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  1. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19685.0[/iurl]
  2. In this case, the mhz difference should make the difference. Unless that new processor has had a few tweaks to the architecture, it'll be outpaced by the older CPU.
  3. You're basically buying it for the brandname, that's where quite a bit of your $$$ will be used for. The system can be built with the same components for much cheaper, but you'd have to be experienced enough to do it yourself. But for people who wish to have a really fast computer and aren't interested in building it themselves there are companies like Voodoo. Actually, I would recommend OverdrivePC over Voodoo, for overall build quality and support.
  4. RAID 0 is useful for video editing, because then you can use the increased speed. Games don't see nearly as much benefit and you'll need to have huge files to make use of it with office programs. RAID 0 with 2 harddrives will have twice the sound power level, but it's a 3 dB increase, so it's not as perceivable as RAID 0+1. For most people RAID is just a gimmick, not something they need to enhance their computer.
  5. First of all, RAID 0+1 generally means using four hard drives, but it's always an even number. Two for the original striped array, and two more for backup for example.That's a considerable increase in noise, while you're still at the disk capacity of one hard drive, and even close to twice the noise one hard disk creates. It's an increase of 9 dB, regardless of what hard drives are used, and a 10 dB increase counts as twice as loud for our ears (even though it's a factor 10 increase in noise power level, as it's a logarithmic scale). You'll notice the difference Second, it's complete overkill for most, you have to ask youself: Do I really need all that speed, and am I willing to pay the price for it as well? RAID 0 on its own makes it twice as likely that you lose the data on those harddisks, adding RAID 1 lowers the odds somewhat, but because of using four harddisks in total, it's still possible. So there is also a higher cost for maintaining the RAID set-up.
  6. Too much money, not enough brains, aka the MPAA.
  7. Subtleness always work best in situations like these.
  8. It's the easy way. That seems to be an uploading site and I can see why it's hard to do the crackdown on illigal files as admin, because there are so many files uploaded. So if you then get a letter, you remove the file and continue. As long as the admin doesn't get sued I don't see much of a problem.
  9. You'll want unitinfo.txt, it shows what you're folding, when it started, when that workunit is outdated and the progress.
  10. Nothing to woot for CA3LE, you need to get back to running folding!
  11. That's 504 not 502 you've been typing
  12. I don't mind that, as long as somone has a camera handy.
  13. One for resopalrabotnick and one for me?
  14. Well, it won't do anything for the speed tests, but they do seem to be very useful in the case when your own ISPs DNS servers go down. Or you can use them as your primary, whatever you think is best.
  15. That trick works best when the letters in the middle are also in the right spot. First time I read it I did have some issues reading it, but for some reason I memorized most of it.
  16. It's odd, I'm only running at 400 points per week. That should be at least 500.
  17. Yeah, his member number is smaller than mine... now that is old. Tomorrow will be the day I've been at testmy.net for three whole years.
  18. Good job. I fixed your link/image btw
  19. That's 36^9 possibilities: 101,559,956,668,416. You have muuuch better luck playing the lottery.
  20. IIRC, yes. 3 F@H consoles? That's overkill 40c isn't bad, but it really depends on your ambient. I'm running an aircooled x2 3800+ @ 2.7 Ghz and 1.5v, and it's currently 42c with 2 folding consoles. So I'm guessing you're using passive water cooling.
  21. There we go, back in action again with 600+ ppd. http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?s=&t=44352
  22. I hate these periods with long workunits with low points.
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