid disks I guess it's a weird way of setting up a home computer . , but heck it matches Roco's brain , if there is a easy way and a hard way ,Roco enjoys a challenge ,
  7. Biggles ? that came about through a sneeze induced typo , I missed the "G" , and hit the nearby "B",
  8. I understand Bro , I just work on a lower level , it takes me a day to reload Win with all the extras, and get the puter settled , ( I got an upgrade from win 95 to Me coming up for a "friend " that is still on 56K dial up,I do live a retro life at times , but give me a hemihead injected engine to sort ,and I am like a pig in sh*t, indeed each to their own, but nothing wrong in widening the mind , and the reason I post mainly in off topic. BB is totally different in the UK , with only 1 ADSL provider , all the other ISP's rent the line , apart from Virgin fibre , (limited availability ) and no sat worth looking at ,unless you are a Welsh sheep Hill farmer, ( look at the ass on that Ewe )
  9. Ooops total out of my Depth you are talking computer servers thats a black art to me. I was thinking UK servers/retaianers My parents had to let the last one go, he kept serving the Port from the right ,damm poor show indeed. heh heh , yeah ,I will close the door on the way out ,
  10. is it that complicated in America ,? just try a ping ? I am with Pipex, taken over by Tiscali taken over by Talk Talk ( carphone warehouse) but all the UK phone lines are owned by British Telecom , known first as Royal mail then GPO (general post office,(pots ) now OpenReach for ADSL BB ,and publicly owned ; the options are Virgin Cable if you have the fibre locally , I have at 100Mbps but I don't like the cost. I am due for FTTC this month @32Mbps ,it's the no extra cost upgrade , just in time for the 2012 London Olympics, I guess the UK government couldn't face the embarrassment of explaining to tourist's that 5Mbps is the best on offer in London UK,
  11. I read it trust me , but not saying I understood a word,but it's midnight UK ,
  12. I had my suspicions all along ....... ...... regards Biggles UK
  13. These things happen , anyway it's happened before , we are both independent folk,and I ain't no Saint , but what hurts most, he is a Sailor (retired RN ) I figure give it a few weeks , a quick flash of my silver wings (RAF retired ), It could end up as two old boys with pistols a dawn , he who shakes less wins Who says Love belongs to the young ? ,
  14. fully agree, Steve has done more than his time, he ain't well, time to smell the coffee aroma .he deserves it Apple UK is well over the top on price ,but we need the alternative, same for Gates without either we would be still licking stamps,
  15. Tommie Bro , you ain't keeping up to speed Murli who |? ,oh the one who has run away with a sailor wait to he finds out she gets seasick on the local boating lake, but then she wasn't to happy in a glider either , Result=My bet is RAF I , Navy 0. BTW your welcome Tdawnaz ,hell only 6teen at the time ? , beautiful pussy ,and hell makes me wish I was born in America .
  16. Hi an welcome , from Biggles UK ,our UK BB is crap also , personally I never underestimated girl power , they never started no war and sure type faster than me, BTW , yeah tommie I am a creep , I just know which side my bread is buttered,
  17. BTW , guess who ? I keep a zillion pics , on a second drive , one I am keeping coz
  18. last known pic of Roco , in a Korean church , it was this year , just before the annual hair cut ( preaching again ,I swear it will be his downfall BTW nice pic dimples , and a pic of my grandson and fiancée Kelly ,
  19. Chrome for me , BUT the latest version was all over the place . I am now back on build 13.0.782.112 with schedule and update hacked out, as I am a XP user I.E 9 ain't available ,
  20. Biggles aged 8 ( I still aint never got fully weaned , indeed bottle nien dank,) me (after throwing my bottle out the pram) ,
  21. P A T R I O T I S M, is nothing more than a myopic home town view , sure respect the past and it's leaders , I certainly do , they lead the way, and often paid the price ,but by their actions they didn't intend to hold us back , they just pointed the way forward ,IMHO Just my thoughts ,
  22. whatever antivirus/spyware /trojan seeker you are running it is only as good as the last update , sure I riun AVG /superantispyware, and do the firewall checks , but end of the day I need to know from the O/S view what is running , who is talking to who.? on XP I use Microsofts , http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx
  23. Pip, are you on Home Xp ?. well a clean install is a good way to go ,but 4hours , damm,I would have found a new hobby by then Xp home has the ability to make a full shadow back up, but it ain't installed by default . but if you have the disk , it is there , let me know of you need any "how to " I useXp pro it has ASR on by default ,I makes a shadow copy of "C" once a month , end of the day I have a clean install availible, at the worst a month out of date , within 20 mins , and yes it formats the hard drive during the ASR . so it's bye-bye to the evil F**kers en route , the way I see it , whatever antispam , trojan , malware virus is fully up to date , Nothing beats a good clean backup IMHO
  24. Biggles


    ,hey Roco maybe a bit simple but he is honest , Btw, Roco has been sent to bed early . without any supper or beer , and that hurts believe me , him , with respect Bro with your 11Billion ? posts , you are getting more than your fair share makes me feel like my excuse , another 100 or so and I could get the "Queens award for industry , whats yours ? BTW Julet if you log back in , you will have my undivided attention , as being a Brit I am kinda getting lonely on the forum ,
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